Hariri Slams Campaigns against him ‘Led’ by Hizbullah and Nasrallah

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Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri accused on Saturday Hizbullah and its chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah of launching campaigns against him.

Hariri’s press office issued a statement saying that “some media campaigns against him are ongoing attempts aimed at attacking everything related to ex-Premier Rafik Hariri, his family, and political and national approach.”

The press office said that “these campaigns are fabricated and organized by well-known media outlets, in a series of steps that began with Rafik Hariri and are today working on completing it.”

“These campaigns are adopted and sponsored by Hizbullah and Nasrallah, who chose to reply to Hariri through their media tools by expressing personal hatred to everything that relates to Hariri and his family,” the statement said.

The press office stressed that all the “fabricated” published news will not change the truth.

“However, ex-Premier Saad Hariri is keen to continue his commitment to justice and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon probing the 2005 assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri,” added the statement.

It remarked that Hizbullah is using a “weapon that can be added to its arsenal that will come to an end sooner or later.”

Comments 18
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 23 July 2011, 22:15

You and your al Mustakbal are champions In fabricating news and organising well-known Media outlets against honest and real Lebanese , Your Marwan Hamadé is the engineer in chief in those fabrications and falsifications of history and in the prostitution of Lebanon in the Arab countries and the rest of the world .

You people are thieves , and will soon be judged in public for all the harm you have made to lebanon and to all the Lebanese , that you considered as costomers and slaves , and never as compatriots , because you are not one of us , but a pure Saudi from Arabia .

Missing startrip 23 July 2011, 22:59

All indications point to Hezbollah as the killers of your father along with other Lebanese patriots. These assassins understand one language only and their time is coming. Until they are exterminated, they and their phlegm will continue to be a cancer in Lebanon.

STL is on, Assad is will be gone, and the Iran regime is on its way for self distruction.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 23 July 2011, 23:23

Bigdig: No he's not, he's Saad Hariri. And if u and Ur iranian slaves didn't prevent him from doing his job he would be THE Saad hariri.

And phoenician: your name is misleading, the phoenicians never supported a Persian take over, or any take over, of Lebanon, why are you???

Default-user-icon LadyGaGa (Guest) 24 July 2011, 01:25

We are not Iranian, or Zionist or Syrian, we were Paris of the middle east until the uncivilized extremists began Kidnapping or assisinating every high ranking public figure in Lebanon from the days of Kamal Jumblat until Rafiq Harriri.
Whoever Killed Jumblat/Mouawad/Mufti/Pierre G/Bachir and etc... killed Harriri period.
Agents of the Syrian regime. This is the as clear as crystal.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 24 July 2011, 02:00

We do not care - bigdig let's meet up for coffee I'm dahiyeh, my mother will be there working the streets...

Default-user-icon may 7 (Guest) 24 July 2011, 04:09

le loser or le pennis is nothing but a syrian bootlicker.
greater syria is a myth le loser

Default-user-icon Porto Bello (Guest) 24 July 2011, 04:49

No matter what anybody says about Imbecile Hariri. The fact remains that he is an IDIOT who SOLD the blood of his filthy father (and this is good because every filthy mafioso MUST be killed) and also SOLD the blood of all the others who were killed (and this is BAD. VERY BAD). IDIOT.

Thumb ado.australia 24 July 2011, 06:58

Lol. Bigdig... Have you made your phone calls yet. It all makes sense now. George Bush was prevented by the democrats from being the best president in USAs history. Now, Obama is being prevented by the republicans from being THE Obama. And poor saadadine bin rafik bin Abdul azziz should have been THE saad hariri but the Persians prevented.

Ithinkthere14iam... Maybe, just maybe, it's a simple as he always was a nobody, who had everything given to him, from his saudi childhood, to ivy league colleges that daddy paid millions in donations for acceptance, to when he came to Lebanon for the first time and was given the Premiership and spent more time as prime minister in Riyadh and on holidays then he did in Beirut working!

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 24 July 2011, 08:26

bigdig and australian: idk about u, but i think its pretty hard to do any job, let alone run a country, when u have a gun pointed to your head. just saying. if thats what u two call democracy, then u should catch a taxi to damascus. we dont need two more ignorant fools as yourselves polluting our air. ignorance is towards the EAST, and you should be sure to march straight ahead.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 24 July 2011, 09:14

@ ithinkthere14iam - you are still living with illusions ! Hariri era is over and soon SAMI " on the picture " will go to Rabié if he wants to be re elected in 2013 !!

I salute the answers of bigdig and Ado Australia , at least they make sens , not like yours YOU IGNORANT spending your time here like few others left from March 14 , asking US to leave to Damascus or to Iran !! Are you blind or something ? haven't you realized yet that WE are in power and YOU are OUT on the street like beggars waiting for your judgements ..??

Did you ask yourself why YOUR so called leader is hiding in France ?? You should be ashamed of yourself and stop deporting people like you did in the mountains during the civil war .

PS : We never asked you to so to KSA , or maybe we should and we will soon .

Default-user-icon Forever (Guest) 24 July 2011, 09:49

Le Phenicien,

Trash like you and you M8 followers who trade thier country to criminals in iran and Syria will witness true justice like no other. You are a bunch of killers who have no respect for humanity. The shoe that hariri wears is better than you and your M8 ugly looking thugs. You rat.

Thumb bashir 24 July 2011, 11:25


An article about Hezbollah's 'media tools' and the first two responders are media tools, bigdig and Le Phenicien.

Default-user-icon Reader (Guest) 24 July 2011, 12:38

Why March 14th leadership is hiding in France? Need I remind you that Michel Aoun spent some 15 years hiding in France and your leader Nasrallah is too big of a coward to give a speech in person. You say you are in power as if you own the country. Although you hold the majority in government you do not enjoy the full support of the people. Your time in "power" is temporary and trust me, the way things are going it wont be too long. Also, do not comment on the intelligence of March 14th supports when most March 8th supporters on this website can barely, have terrible grammar, and always resort to name calling and insults.

Default-user-icon Zaki Ansari (Guest) 24 July 2011, 13:26

Long live Iran , syria and hizbullah, the welayat al Fakih will be coming very soon and the rest will be crushed like insects.

Default-user-icon may 7 (Guest) 24 July 2011, 15:58

le Phenicien really equals Le Loser & le pennis.
Also Zaki Ansari equals a syrian bootlicker
lebanon will remain a Zoo & 3rd world country while bootlickers like you exist.
please pay for your electricity, bootlickers

Thumb shab 24 July 2011, 17:42

Hariri must put an end to the Zionist campaign from Hizib Mossad

Default-user-icon Ramez (Guest) 24 July 2011, 17:44

Being that obsessively targeted by the scum (mainly Hazbal & Poodle Aouaou,Thugberry, Golani Rabbit & Cie...) means that Saad heads right and hits them scum right at the heart. Saad is supported by 90% of Sunnis, 80% of Christians, 50% of Shia, and same high rates in other comunities. And that terrifies them. While overdosed by Iranian weaponry & Israeli support, scum is yet terrorized. Just as their Golani Rabbit In Chief. By you. So Keep the good job Saad.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 24 July 2011, 20:17

Phoenician u have Alzheimer's like gma or sth?? Buddy, ur not winners. Ur THIEVES. and we r STILL the majority. 26 seats isn't chump change uk;) uk if m14 had complete control of the gov't like u losers do, things would be completely different now. But no god forbid a LITTLE COMMON SENSE for te Lebanese!! And Sami gemayel will be president of Lebanon one day, you shall see. But please dont kill him, Pierre would've been president right now ;) and show some respect to others, just bc u killed nadim's father doesn't mean u have to treat him like a piece of trash ! Free speech to all, but to u free speech to all who agree with my Persian fat cats