Al-Lino: It’s Time to Clear Camps from Groups Threatening Palestinians
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Fatah's Lebanon commander Mahmoud Issa, who goes by the know de guerre of al-Lino, said it was time to clear Ain el-Hilweh and other Palestinian camps from militants that threaten the Palestinian people.
In remarks to the Kuwaiti daily al-Qabas al-Lino denied there was any confrontation between Fatah and Hamas, saying the two movements are in agreement on consolidating stability inside the Ain el-Hilweh.
On Saturday, one person was killed and eight others wounded in the camp when armed clashes erupted between Fatah and Jund al-Sham gunmen.
The clashes erupted over the arrest of two Jund al-Sham members accused of planting a bomb in the camp targeting al-Lino.
One was identified as Mahmoud Abdel Qader Ghoutani. The other was Omar Abu Kharroub.

Bigdig, I thought the Sayed Nasrallah stated that the camps were a red line?

The Shiites have selective memory when it comes to facts......

Jund el shem members are lebanese sunnis (or should i say saudis?) who voted for mustaqbal and are allied and sponsered by mustaqbal. They are based in ain el helwi but its a lebanese (saudi) group. The plan was to turn the camp residents in to extremist sunnis who unofficially would be allied with the moderate sunnis (as the label would say) of mustaqbal. When that plan failed and certain people within mustaqbal noticed that the camps werent willing to be used in this dirty game they allowed their monster creations such as jund el shem and fat7 el islem to go wild (not always, but when the time needs it) and those who had to pay the price for this idiotic move by mustaqbal are the Palestinians in the camps and the Lebanese army.

@ Raouche' (Dahiyeh)lover
Wow..... you seem to have eaten something so bad to give your brain such an indigestion..... Mere fantasy but spoken like facts. That is how you supporters of Hizb Al Shabeeha all are.... Take some laxative maybe it will help ease the pressure on your brain, which i doubt you have any.....

I love how for each fact we have about a hundred conspiracies! The bottom line is this: we will never ever have a real state unless we solve the issue of all weapons not in the hands of the Lebanese army and the issue of the Palestinian camps. I don't expect these two issues will be resolved overnight or even in a year or 5 years, but every policy and every discussion should be centered around finding short and long time solutions for these issues.

I wonder if your name is Raouche lover or bull shit lover, Amazing how this future movement contain militia men; Fatah al Islam Jund Al Sham and many others, it is quite a shame that the future movement does not send complete battalions to participate in the march of the day of the resistance along with their thousands of brothers in the party of God. I forgot they can't because you have to be of the chosen people of Hezbollah to be able to do that. Drop the hall thing my friend, I have been there. The Ain El Heloueh camp has been for a long time a Bastion where all the weapons from syria destined to the south used to land. It is even there that the syrian intelligence nested the Fatah Al Islam a descendant of Fatah Al intifada and Jund al sham. Wake up my friend this is 2011; nobody can fool nobody