Week of Confrontation Over Electricity as Miqati, Bassil Clash

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The government faces the biggest test ever of bridging the gap among its different members this week after a dispute erupted over a draft law aimed at granting Energy Minister Jebran Bassil $1.2 billion to build plants to produce 700 Megawatts of electricity.

The cabinet meets at President Michel Suleiman’s summer residence in Beiteddine on Thursday amid threats by MP Michel Aoun’s Free Patriotic Movement to withdraw its ministers from the government over accusations that Premier Najib Miqati contributed to blocking the draft law proposed by Aoun in parliament.

Al-Liwaa daily quoted ministerial sources as saying Monday that Miqati held talks with Bassil over the weekend. The results of the meeting were described as “very negative.”

Miqati is insisting on finding a legal framework for spending the $1.2 billion fund that should be provided to Bassil from the state budget.

During the last cabinet session, Bassil allegedly insisted on the government to back his plan but he faced stiff opposition from several ministers for lack of clarity on how he would spend that huge amount of money.

Comments 10
Missing rudy 15 August 2011, 12:23

How surprising. There are already talks of pulling ministers and the government is one color. what a bunch of clowns M8 have always been.

So how does taking 1.2 billion with absolute freedom to use it by one minister fits into the change and reform plan. Is transparency ever mentionned or only anyone who opposes aoun does not have any rights while his people can just withdraw non-existing money from the government? why doesnt he use some of the money he took when he was "exiled"?

Default-user-icon may 7 (Guest) 15 August 2011, 13:37

The best policy would be to Get all the M8 Syrian Bootlickers to pay for their Devine Electricity.!!!!!!!

Default-user-icon may 7 (Guest) 15 August 2011, 13:41

The best policy would be to Get all the M8 Syrian Bootlickers to pay for their Devine Electricity.!!!!!!!

Thumb will_rogers 15 August 2011, 13:52

You and your Father-in-law, Aoun, and your STUPID FOLLOWERS, are The Main Enemies of Lebanon. Hizbustan LOVERS. Do you think that True Lebanese believe that YOU LIARS have their best interest at heart, OR YOUR OWN POCKETS. I tell you what mr. minister, MAKE your Best Buddies, Hizbustan, pay for the Electricity they have STOLEN since the 70's and still
until today, Then and only Then we will Consider giving you some $$$, maybe not all of the $1.2 Billion !!! Some of it, BUT Under Supervision.

Thumb kato 15 August 2011, 16:24

Seems to me that Bassil is very much like Assad. A situation is staring them in the face (Imbassil you aren't going to get your money unsupervised or at all and Assad you need to leave because your people hate and detest you-sorry that could be said for both idiots), and they act as if they don't see it or either they just don't care.

'Times are a changing' whether you both like it or not

Default-user-icon Pacifier (Guest) 15 August 2011, 19:02

It is not too late for FPM followers to wake up, you have been deceived all the way, first with your Memorandum of understanding, which was not explicit, that gave Hezbollah more legitimacy to do anything in other neighboorhoods ( Jbeil, Lassa, Bekaa, Batroun, West Beirut, Ain-el Rummaneh, even Faraya has been witness to their filth and mafia behavior. then the war with Israel and the divine victory of 13billion $ in one month + 2000 civilians + more than 600 fighters, then came along the warning about nahr el bared, then may 7th, then the position of Bassil as a minister who wasnt even elected by the people, and ost by a lot of votes, then the toppling of the governement with threats to Jumblat to change the balance of power, than now your leader the great general of deception wants 1.2 billion $ for electricity only without even an organised plan? you are bunch of dummies, your hate has blinded you and you cannot blame but yourself for continuing to support this traitor

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 15 August 2011, 20:50

March 14 losers would rather see Lebanon dark for political purposes. What do expect from a bunch of Saudi Arabian, corrupt, baboons? You losers are finished so quit your whining! One way ticket!

Default-user-icon amirmansour (Guest) 16 August 2011, 01:21

What is the meeting about
I thought that Instructions were already given to set up the tents ???

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 16 August 2011, 03:39

Iraq got 1100 watts for $800 million...and they're just as corrupt as the lebanese...

Missing rogeran 16 August 2011, 09:30

It's so sad to read all those comments... People are blinded by their political hatred they can't even see what is good for the country. They deserve to stay in the DARK...