Lebanese Army Says Naqoura Shooting an 'Individual Act by One of the Soldiers'

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The Lebanese army on Monday described the deadly shooting on the border with Israel as "an individual act by one of the soldiers," noting that it will address the repercussions of the incident in coordination with the U.N. peacekeeping force.

“To clarify the shooting incident that happened overnight in the Ras al-Naqoura border area, the Army Command notes that what happened resulted from an individual act by one of the soldiers,” the army said in a statement.

“A military panel investigated the incident,” the statement added, noting that the army is “coordinating with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) to address the incident's repercussions.”

“The Command again reiterates the army's full commitment to the stipulations of (U.N.) Security Council Resolution 1701, especially in terms of preserving the stability of the border area in cooperation and coordination with U.N. troops,” the army said.

Earlier on Monday, Lebanese and Israeli army officers met with U.N. peacekeepers after Israel accused Lebanese troops of gunning down one of its soldiers as he drove near the frontier.

"We discussed concrete steps to strengthen the existing security arrangements along the (U.N.-demarcated) Blue Line to prevent the re-occurrence of such incidents," UNIFIL Commander Major-General Paolo Serra said in a statement.

“All the circumstances of this incident are not clear at this time, but preliminary findings indicate that it was an individual action by a soldier in contravention of the existing operational rules and procedures. At this stage it is imperative that UNIFIL’s investigation in cooperation with the parties, and in particular with the LAF, is concluded as soon as possible,” Serra added.

The parties emphasized their "interest in preserving calm and stability along the Blue Line and pledged to work with UNIFIL to strengthen security arrangements to this end,” he said.

The shooting, which took place on Sunday evening, was the first time an Israeli soldier had been killed along the border with Lebanon in more than three years, sparking calls for calm from U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

The Israeli army said the soldier was shot by Lebanese troops as he was driving a civilian vehicle along a section of the border near Rosh HaNikra on the Mediterranean coast. The crossing is known in Lebanon as Ras al-Naqoura.

In a statement, the U.N. chief said UNIFIL was investigating the incident in cooperation with the two armies, and urged the sides to remain calm.

"The Israel Defense Forces and the Lebanese Armed Forces are cooperating with UNIFIL to ascertain the facts," he said.

"The secretary General reminds the Lebanese Armed Forces of their responsibilities under Security Council Resolution 1701 and strongly urges both sides to exercise restraint," he said of the resolution which ended hostilities in 2006.

Israel had filed a protest with UNIFIL over the incident which it described as an "outrageous breach" of its sovereignty.

And its military said it had "heightened its state of preparedness" and would maintain its "right to exercise self-defense."

The Israeli army said troops searching the area on Sunday, shortly after the shooting, had fired towards two suspects who were standing on the other side of the border, hitting one of them.

"After the incident, we reached the area to conduct searches as part of the investigation, and saw two suspects on the other side of the border," army spokesman Major Arye Shalicar told Agence France Presse.

"We shot at them, and saw we hit at least one. We think they were Lebanese soldiers... involved in the shooting of the soldier," he said.

Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon said the shooter was understood to be "a Lebanese soldier."

"We hold the Lebanese government and Lebanese army responsible for what happens on their side," he said.

He said Israel would demand explanations from the Lebanese army at the meeting with UNIFIL.

The soldier, 31-year-old Master Sergeant Shlomi Cohen, died after his car was hit by "six to seven rounds," Shalicar said.

There was no immediate reaction from the Lebanese army on Sunday but it issued a statement on Monday saying an Israeli drone had violated Lebanese airspace in the same area shortly after the incident.

Comments 23
Thumb _mowaten_ 16 December 2013, 18:59

wow. one israeli colonial invader dies and the whole UN goes head above heels. didnt see them care much when it was thousands of civilians that those invaders killed.

Missing greatpierro 16 December 2013, 20:10

You do not seem to be bothered by the latest round of civilian killing through air bombing by Assad forces

Thumb ex-fpm 17 December 2013, 07:33

I have relatives in the army. 80% of the army stationed in the south is shia and must be vetted by HA. This Hassen almost started a war. He should be put on trial. It is ok for the paid mouthpieces to claim he is a hero. When and if Israel retaliates and bombs villages and infrastructure, they will be the first to run for cover. HA and its shia followers need to understand this country is not just for them and they can no longer monopolize our future and stability.

Missing phillipo 17 December 2013, 08:33

"When and if Israel retaliates"
It is more an "if" rather than a "when"

Thumb liberty 16 December 2013, 19:17

42 minutes ago Lebanese Army: What happened in the Ras al-Naqoura border area overnight resulted from an individual act by one of the soldiers and we're coordinating with UNIFIL to address the incident's repercussions.

The facts are clear. Deal with them..

Thumb cedars2 16 December 2013, 19:18

I agree with you on that one mowaten.

Default-user-icon Tabooli (Guest) 16 December 2013, 19:51

They failed to mention he was inside lebanon when he was shot...

Missing phillipo 17 December 2013, 15:19

Sorry mate, they all mention that he was on the Israeli side of the border.

Missing applesandoranges 16 December 2013, 21:41

Its the reaction rather than the action itself of one stupid soldier that we have to worry about. Capice.

Missing watan-libnan 16 December 2013, 22:46

Isn't lebanon still technically in a state of war with the israelis so if the israeli was across the border the soldier did the right thing i'm sure if one of our soldiers was on the israeli side of the border he would have been shot as well.

Default-user-icon Rafael (Guest) 16 December 2013, 23:12

Israel Forever!

Thumb benzona 16 December 2013, 23:58

now that this rogue soldier did what he wasn't ordered to do, they'll build a higher concrete wall to prevent small projectiles from crossing the border. it's a shame because it's not the way forward to achieve peace. these individuals are the threat to all, they're either mentally unstable or paid by Syria/Iran.

Thumb zahle1 17 December 2013, 00:54

This is very unprofessional for a regular army. I'm just saying. It's embarrassing. I mean either do it on purpose because they crossed or leave them alone in their side of the fence or take a stance.... But this rogue soldier business gives us little credibility with anyone.

Thumb cedre 17 December 2013, 02:09

who said LAF is professional ? who said failed-state lebanon has credibility ?

Thumb cedars2 17 December 2013, 06:20

"cry like an offended virgin"


Default-user-icon free lebanese (Guest) 17 December 2013, 01:52

the soldier must be put on trial and punished. I don't think he deserves the death penalty since this considered to be treason. Some soldiers feels that they are untouchable because of the arrogance of hizshaytan

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (Guest) 17 December 2013, 06:56

It is quite apparent that what happened is enough reason for Israel to retaliate in what ever means it deems fit. You do not give an excuse to a monster which can obliterate you to do so. The act should be taken seriously and addressed appropriately since the enemy could take this to a level which Lebanon at this stage could not tolerate.
Different theories might explain the instigator behind this foolish action.
-HA, since its support base has waned due to its involvment in the Syrian war, an attempt to rally the country behind it in case of an Israeli response.
-Basshaarr to preoccupy the West before they address the chisms within the rebal forces and allow them to regroup.
-M14 to relieve the pressure of the rebels by forcing HA to withdraw from Syria to confront the Israelis in case of retaliation.
Providing any of the above is true, it is the Lebanese that will suffer. This soldier is called a loose cannon and must be court Marshalled.

Thumb zahle1 17 December 2013, 07:14

I agree

Thumb benzona 17 December 2013, 08:02

Finally some maturity speaking. The same applies to the Germans who killed millions of Europeans. Do we seek revenge with their children and grandchildren too? Of course not! We move on.

Default-user-icon Danny B (Guest) 17 December 2013, 08:50

Lebanon is for Lebanese people and not for gangs of terrorists.
But is seems that for the last 3 decades Lebanon decided of choosing a self destruction way, since it became a warm nest to terrorists.
Started with the shelter gave to the PLO, Black September and others who used Lebanon to act against Israel.
Who suffered the most? exactly, the Lebanese people.
Israel has no conflict with Lebanon, but if terror acts will come from Lebanon, she will pay the price.
You can't kill your parents and cry for being an orphan.
You have a beautiful country, keep it this way and don't play with fire as you will burn your fingers.

Thumb grimreaper 17 December 2013, 12:04

I have accepted many souls from Lebanon. Before that I accepted many more Jewish souls from all over the world. Why can't you people just get along.

Missing the1habibshartouni 17 December 2013, 12:59

The end result is a dead Jewish soldier. So why are you all upset,god bless this brave soldier .

Default-user-icon Danny B (Guest) 17 December 2013, 14:50

This soldier is no brave, he is a murderer. the Israeli soldier was in Israeli side of border and shot dead by a Lebanese murderer.
Same as happen with the terrorist from the _ _Zballe in 2006.
Lebanon did not stop from crying about the casualties.
You start violence you face the results.
And let the rat who promised to Lebanon a Divine Victory and is buried deep underground since 2006.
Most of Israeli citizen are sheltered and have special bunkers and sheltered rooms, are the Lebanese people sheltered as well?
Can't understand this phobia to bring Lebanon into destruction every few years.