Oscars Ruined? CNN ‘Accidentally Reveals DiCaprio to Win Best Actor’

Has news channel CNN spoiled the surprise for Leonardo DiCaprio by revealing he will win the best actor award at next month’s Oscars?
An eagle-eyed viewer took a screen grab and posted it online when a report about the upcoming 86th Academy Awards showed the engraving for the award listing DiCaprio as the winner for his performance in The Wolf Of Wall Street.
However, fans seemed unsure about the validity of the story.
‘Seriously? I’m so jaded at this point I’m trying to see the viral stunt angle here. Or is someone just that stupid?’ asked @liahaberman, while Twitter user @erincandy asked ‘is this legit? This can’t be legit. They haven’t even voted yet.’
It is also known that all nominees have an award with their name engraved on it in order to have a personalized statuette on hand once the true winner is revealed – with the losers’ plaques being melted down after the event.
A spokesperson for CNN has been unavailable for comment in relation to the apparent gaff.
DiCaprio is nominated in the best actor category alongside Christian Bale, Bruce Dern, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Matthew McConaughey.
Speaking about his role as stockbroker, Jordan Belfort, in Wolf Of Wall Street Di Caprio said: ‘There’s a lot of disgusting behavior. … We wanted this to be a cautionary tale. It was a reaction to what happened in 2008.’
‘It was a giant Hieronymus Bosch painting. Martin Scorsese has never been a director who spoon-feeds the audience what the ramifications of what these actions are. He purposely didn't cut away to the victims,’ the 39-year-old added.
The awards are due to take place on March 2 in Los Angeles but a celebratory luncheon for the event was held in Beverley Hills on Monday.
Source: Metro.co.uk