Nasrallah: Some Points of March 14 Tripoli Proclamation are Declaration of War

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Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah criticized on Friday the March 14 camp's accusations against some Shiites in Lebanon of seeking to eliminate other powers in Lebanon.

He warned: “Such a proclamation is a declaration of war.”

He made his remark in reference to Sunday's March 14 Tripoli Proclamation that accused some Sunnis, Shiites, and Christians of adopting extremist positions in Lebanon.

Nasrallah added: “We do not want to wage a war with the March 14 camp. We have no time for them as our battle lies with Israel.”

The Hizullah secretary general made his speech during the commemoration of the assassination of party official Hassan al-Laqqis.

He continued: “The other camp is accusing us of seeking to eliminate the other, but its remarks are the ones that seek such goals.”

“Their proclamation views us as takfiris and murderers,” he warned.

Moreover, Nasrallah interpreted the March 14 camp's refusal to return to the national dialogue table and its rejection of Hizbullah in a new government as attempts to eliminate the party and the March 8 camp.

He later noted however that the Tripoli Proclamation could be viewed as part of the March 14 camp's media campaign against Hizbullah.

Commenting on recent regional developments, he stressed: “Our resistance takes place at battle and not elsewhere. We are proud of martyrdom, whether in combating Israel or takfiris or whether they were victims of assassinations.”

“We tell those questioning the resistance, its members and supporters, that they have barely scratched the surface of what we are capable of,” he warned.

“I could easily make a speech and call for general mobilization, but the recent developments indicate that we have no need for it,” he added.

Addressing efforts to form a new government, he said: “There is no such thing as a neutral cabinet in Lebanon as there are no longer any neutral candidates.”

He also warned against the formation of a de facto government, saying: “We do not advise anyone to take such a step.”

He therefore suggested the formation of a national unity government, which will ensure Lebanon's salvation.

Commenting on the 2014 presidential election, the Hizbullah chief remarked: “We cannot emphasize enough the importance of having a new president on May 25, 2014.”

“It is unfortunate however that instead of working to reach an agreement, the political powers are beginning to accuse each other of seeking presidential vacuum,” he added.

“I don't think that any side wants vacuum and Hizbullah adamantly rejects it. A new president should be elected on time and we will exert all efforts to achieve this goal.,” he said.

“The political powers can demonstrate their sovereignty through electing a president without relying on foreign forces,” he stressed.

“We would be paving the way for a new phase in Lebanon if we succeed in electing a new president without foreign influence. Such a success would mark a new independence day for the country,” he declared.

Turning to recent security incidents against the army, Nasrallah stated that “no one should make light of them.”

“All will be lost if the army is lost. All will be lost if the army's credibility is destroyed,” he warned.

“We must protect and support the army because it is the last remaining state institution that enjoys the consensus of the rival powers,” he added.

In addition, the Hizbullah chief warned that some sides, who he refused to name, “have had enough of their failures and frustrations and they now want to lead Lebanon towards chaos.”

“Take out your frustrations against Hizbullah, but not the whole of Lebanon,” he commented.

“Lebanese leaders and the media should be wary of the new danger facing the country. We must all be patient and avoid getting dragged into plans to lead Lebanon to chaos,” he cautioned.

Addressing Laqqis' assassination earlier in December, Nasrallah renewed Hizbullah's accusation that Israel was behind the crime, vowing that the party will “punish” it for it.

"The killers will be punished sooner or later... Those who killed our brothers will not know safety anywhere in the world," he said in the televised tribute to Laqqis.

"We and the Israelis have accounts that need settling. There are old and new debts between us," said Nasrallah.

Israel has denied involvement in the assassination.

Laqqis' "blood has not been spilt in vain... The punishment will come whenever we decide it," Hizbullah's secretary general added.

"The Israelis think that Hizbullah is busy (with Syria's war) and with the situation in Lebanon... I tell them: 'You're making a mistake,'" he said.

Thousands of Hizbullah troops are fighting alongside President Bashar Assad's troops, in a bid to crush a massive insurgency.

Laqqis was assassinated in the parking of his apartment building on December 4 in the southern suburbs of Beirut, a stronghold of Hizbullah.

Nasrallah said the top leader was "one of the brains of Hizbullah," though he refused to reveal his position in the party, though he did say his role was linked to his "work as a jihadist."

"He worked to develop (Hizbullah's) capacity," said Nasrallah, adding he was "a brother and a friend."

The last time a top Hizbullah leader was assassinated was in 2008, when Imad Mughnieh was killed in a Damascus car bomb blast.

Mughnieh's killing was also blamed on Israel, Hizbullah's sworn enemy, which denied involvement.

  • 20 December 2013, 16:14

    Nasrallah: Lebanese leaders and the media should be wary of the new danger facing Lebanon. We must all be patient and avoid getting dragged into plans to lead Lebanon to chaos.

  • 20 December 2013, 16:12

    Nasrallah: Take out your frustrations against Hizbullah, but not the whole of Lebanon.

  • 20 December 2013, 16:12

    Nasrallah: It seems that some side have had enough of their failures and frustrations and they now want to lead the country towards chaos.

  • 20 December 2013, 16:10

    Nasrallah: We never once sought power in Lebanon, because we have sought the interests of the region.

  • 20 December 2013, 16:08

    Nasrallah: The dignity of the martyrs should be left alone.

  • 20 December 2013, 16:05

    Nasrallah: We will not change our position on Syria no matter how great the pressure, because we are waging a battle for survival for the whole region.

  • 20 December 2013, 16:04

    Nasrallah: Who truly believes that all problems will be solved once Hizbullah withdraws from Syria?

  • 20 December 2013, 16:03

    Nasrallah criticized how all problems in Lebanon are being linked to Hizbullah's involvement in Syria: These problems existed before the party became involved in the neighboring country.

  • 20 December 2013, 16:02

    Nasrallah: The battle in Syria isn't sectarian, but it is linked to the takfiri threat.

  • 20 December 2013, 16:01

    Nasrallah: The takfiris pose a threat to Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and all Sunnis.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:59

    Nasrallah: The takfiris are affiliated with Ayman al-Zawahiri.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:59

    Nasrallah: The takfiri threat in Syria does not only target minorities, but it targets all who differ from it.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:56

    Nasrallah on Syria: We have spoken enough about why Hizbullah is involved in Syria.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:56

    Nasrallah: Hizbullah adamantly rejects vacuum. A new president should be elected on time and we will exert all efforts to achieve this goal.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:55

    Nasrallah: We would be paving the way for a new phase in Lebanon if we succeed in electing a new president without foreign influence.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:54

    Nasrallah: The powers can demonstrate their sovereignty through electing a president without relying on foreign forces.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:53

    Nasrallah: Are the current powers capable of acting as sovereign entities?

  • 20 December 2013, 15:51

    Nasrallah: I don't think that any side wants vacuum.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:50

    Nasrallah: It is unfortunate however that instead of working to reach an agreement, the political powers are beginning to accuse each other of seeking presidential vacuum.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:50

    Nasrallah on presidential elections: We cannot emphasize enough the importance of having a new president on May 25, 2014.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:49

    Nasrallah: Lebanon's salvation lies in the formation of a national unity government.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:48

    Nasrallah: We warn against forming a de facto government.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:48

    Nasrallah: No room has been left for neutral members as none of them remain.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:47

    Nasrallah on government-formation efforts: There is no such thing as a neutral cabinet.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:46

    Nasrallah: Some sides demand that the army take decisive action in certain situations, but we all know that is a difficult request to fulfill.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:46

    Nasrallah: All will be lost if the army's credibility is destroyed. There will be nothing left in Lebanon without the army.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:45

    Nasrallah: Given the local and regional situation, I suggest that the army be protected regardless of any reservations.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:44

    Nasrallah: All will be lost if the army is lost. We should not doubt the army.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:43

    Nasrallah: We must protect and support the army because it is the last remaining state institution that enjoys the consensus of the rival powers.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:41

    Nasrallah: No one should make light of the recent attacks against the army.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:40

    Nasrallah: The other camp is saying that they can no longer coexist with us. There must be a will however for us to coexist and reach reconciliation. We must respect the people and their intelligence.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:39

    Nasrallah: We could interpret the declaration however as being part of the other camp's media campaign.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:38

    Nasrallah: We do not want to wage a war with the March 14 camp. We have no time for you as our battle lies with Israel.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:37

    Nasrallah: Such a proclamation is a declaration of war.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:37

    Nasrallah: The other camp is saying that it will never join us at a national dialogue table or cabinet. They are seeking to eliminate us.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:36

    Nasrallah: Such statements mean that they view us as takfiris and murderers.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:35

    Nasrallah: The March 14 camp's Tripoli Declaration spoke of rejecting some Shiite extremism, stemming from Iran.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:33

    Nasrallah on local developments: We have witnessed in recent weeks an escalation in rhetoric by the March 14 camp.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:31

    Nasrallah: The blood of the martyrs will not go to waste.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:30

    Nasrallah: The recent regional developments indicate that we have no need for general mobilization.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:29

    Nasrallah: We tell those questioning the resistance, its members and supporters, that they have barely scratched the surface of what we are capable of.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:28

    Nasrallah: Our resistance takes place at battle and not elsewhere. We are proud of martyrdom, whether in combating Israel or takfiris or whether they were victims of assassinations.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:26

    Nasrallah: Since taking the path of resistance, we have accepted the fact that martyrs will fall.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:25

    Nasrallah: Some Lebanese sides had been opposed to the resistance since its inception.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:23

    Nasrallah: These outlets are aware that they are lying, but this is part of the campaign they have been tasked to carry out.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:22

    Nasrallah: How can hundreds of Hizbullah fighters be killed on a daily basis in Syria? If such a rate were true, then the party would have been emptied of its members.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:21

    Nasrallah: The media is broadcasting a daily flow of lies aimed at tarnishing our image.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:21

    Nasrallah: We are not only paying the price through assassinations, but through a vicious media campaign that has cost billions of dollars.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:18

    Nasrallah: The assassination of Laqqis and others was aimed at targeting Hizbullah's ability to confront Israel.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:17

    Nasrallah: Some Hizbullah members, including Laqqis and Mughnieh, work day and night analyzing how to confront Israel.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:16

    Nasrallah: We are also paying the price for our constant support for the resistance against Israel.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:15

    Nasrallah: It is natural that those whom we defeated will continue to pursue us and seek to assassinate us.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:14

    Nasrallah: The 2006 victory defeated the neocons' plans for the region.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:13

    Nasrallah: Some sides want to forget these victories, but we will never let them go.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:12

    Nasrallah: The assassination is a sign of a phase we have been passing through for several years, which is that we are paying the price for our past victories against Israel.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:09

    Nasrallah: All evidence indicates that Israel is behind the assassination.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:08

    Nasrallah: Laqqis was one of the brilliant brains of the resistance. He was a leader who worked day and night for the resistance.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:07

    Nasrallah: Laqqis spent his youth at the resistance. He was hard worker and yearned for martyrdom.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:05

    Nasrallah: It is through martyrdom that we reach victory. We hope that the day will come when we can speak of their life and accomplishments.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:04

    Nasrallah: We sometimes cannot speak of the martyrs' accomplishments because the battle is still ongoing.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:03

    Nasrallah: Even after their martyrdom, we are still unable to divulge the details of their duties and life because their actions are such an integral part of the resistance. These types of members and martyrs have no life outside of the resistance.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:02

    Nasrallah: The nature of the duties of some party members makes their identity unknown to the public until their martyrdom.

  • 20 December 2013, 15:01

    Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during commemoration of Hassan Laqqis assassination: The first part of my speech will tackle his death and the second part will tackle local political developments.

Comments 60
Thumb cedre 20 December 2013, 15:11

I'll start the comments by cursing this iranian agent, might he be inshaAllah the next one to leave us, for all his crimes in Lebanon and Syria, 2olo Aminnnnnnnnnnnnnn...

Missing adzy187 20 December 2013, 15:30

Well said man

Thumb Mystic 20 December 2013, 15:40

Sayed Hassan <3 Love forever! Down with the Salafi down with the zionist down with saudi wahabism! Resistance to the death!

Thumb skeletor 20 December 2013, 15:44

No need for you to go through all this hassle. I am ready to receive you and him ASAP.

Thumb Maxx 21 December 2013, 11:52

Moustique: Oh, so you remember 2008? And that wasn't a "declaration of war" on behalf of the Iranian Occupation Forces? Resistance to the death alright; down with the occupiers of the Land of the Cedar!

Thumb _mowaten_ 21 December 2013, 15:38

"Over the past year, jihadi groups have begun playing a bigger role in Syria's war and openly calling for the killing of Shiites and Alawites because of their beliefs."
in the article you posted.

Thumb souk-el-gharb 20 December 2013, 19:25

Aminnnn ya Rab

Thumb geha 20 December 2013, 15:30

the liar in chief of hizbushaitan is speaking.

Thumb geha 20 December 2013, 16:19

Hassouna is really scared!
although still threatening and lying up and down, you could see how scared he is of the upcoming period.

Thumb bigsami 20 December 2013, 19:14

If you notice most everything about this beast relates to aggressiveness, confrontation and threats. Rarely do we hear anything that God forbids relates to the possibility of resolution through peaceful measures/means.

A group of regressed peasants to say the least!

Thumb lebanon_first 20 December 2013, 15:32

Ya hassan. Please stop using the word resistance. You are not a resistance. You are a MILITIA.

Thumb lebanon_first 20 December 2013, 15:57

The glorious LF of the 80s resisted the evil syrian occupation and stopped them in Douar and Bakish and Madfoun and Sodeco.

HA's role as resistance finished in 2000. Supporting Evil assadist forces in qalamoun and qsair is not resistance (unless they intend to adjoin qsair and qalamoun to lebanon)

Thumb lebanon_first 20 December 2013, 16:56

FT. I agree with what u said. However.

You answer the point that suits you. I tell you about HA's war in qsair make them a milicia and you answer about zahleh. You should be a politician...

Missing lebcan 21 December 2013, 07:10

FT your

Thumb _mowaten_ 21 December 2013, 15:41

lebcan: you're*

Missing adzy187 20 December 2013, 15:36

Now where's my walid Faraj cd

Missing applesandoranges 20 December 2013, 16:18

Nasrallah: "We would be paving the way for a new phase in Lebanon if we succeed in electing a new president without foreign influence."
...and he says that with a straight face.

Default-user-icon mustapha o. ghalayini (Guest) 20 December 2013, 16:27

we have time hassoun,go on,by the way, mr faqih and mr wahhab are brothers not cousins.

Default-user-icon Hanoun (Guest) 20 December 2013, 16:33

best part
let us sit as Lebanese and decide what we want for our country without outside intervention
let all the Lebanese build on that and decide fior once ourselves our destiny

Missing peace 20 December 2013, 17:20

another propagandist reminder for his sheep to deflect the problems hezbis are facing and throw the blame on others...
as usual.

his sheep can now have a good night's sleep for the president of lebanon has spoken!

Missing peace 20 December 2013, 17:25

“Lebanese leaders and the media should be wary of the new danger facing the country. We must all be patient and avoid getting dragged into plans to lead Lebanon to chaos,”

sure the danger is YOU! dragging lebanon into the syrian war, replacing the syrian army, encouraging salafis in lebanon to take up arms because of YOU...

your war is no war of resistance but a war to protect bashar from the dangers YOU face if bashar falls and you are taking it to lebanon.....

Missing peace 20 December 2013, 17:43

LOL but it seems it does not bother you that hezbollah is owned by IRAN and take their orders from IRAN... pledged allegiance to IRAN...
and you believe that people will not defend themselves? let hezbis do whatever they want? or you believe that hezbollah actually can do whatever they want even DISOBEYING their state?
so the direct consequence of your hezbis doing whatever they want is to trigger counteractions, it is mathematical.... so blame hezbollah for the salafis uprising, no one else!

you are the biggest hypocrit ....

Missing peace 20 December 2013, 17:59

we are in lebanon so i talk about lebanon! i talk about the salafis in lebanon!
what is the problem?

you talk about what is going on all over the world only to deflect that lebanon never faced the salafis terrorism before but now because of your hezbi involvment in syria, salafis are defending themselves against hezbollah....
so i do not care about what is going on in the world but here in lebanon....

Default-user-icon george qazan (Guest) 20 December 2013, 17:47

What a country; it is time to leave Lebanon... This guy and his troops will never fold arms, lebanon will always be in distress; no economy; no jobs; no nothing except for the few who is rubbing the country.

Lets Leave the country; why everybody is asking us to stay to support this maniac; tell us to buy land not to sell it; tell us not to leave lebanon and live miserably or steal....

Wakeup Lebanon.

Thumb ice-man 20 December 2013, 17:48

Not necessarily.... It could be a flamethrower.

Missing peace 20 December 2013, 18:34

sure bigjohn sure... KSA is now the new slogan for M8, before it was zionists... tomorrow what will it be? LOL

Thumb FlameCatcher 20 December 2013, 19:04

Hassan has shown once again what a Lying manipulator of sheep he is:

1- Hezbollah is not a Lebanese resistance to protect Lebanon from Israel! It's an Iranian Shiite resistance against anyone who's a threat to their plan to take over Lebanon. He makes it very clear when no single one of his quotes mention Resistance and Lebanese at the same time.

2- The war in Syria has nothing to do with Takfiris, Hassan Kezballah ignores the millions of legitimate opponents to the Assad regime who are not takfiris but normal people who want to live free.

3- He talks about his "Martyrs" (may they burn in hell) but ignores the real patriotic martyrs who died for Lebanon (not for Hezbollah or other sects). They were killed under the orders of Bashar by the hands of Hezbollah members. We lebanese do not recognize Hezbollah casualties in Syria as Martyrs ... they were mercenaries who died for Bashar el Assad.

Thumb FlameCatcher 20 December 2013, 19:10

@Hassan Kezballah : M14 is declaring war ???? how can an unarmed side declare war ? With what army ? With what weapons ?

The only one declaring war is you ! You have the monopoly of warmaking decision with complete disregard to the rest of us lebanese who want to live in peace.

Hassan Kezballah is a traitor and his judgment day will come. He will be hanged for high treason and the shiites will be free of an oppressive party that is in every point the same as Sunni extremists... give or take an entire army !

Missing patriot10 20 December 2013, 19:18

flame catcher. you gave me a tear in my eye. wonderful written.

nassy is like. bla bla martyr, bla bla martyr bla bla martyr and he is hiding so deep under the earth he can feel the whispering of the devil. what a bunch of sheep. follow a hiding man blindly.

Thumb souk-el-gharb 20 December 2013, 19:47

ft dixit :'sectarianism is saying bashar is decimating sunnis, which means that with his 15-20% non sunni syrians, he is slaughtering the 80-85% of the remaining syrians and has been managing to do so for the past 3 years, which is only a plausible scenario for sectarian and delusional M14.'

can somebody explain to ft how 15-20% boers were controlling 80-85% blacks. If u're armed well, 5-10% can control the rest...
The airforce, the intelligence, the presidential guard, the 4th division and the logistics are alawite. That enough to control Syria+Lebanon. Thats without counting the fighters and advisers from HizbIran, Iraq, Iran, Russia,Turkey,etc...

Thumb benzona 21 December 2013, 01:15

ethnic cleansing on its way in syria and now in lebanon.

Missing lebcan 21 December 2013, 07:56

Inshallah La... I hope the Shite overthrow this nASSri monster.

Missing lebcan 21 December 2013, 07:48

Let me see... an Analogy of what you say is like this ... put 100 UNarmed people in a room and one guy with a gun... that one guy controls the room, right?... Ahhhhhhh OK now I get it!
I hope FT and the rest of the sheep figure it out too... Or maybe not, their too brainwashed maybe... too far gone i guess... can't help them.

Missing lebcan 21 December 2013, 07:55

When the Alawite minority leader STARTED slaughtering people of the majority during PEACEFUL Demo's you better believe he should worry about getting slaughtered .... what are you stupid!!!!! He NEEEDs to DIE for his crimes against HUMANITY .... His friends Israel and Iran will not save him... even if the war ends he will always live in fear from a knife in his back....!!!

OH still waiting for them to retaliate against Israel for the last 2 attacks agains Syrian Territory..

Default-user-icon Phoenician Soldier (Guest) 20 December 2013, 20:11

Allah Yekhdak!!

Thumb shab 20 December 2013, 21:33

Filthy militia

Default-user-icon Phoenician Soldier (Guest) 20 December 2013, 21:34

Allah Yekhdak!

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (Guest) 21 December 2013, 00:38

FT and Big John, you SSNP brothers in arms. Please ponder the following facts.
1. HA who now represents the government of Lebanon is labelled as a terrorist organisation by the West and the Arab World.
2. Hassan has directly threatened us with his proclamation that we have hardly scratched the surface of his military might.
3. Guilty or innocent, HA is accused by the International community of the Harriri assassination.
4. Our foreign policy is dictated by HA to the extrem. Our incapacitated President, Our incapable commander of the army, our irrelevant Prime Minister and our Reverant Patriarch all are against HA's involment in Syria. Cont....

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (Guest) 21 December 2013, 00:38

This is the state of our affairs, like it or not, this is how the the whole International community views us. The cowardly M14 accuse HA of trying to take over Lebanon, when realistically they already have. Lebanon is now part of the Iran, Iraq, Syrian axis and we have no say in the matter.
What baffles me is the fact that you two bananas try to defend HA's actions when we are incapable of doing anything about it anyway. It would be more honourable if you just smirk at our futile attempts to change things and not defend HA actions.

Thumb benzona 21 December 2013, 01:13

Nasrallah must die

Thumb LebCynic 21 December 2013, 02:07

Labayka Sayed Hassan ✌️

Missing lebcan 21 December 2013, 08:06


Missing lebcan 21 December 2013, 07:30

Here is a Quote from that same article...

The Selore meeting showed an extraordinary level of cordiality between old enemies. The early mornings were punctuated by howls as middle-aged generals slipped into the chateau’s chilly pond for a dip; initial coldness quickly gave way to swapping anecdotes of wars in Lebanon and memories of the Iranian revolution. There was even talk of Iran’s future strategic partnership with the West and Israel against the Sunni powers of the Gulf – fanciful stuff today, but a sign of how far thinking can go when a deal is close....

Israel attacked Syria a couple of times recently ... Still waiting for your response ASSad and nASSri ...oh and Iran helped the Zion USA defeat Sadam....Hmmmm... Poor Arabs... been played by both sides.

Missing lebcan 21 December 2013, 07:31

I double that!

Missing lebcan 21 December 2013, 07:36

Well said ... Shia is not the correct form of islam... any logical thinking and practicing muslim with the very basic study of the the Quran and the Profit's Teaching (peace and blessing be upon him) would understand and see that.
He fought in Bosnia to spread the FALSE Islam by preaching it there... but the Bosnians saw right through them...

Thumb _mowaten_ 21 December 2013, 15:46

sorry but who decides what the "correct form" of a religion is? take christians, is catholic more correct than protestant? is orthodox more correct than evangelist? each will obviously believe his or hers is the best/rightest/whatever, and good for them, but what does it matter what others believe? so stupid and arrogant.

Missing lebcan 21 December 2013, 16:37

Truth is clear from error ... It's incredible the level of arragonce on this earth... Starting with you brainwashed mowatan_
I'm free thinking and the fasted and always has been the fastest growing religion in the world is Islam... With free will!!! Because people once they look into it they see the light.
For all the Jews and Christian and all sects and faiths other than Islam I do respect and believe in your right to practice your faith ... In Islam, in the Quran Allah (most high) says there is No compulsion in religion ... Even Allah (most high) has guaranteed that inalienable right...
Peace to the Muslims and Non Muslims ... And may Allah (most high) punish the hypocrites and the mischief makers in the land who ever they maybe ... Including the terrorist who are government or nongovernment groups including the extremists from ALL sides. To my human friend i say PEACE!

Missing lebcan 21 December 2013, 08:05

Gabby14 Had to quote you to respond to this full_discloser guy...
...Nassy is threatening to kill Lebanese again. He decides who can say what. Otherwise he will kill again...

Thumb general_puppet 21 December 2013, 08:27

“Such a proclamation is a declaration of war.”… oh no, now the Iranians will change their mantra to “Israeli takfiri M14 terrorist”

Missing watan-libnan 21 December 2013, 10:20

Who elected this guy ? who is he ? A president? a prime minister? a minister ?local councillor? a justice of the peace ? What and who is he to tell lebanese how to go about anything and especially after coming out of a hole somewhere in beirut he looks a little pale he needs more sun .

Thumb -phoenix1 21 December 2013, 12:02

@watan-libnan, Sayed Hassan reminds me of someone who in his days probably yielded more power and muscle in his days than Sayed Hassan, that was Yasser Arafat and his PLO. In his litmus days, Arafat was so cocky and arrogant, so drunken from his fearful power that he used to state on TV that he was the president of Lebanon. As usual, our president was too emasculated to do or say anything that would annoy Arafat. Then as usual, our politicians took the role of street cops for him and his PLO. I made this remark more often than not, that I fear that Sayed Hassan and Hezbollah could end up in the same way as Arafat and the PLO did, no matter how cunning or smart they may be, the big players have a way of trimming such people down. I see it as just a matter of time and timing.

Missing watan-libnan 21 December 2013, 10:26

Just how did hizbollah defeat izrael in 2006? we lost over 1200 innocent lebanese lives over $20 billion in infrastructure , probably $10 billion in revenue from tourism nassrollah can,t walk the face of the earth for as long as he lives someone please explain how did hizbollah defeat izrael?

Missing watan-libnan 21 December 2013, 10:28

Izrael easily won and is still winning because they have a protector in south lebanon since 2006 and everytime this guy opens his mouth he confirms this

Missing watan-libnan 21 December 2013, 10:32

Just who is hizbollah resisting ? certainly not izrael !

Missing watan-libnan 21 December 2013, 10:38

Izrael has daily flights over every part of lebanon,so where's the so called resistance? May be this hizbollah commander was killed in syria and dumped in lebanon because if he was assassinated where were his body guards isn't he a commander? Who saw what happened did anyone witness it ?

Missing watan-libnan 21 December 2013, 14:28

What do you call resistance ie ( destroying lebanon) lebanon does not belong to one man or one party it belongs to the lebanese and the lebanese are free people not to be ruled by a dictator and nassrollah is acting like a dictator who elected him to tell us lebanese how anything should be done if he wants to form a political party he is free to do that and follow the constitution like every political party and the only arms should be in the hands of the law enforcement and army full stop

Missing watan-libnan 21 December 2013, 14:31

Also real and total freedom is death in reality.

Missing watan-libnan 21 December 2013, 14:47

Please explain to me who pays nassrollah to do anything where does he get his finances is it syria? Iran? Drugs? so lebanon becomes a battle ground for these countries why? Izrael will attack lebanon if provoked ie kidnap their soldiers let the palestinians sort their own problems out we have nothing to do with it even egypt and jordan washed their hands from the palestinian question why is lebanon still holding the candle? Its time to say enough is enough !!!

Missing watan-libnan 21 December 2013, 14:48

Time for peace people time for peace lets try it , it might be good you never know

Thumb _mowaten_ 21 December 2013, 15:42

obvious based on what? you make up stuff out of thin air and start believing them. it's sad.