Report: Lebanon to File Complaint against Israel over Espionage Stations

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanon will file a complaint to the United Nations Security Council over the recent spying stations installed by Israel along its border with Lebanon.

According to al-Joumhouria newspaper published on Friday, the complaint will be filed in light of the report issued by the parliamentary telecommunications committee, which will meet on Monday.

Speaker Nabih Berri revealed on Wednesday that Israel had set up a number of spying stations along its border with Lebanon, starting from al-Naqoura passing by Khiyam all the way to Shebaa.

The biggest espionage station is allegedly installed in al-Abbad and Jal al-Alam areas, which are located near the U.N. demarcated Blue line.

The head of the parliamentary committee, MP Hassan Fadlallah, said in comments published in As Safir newspaper on Thursday that the meeting will be held in presence of Telecom Minister Nicolas Sehnaoui and a specialized team in addition to the Foreign Ministry representatives.

(Photo credit: As Safir newspaper)

Comments 27
Thumb benzona 08 November 2013, 07:48

This is pure BS, a distraction.... The Israelis are building these stations inside their terrirotry. Syria bombs Lebanon on a daily basis but there second Syrian FM Mansour never files any complaints.

Hezbollah is pushing any normal, unarmed, Lebanese into the hands of Israel.

Thumb _mowaten_ 08 November 2013, 12:10

the zionist defense league is in full swing this morning.

Thumb _mowaten_ 08 November 2013, 12:52

as always, relevant, funny, witty and spot on ice-boy. bravo!

Missing 09 November 2013, 01:59

Mowaten - Israel is guilty of many crimes but come on, this complaint is a joke and without merit. Complain about the daily violation of Lebanese airspace by Israel or the planting of spy stations on Lebanese territory. That would make sense.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 November 2013, 21:15

one doesnt prevent the other rafehh.

Thumb benzona 08 November 2013, 08:57

You sound like a Nazi.... You should read yourself.

Thumb benzona 08 November 2013, 09:27

If you had vsisited Auschwitz with your school as I did, you wouldn't joke like this. You are NOT funny!

Thumb _mowaten_ 08 November 2013, 12:09

when talking about israel i dont give a rat's behind about auschwitz, if you want to see something relevant go visit Gaza

Thumb benzona 08 November 2013, 09:34

I think he's Christian on his ID only (like aoun i.e).

anyway unfortunately, i've got to go for the day. have a good one.

Default-user-icon ashkabar (Guest) 08 November 2013, 10:53

terrorist... persian... lodging... joke... enemy... spy... UN resolutions... Winograd... Sabra... Chatila... Bashir... artificially!

Thumb _mowaten_ 08 November 2013, 12:10

hahahahahhahah (Y)

Thumb _mowaten_ 08 November 2013, 12:54

rofl i thought you were supposed to be original ice-man?

but i understand, you copy-pasted my words here because they stung you and you're still not over it :)

Thumb _mowaten_ 08 November 2013, 13:33

i say so :)

Missing phillipo 08 November 2013, 13:33

Mowaten - Excuse me that I ask but exactly when was the last time you visited Gaza that you use it as a comparison?
On one of my visits to the Middle East a few years ago, I found no difference between the squalid conditions there and those in some of the slum areas of Cairo and Damascus. The only difference was that in Egypt and Syria the governments were at least trying to do something about it, whereas in Gaza, the Hamas gang who rules the area were using all the international assistance for their own good, building rockets, smuggling in arms and building more tunnels instead of allowing the money and material to reach the general population.

Missing phillipo 08 November 2013, 15:23

Southern, it is nice to see that you are the spokesperson for Mowaten.
So you believe that it is more important for the ruling junta in Gaza to have weapons and tunnels for smuggling than to improve the living conditions for over the million people crammed into the Gaza Strip.
In the meanwhile, please check how many trucks are crossing into Gaza every day with produce and other necessary materials from the entity that Hamas will never recognise, Israel, compared to the number that are reaching there from their Arab bretheren in Egypt.
I presume that it is out of brotherly love that the Egyptians have kept the Rafah Crossing closed for the last few months.

Missing peace 08 November 2013, 16:52

funny because mowaten depicts the exact same things bashar is doing to its people.... but he still supports bashar and his massacres! LOL
the day you ll denounce BOTH sides you will be credible until then you and the whole M8 are just a JOKE.....

Thumb _mowaten_ 08 November 2013, 17:05

i'm pretty disappointed. you spent 50 minutes between your expanded answer to southern and your answer to me, i was expecting something more elaborate. i didnt think you could come up with something convincing, but i thought you'd at least try.
diverting the subject on syria and trying run away from the question that was being discussed is pretty lame, even for an israeli.

Thumb eli-g 08 November 2013, 13:48

report or not to report that is the question. They are actually sitting in their offices pondering how to report this to the UN. WHAT THE HECK FOR? WHAT GOOD IS THAT FOR THE AVERAGE CITIZEN, TO THE BANKING INDUSTRY, TO REDUCING THE DEFECITE, TO THE ECONOMY THAT THEY DROVE INTO THE DIRT,
TO THE DETERRIARATING SECURITY SITUATION. Go do something worthwhile you mor-ns. Go do something your children will be proud of. Politicians al.

Missing phillipo 08 November 2013, 15:31

"Lebanon will file a complaint to the United Nations Security Council over the recent spying stations installed by Israel along its border with Lebanon."
What exactly are the grounds for the complaints?
1. Did Israel build on Lebanese territory - No.
2 Did Israel encroach on Lebanese territory whilst building - No.
3. Has Lebanon withdrawn its' recognition of the UN Demarcated Blue Line - I hope not.
So, if Israel builds anything on its sovereign territory, close to the Lebanese border, this is a reason/excuse for Lebanon to complain to the UN Security Council?

Missing peace 08 November 2013, 16:49

i wish those M8ers could be as fierce and aggressive when it comes tothe bombing of lebanon by the syrian army....
i wish those M8ers could be as fierce and aggressive when it comes to the theft of lebanese lands from syria for which they do not want any demarcations of the borders....
but for syrians they always find an excuse for the violation of lebanese sovereignty....
double standard collaborators that s all....

Thumb shab 08 November 2013, 20:24

So now eerybody believes Berri?

Missing arturo 08 November 2013, 21:53

Lebanon would do much better in the General Assembly of the UN. Given that all the permanent members of the SC are likely also spying on Lebanon (and on each other, as we know from Mr. Snowden) it would be hypocritical for them to condemn Israel. The GA will condemn Israel for anything Lebanon requests, so there shouldn't be a problem there.

Missing phillipo 09 November 2013, 07:17

"The GA will condemn Israel for anything Lebanon requests, so there shouldn't be a problem there."
You are so right there if someone brought a resolution to the GA that Israel should self-destruct, I'm sure that it would get a majority.
Fortunately every self-respecting country knows that the GA can not enforce its resolutions. But who is to stop wishful thinking.

Missing peace 08 November 2013, 22:03

why aren't hezbis so active in asking bashar the official documents proving that shebaa is lebanese and urge him to give them to the UN?

seems hezbis are not in a hurry to liberate shebaa, otherwise it would be bad for their business with the full support of FPM of course! LOL

double standards hypocrits....

Missing peace 08 November 2013, 23:12

it is just a move from hezbis to make believe they follow international laws :) ! LOL

Thumb Chupachups 09 November 2013, 06:15

Just wanted to have my 5 cents worth...

M8 are the biggest hypocrites and best at double standards

Missing arturo 10 November 2013, 15:20

You call spying a HR violation? you need to read the news more often.