Opposition Sources: Riyadh Informed Miqati that He is Not Welcome in Saudi

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Riyadh has informed Prime Minister Najib Miqati that he is not welcome in Saudi Arabia, revealed opposition sources to the daily Ad Diyar on Sunday.

They added that Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat was charged with relaying this message to the premier.

They stated that the Kingdom, which has supported Lebanon on numerous occasions on the political, economic, and financial levels, withdrew from the S-S equation that was aimed at helping Lebanon end its political crisis.

This was implied by Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal, they continued.

Meanwhile, Qatar is also “upset” because the Doha agreement, which it sponsored to end Lebanon’s dispute in 2008, was violated by Hizbullah and the March 8 camp.

“The sides that had previously lifted slogans of ‘Thank you, Qatar’ have started launching political and media campaigns against it,” said the sources.

“The time is therefore inappropriate for Miqati to go on tour of the Arab world,” they continued.

Furthermore, they sited the developments in Syria as being another hindrance to his mission.

“It appears that the Arab world is adopting a cautious approach with Lebanon until a clear image of Syria’s fate is reached,” they said.

“It’s impossible for Miqati to garner Arab support given the developments in Syria, the fact that he is heading a one-sided cabinet, and political campaigns launched against some Gulf states,” they added.

“Should he head on an Arab tour, the talks would be strictly part of protocol visits,” they stated.

Comments 16
Default-user-icon BlueSky (Guest) 24 July 2011, 12:36

Amazing..... now the Shiites hate Qatar!!! These people hate anyone who does not agree with them. Even their biggest supporter Qatar found out these people will not honor any accord. Neither Miqati nor Junblat are welcome in the Gulf..... these are 2 faced individuals who will do anything for their own personal benefit. Miqati the prime minister in "principle" will soon find out all the doors closed in his face.

Default-user-icon who cares (Guest) 24 July 2011, 13:32

who cares?

i dont

saudi arabia the land of penguins

..iran the land of stoning ppl to death

Thumb Marc 24 July 2011, 13:52

It seems that one colour government can never work in Lebanon. When you have wide representation of all people, you get more popular support among the population and have better relations with other nations.... Sadly, that is the way it is

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 24 July 2011, 14:49

This is an HONOR for PM Mikati not to be welcome in KSA , land of terrorism , hate , racism , fundamentalism , Salafies and Wahhabies .

This SAUDI ARABIA will not last for more than one year before it blows up and have a regime change to become a REPUBLIC and split in 3 countries .

The Al Saud family is also NOT WELCOME in Lebanon from now on .

Default-user-icon Jeita (Guest) 24 July 2011, 14:49

@bigdig or @smallair

If naharnet is a tabloid poison source, why is it u always here and comment on everything? Go to Manar, they also have a website. I am sure you will be within loved ones there.

Missing lubnan-awalan 24 July 2011, 16:02

As summer is so hot in Saudi I do recommend Mr. Mikati have his vacations in Iran were he will be extremely well welcomed by his allies ....

Default-user-icon may 7 (Guest) 24 July 2011, 16:04

please change your name to small brain,if you donot like
it here please go to iran, after paying all your outstanding electricity bills, you moron

Default-user-icon RealityOfLife (Guest) 24 July 2011, 18:32

Iran will have to rebuild the Bridges, Power Grids and Infrastructure now after HA attacks Israel when they get the signal from Iran. Just as they have been feeding the Faqih family, they will need a bigger budget for Lebanon now.
To Miqati companies and private business it's a sad news now...

Default-user-icon RealityOfLife (Guest) 24 July 2011, 18:35

@who cares: You got it the opposite way, Saudis stone people vs Iran support Zwaj el mout3a(Few wives for one man) :)

Default-user-icon Ali/Tyre (Guest) 24 July 2011, 19:07

bigdig, i find it sad that you compare yourself with a scumbag like le phenicien who is just as extreme, ignorant and racist as most of the type of people this website attract. You seem to be a smart person who understands politics and the middle east, its clear that you are led by love for justice and truth wheras le phenicien is only led by his hate for many diffirent ethnic groups as well as his hate for Muslims. He is a zionist according to his own words where he repeatedly has written that he wants israel to keep the land its stole and im not talking about the fake le phenicien who posts in his name but im talking about this one - the real one. Please dont compare yourself to this imbecille.

Default-user-icon MrBrain (Guest) 24 July 2011, 20:10

Monsieur le phenicien...Can you introduce yourself and tell us why you chose Le Phenicien as a name....
As per the article i have no comments since we don't have a reliable & valid source...

Missing hmorsel 24 July 2011, 20:43

Yeah but as far as HA and their government is concerned they dont care as long as Iran is happy with them. remeber everyone, there's nothing ARAB about HA, they are iranian first then Shiites then lebanese... as long as everyone remembers that, the picture is clearer.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 24 July 2011, 21:13

@ the so called Ali from Tyre ,

Your name is Ali , like mine is Mustafa !! you are from Tyre , like I am from Mars .. Your post shows that you are a racist , that you are a Salafi and a Wahhabi fundamentalist , an anti Christian when you say that I dont like Muslims ..

You dont accept aother opinions than yours , you dont respect aothers , you dont accept the difference in religions , you are definetely not ALI from TYRE but a Saadeddine from KSA or Tarik Jdidé .

Yes there is a big difference between us , read hsitory and you will find it habibé ...

If you are trying to convert Bigdig , dont lose your time , he doesn't eat from YOUR dirty bread .

Default-user-icon Tombolo (Guest) 24 July 2011, 22:08

The losers, and we all know them by now, live on and breed Fabrikantations. Just ask the embodiment of filth himself, Fabrikante Marwan Hamade.

Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) 24 July 2011, 22:21

Le phenicien and biddig:
You are either the same dirty person or two closely related ones. Unfortunately for you, two persons from the same sex cannot yet get married in Lebanon . You should may be consider to quit Lebanon and go to do it somewhere else. We will be very happy for you and shall not miss you

Default-user-icon Mike (Guest) 24 July 2011, 22:31

at least someone is taking a stand agaisnt Mikati, it isn't like anyone in Lebanon is doing anything about it.

also, i thought phenicien was talking about Iran in his first post, turns out he was talking about KSA. weird how people criticise other countries for being exactly like the countries they admire.