Geagea: Assassinations Were Aimed at Creating a Major Political Change in Lebanon
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Lebanese Forces Samir Geagea stated on Thursday that the meetings at the Justice Palace demonstrate that former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri’s assassination is linked to the assassination attempts against former ministers Marwan Hamadeh and Elias Murr and ex-LBCI anchorwoman May Chidiac.
Meetings were held on Thursday between General Prosecutor Saeed Mirza and a Special Tribunal for Lebanon delegation with Murr, Hamadeh, and Chidiac.
Geagea said of the assassinations: “They were aimed at creating a major political change in Lebanon.”
“Arrogance can no longer help anyone,” he stressed.
On the electricity file in Lebanon and the electricity draft law that was not approved at parliament on Wednesday, he said: “The problem is that Energy Minister Jebran Bassil stated that he should be given USD 1.2 billion in order to increase production in Lebanon by 700 megawatts.”
“We all want to increase energy production, but there are certain principles that should be adopted in conducting work in the state,” remarked Geagea.
“If we want to increase the production to 700 megawatts, why should we do so outside state principles and without the supervision of the auditing authorities?” he wondered.
“We want to increase electricity production, but according to the norms,” he stressed.
“The other camp has been stating for years that funds are being spent outside the state budget, and now that they assumed power, they are attempting to do so themselves,” noted the LF leader.
Parliament failed to approve on Wednesday a draft law on electricity that was suggested by FPM leader MP Michel Aoun.
The draft law allows Bassil to receive $1,200,000,000 to implement a project on producing 700 Megawatts of electricity.
March 14-led opposition sources said on Wednesday that the draft law gives Bassil the freedom to use the amount of money without referring to the cabinet or without any monitoring by the Audit Bureau.
On the Antelias bombing that took place earlier on Thursday, Geagea said: “Investigations can be launched at a very advanced rate because the identities of those who planted the bomb are known and it exploded as they were placing it.”

What a pity ya MOWATEN, not sure if you can do the math either? certain you are far from being educated. We simply do not want to be in the dark ages anymore, you should ask Bassil's allies how did they let him down even, simply because they used the basic MATH of principal and norms, you can not escape from the math equation of LOGIC. "you know they teach LOGIC in MATH as well!)

The Lion King has spoken, and now all the low life hyenas are barking

The Doctor speaks the simple truth of the matter. While corruption is a way of life in Lebanon, unfortunately, why should anyone expect that Mr. Bassil is somehow immune from corruption? After his performance in this ministry under the Hariri Government wherein it is reported that his wife, the Generale's daughter skimmed and grabbed ministry funds and put them into her own accounts. That allegation has yet to be investigated and proven true or false.
Until it is, then it is quite foolish to trust this guy with $1.2 billion dollars to be spent without verification by the State Auditors. And I do find it most peculiar that Aoun would demand audits of everyone else except his own son in law. Aoun should be the first to require audits of himself and his family to show a good example to the others. Any person with good sense would do that.....
sorry, I forgot, Aoun has no sense.

Yekhzel3ain 3ala hal zaka2! What a genius is the Hakim who was able to dedutc that the Hariri assasination is linked to the attempts on Hamade, Murr & Chidiac!
Plato & Einstein must feel quite uneasy & jealous in their tombs!
Thanks heaven he didn't get his medicine diploma, at least he indirectly saved some lives and didn't add more victims to his credentials...
And to think that he still has followers who believe he can change things, the only explanation is that they're blindfolded!

Dr Geagea, has proved time and time again that he is a honorable And very brave.Dr Geagea can talk the talk and walk the walk,unlike the majority of Lebanon so called leaders I.e Aoun,Franjieh,Jumblatt and the rest of there corrupt cohorts.Dr geagea we salute you and we thank you keep up the good work.

He knows, doesn't he? After all, he assassinated another great Sunni PM, Rashid Karame. But the fart forgets, and that's why he keeps repeating the same stupidities.

Translated to English, Samir means Benny, and Geagea means Hill. How come Benny Hill was funny, though, while Samir Geagea is a lame and pathetic stand-up bore?

yes especially the ones in the north. just ask franiieh, you mass murderer

Geagea is listed one of the war criminals, his views are very radical just like the drug lords of south America and the terrorist o of radical Islam, like Hassouna Hezboshaitan. A real Lebanese, would give the money to Lebanese people to build a new wind and solar energy providing the country a stimulus package in support for technology.

ONLY war criminals are all you filthy Palestainins and Syrians!

Why do we always have to discuss people instead of political issues?
Regardless is i am pro or against Geagea.
He proposed the following: can there be govenment spending without monitoring and cabinet control ?
This is a general idea. can we discuss that ? is it good for the state if we adopt monitoring as a norm ? if so, why not ?
P.s: i might have a negative opinion of Rashid Karame, but that does not mean he deserved death. No one deserves to be blown up, let alone killed. And no one has the right to kill anyone in general. From Rashid Karame to Gebran tueini to Samer Hanna. we have to stop accepting killing.
I hope that we can someday talk about what is good for the country instead of if the general or the doctor is worse as a person.

Why do we always have to discuss people instead of political issues?
Regardless if i am pro or against Geagea.
He proposed the following: can there be govenment spending without monitoring and cabinet control ?
This is a general idea. can we discuss that ? is it good for the state if we adopt monitoring as a norm ? if so, why not adopt it?
P.s: i might have a negative opinion of Rashid Karame, but that does not mean he deserved death. No one deserves to be blown up, let alone killed. And no one has the right to kill anyone in general. From Rashid Karame to Gebran tueini to Samer Hanna. we have to stop accepting killing.
I hope that we can someday talk about what is good for the country instead of if the general or the doctor is worse as a person.