Miqati from South: We’ll Keep Urging U.N. to Halt Israeli Violations of Lebanon’s Sovereignty

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Prime Minister Najib Miqati stressed on Saturday that the stability of Southern Lebanon is the key to achieving stability in the Middle East.

He stated before army units deployed in southern Lebanon: “Stability and security will not be achieved in the region without fair and permanent peace through the implementation of the international agreements that maintain the Palestinian people’s rights.”

“The government stressed its commitment to the implementation of United Nations Security Council 1701 and we will keep on demanding that the U.N. put a stop to Israel’s constant violations of Lebanon’s sovereignty,” he declared.

Miqati kicked off his tour of southern Lebanon by visiting the army barracks in the town of Marjeyoun, flying to the area onboard a military helicopter.

He was accompanied by Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn and Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji.

“I wanted my first visit after the government’s vote of confidence at parliament to be the South,” the premier stated.

He noted that the tour coincides with the fifth anniversary of the eruption of the July 2006 war and the renewal of the mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.

The war demonstrated the people’s perseverance before the enemy, the army’s will to confront Israel despite its modest means, and the Resistance’s will to defend its land and people, Miqati stressed.

The victory in the war also resulted in the Lebanese army’s return to southern Lebanon, he added.

It also brought about the expansion of UNIFIL’s mission in Lebanon in order to protect the country’s sovereignty in cooperation with the army, he continued.

He pointed out however that the victory was incomplete because of Israel’s ongoing occupation of the Shebaa Farms, Kfarshouba hills, and the northern section of the village of Ghajar.

“The government is determined to end the Israeli occupation and its acts of aggression through all possible legitimate means,” he announced.

To the army officers, he said: “You are obligated to defend this land and your country appreciates your sacrifices despite its shortcomings in addressing your affairs.”

“I vow that our government will work hard on fulfilling your needs … your state will protect the army and all security institutions against any interference because they belong to the whole of Lebanon,” Miqati declared.

He then headed to the UNIFIL headquarters at Ras al-Naqoura where he stressed that the Lebanon looks forward to maintaining cooperation with the international force.

“Lebanon will not back down from supporting the implementation of international agreements, but this is not enough in guaranteeing stability and peace,” he noted.

“The international community should confront Israel and force it to implement its agreements,” he emphasized.

The premier met with UNIFIL commander Major General Alberto Asarta and a number of officers during his stop in Ras al-Naqoura.

Comments 20
Default-user-icon Community (Guest) 16 July 2011, 13:50

“I wanted my first visit after the government’s vote of confidence at parliament to be the South,” the premier stated.

Yes, it must be to the South to thank and pay tribute to those who brought you to power Mr. Miqati coz your own sect would have never nominated you for the premiership. Enjoy your new allies, and hope to see you in the next elections!!

Default-user-icon Youssef Haddad (Guest) 16 July 2011, 14:13

Lebanon's sovereignty is already violated by those who made Miqati a prime minister. An armed Iranian group has given control of the whole country to the Iranian "waly" and Miqati still talks about sovereignty?

Thumb shab 16 July 2011, 14:29

"The victory in the war also resulted in the Lebanese army’s return to southern Lebanon" ? So he admits that Israel won the war or else our army could never enter thje filthy non-Islamic militia area.

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 16 July 2011, 14:37

Nice, Mr. Mikati! Don't mind the haters, they are simply losers who are butt-hurt for losing power! The time has come to clean up the filth and corruption March 14 (especially the criminal Rafik Hariri) has caused!

Default-user-icon Pacifier (Guest) 16 July 2011, 16:33

shab, mikati doesnt know what to say anymore to please his new masters, theyve got a knife on his throat, it is too bad to see a man that is business wise very sucessful and that handled a transitionnal cabinet in 2005 pretty well, to lower himself to this level, he is a friend of the Assad family, and he wasnt obliged to take this embarassing position, specially knowing that he cannot fulfill his promises for the simple reason that the people he is allied to dont have the same convictions.

Mikati might be playing a game right now, very dangerous, he is waiting that his friend Assad and the americans negotiate on the selling of Hezbollah as an exchange for him to stay in power in Syria, he is buying time to see what happens till then. In any scenario, this zionist tool militia, which is infected by spies, from mossad, cia , mi6, and that works for abroad, must be dismantled because they are helping the zionists to divide us, fulfill Iran's dominion, extend syria's influence

Missing startrip 16 July 2011, 18:03

Miqati is Hassan Nasrallah's second disposable fig leaf - this one with the Sunnis. Trust me, the people who elected him aren't buying this garbage about implementation of UN resolutions regarding "Palestinian People" rights. These are Hezbollah code words for permanent wars to keep the terrorist group weapons as a tool for Iran.

Sooner or later, he has to pay the pied piper, and these general ambiguous statements will not cut it.

Default-user-icon Ben-USA (Guest) 16 July 2011, 18:09

I have to agree with some of what you say Pacifier. I am always amused with how the Lebanes seem to focus on Israeli intrusions into Lebanese space but hardly anything ever mentioned about Syrians coming and going as the please. They send weapons to Hizthrowup whenever they want, kidnap tourists if they can use it as a bargaining tool and increasingly meddles in your politics. I would care what the Lebanes thought if they weren't so filled with hatred against the "wrong" enemy of your great country. May peace be with Lebanon and Israel who probably would be a better friend to Lebanon than any other in the region.

Default-user-icon i_ataoui (Guest) 16 July 2011, 18:17

After the dark period where Lebanon was under occupation, Hezballah with its great leader throw the zionist enemy away, thus Lebanon back to be free. There are some pro zionist left who are realy the big enemy of Lebanon, whcih I hope that they soon will back be to thier normal situation and start to work for thier country, leaving aside the influence of the Zionist over Lebanon.

this government is for all Lebanese, of course less the pro zionist, some of which are around here.

Default-user-icon To community (Guest) 16 July 2011, 21:13

"Your own sect would never nominate you"
Sure. I mean god forbid nominate a highly educated, self-built multi billionaire, a harvard graduate, when you can have Saad Hariri, who embarassed himself and all the Lebanese when he stood before the parliament not knowing how to read a word of arabic. Only reason people nominated him is because of his father. Hey, when Saad Hariri dies, let's give his son the premiership ! I mean it's not like it's the 21st century and all.


Default-user-icon To community (Guest) 16 July 2011, 21:15

"Your own sect would never nominate you"
Sure. I mean god forbid nominate a highly educated, self-built multi billionaire, a harvard graduate, when you can have Saad Hariri, who embarassed himself and all the Lebanese when he stood before the parliament not knowing how to read a word of arabic. Only reason people nominated him is because of his father. Hey, when Saad Hariri dies, let's give his son the premiership ! I mean it's not like it's the 21st century and all.


Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 16 July 2011, 21:26

Lol, March 14 losers are hilarious! Whoever is allied to Hezbullah is a puppet, but whoever is allied to the Saudi child, Saad, is a true patriot! LOL!

Default-user-icon Pacifier (Guest) 16 July 2011, 21:58

I thank you Ben USA, but you must know i am a vigorous protector of Lebanon's identity and i will not differentiate between the people that are doing harm to my country. i must admit that i am not someone like some on this site that have such hatred against Israel , my only problem with you guys is that you have to abide by international laws as well, and give a chance diplomatically to the lebanese to get back their lands without a single drop of blood on both sides, which is not the case, Israel is letting Hezbollah grow its strenght day after day, how can we argue with Hezbollah if you are not giving us back our lands and thus giving them a reason to disarm?

We both know the mossad infiltrates hezbollah constantly and that hezbollah is indirectly protecting Israel's north border from the palestinian camp threats, because no one will dare shoot a bullet if hezbollah isnt ok with it.

Default-user-icon Pacifier (Guest) 16 July 2011, 22:19

To get back to the point Ben USA,

- Israel is waiting to see the outcome of the negotiations they had with palestinians and to know as well what will become of the refugies specially in Lebanon, as long as this is not handled they will not give anything to Lebanon , not our lands, not our gas , nothing, and they will leave Hezbollah for the moment influent in the south and all to protect themselves from the palestinian threat.

- See Ben USA, i am not a warmonger, nor a hater, but surely Israel is not Lebanon's best friend at the moment, because it is holding us hostage of their negotiations with Palestinians, or else if we had gotten our lands, we would have a good argument to disarm hezbollah and ALL militias including palestinians, so before you suggest Israel as a friend for Lebanon, you must understand Israel is not ready for it either, As for Iran and Syria, of course i see it and will always see it as a threat to the lebanese entity as well

Default-user-icon Pacifier (Guest) 16 July 2011, 22:27

So my last call, would be, you must all leave Lebanon alone, let us breath, we dont need no advice from Iran, Syria, the US, or Israel, we just need you to let us unite and confront our own challenges, every country around us have interest in keeping Lebanon in this kind of situation. We have unfortunatly no friends for the moment, my mind will not change unless significant progress has been made to get back every inch of Lebanon to every faithful Lebanese, one strong army in face of any agression of any kind, no militias and specially no iranian based militia playing the angel while it is the devil disguised, masks are falling, regimes are falling, people are choosing, dying, fighting,whatever happens , Lebanon will remain and will stand still , because i know that many people like me are no agents , no bootlickers and love their country and will protect against any agressor, with words, our souls , our faith , 10452km2 we have been tought to protect till the end of times

Thumb bashir 16 July 2011, 23:32

Tip for 'To community'

I you want to call someone an Imbecile you might consider learning how not to double post.LOL.

Missing peace 16 July 2011, 23:36

to those hezbi lovers: just tell us why you consider ONLY israel as the enemy of lebanon and not the regime of assad? they killed tortured murdered stole money seized land erased entire villages did the same horors as israel etc etc and you still thank them...

so explain us your lack of logic as you claim to defend lebanon and its sovereignty?

israel and syria are enemies of lebanon...

don t forget that your puppet aoun told that till the assad s famiky will be in power NO peace will be possible in lebanon>>> how short your memory is...

Missing peace 16 July 2011, 23:37

the BIG difference between hezb and hariri is that hezbollah PLEDGE allegiance to iran meaning blindly obeying them but saudi arabia is an ally of lebanon and you can change your allies take aoun as the perfect example!!...
when saudi arabia gives money they give it to lebanon when iran gives money it s only for the hezb....

that makes all the difference!

Default-user-icon Citizen (Guest) 16 July 2011, 23:37

I am sick and tired of hearing how heroic this resistance is and was. Let's stop this verbal diarrhea.... The resistance DID not liberate the south. It was Israel who unilaterally withdrew from the South. Ehud Barak was running for Prime Minister and his campaign agenda during the election was to withdraw the troops from south Lebanon. He won the elections and ordered the troops to withdraw. So stop creating victories that never happened. Just like in 2006, the war ended and the Israeli army was 60 kms deep in our soil, our airport closed, our waters under siege, and yet nassrallah claimed victory. What a bunch of rubbish..... Wake up and stop polluting history!!!

Default-user-icon neutral (Guest) 17 July 2011, 01:16

Israel is the main reason lebanon is not having peace. They are supported by the the US all the way and the US beleives every thing israel tells them. There will never be a peace in lebanon. If there was peace in lebanon the world will turn to establish the palestinian state. they are keeping the arab worlds busy and at war while they gobbling palestine little by little with new settelments. Many many gov people in lebanon are on the Israeli payroll. Even Hizbo.Its all a game and a show. I have no faith nore trust in most of the lebanese gov from all religions. The new generation should awaken and unite now before its too late. Shiite lebanese are very kind people and good hearted but misled by their leaders so are sunnis and christians. I bet every one that 99.99 percent of lebanese are fed up but they are affraid to riot and get rid of the people holding lebanon hostage. i pray for a miracle.

Default-user-icon Neutral Lebanese (Guest) 17 July 2011, 02:01

Ben USA, no offence but go to hell with your propaganda. Before there was any militia or resitance against the artificial state of israel, your jewish militias who were trained by britain and brought in from europe to occupy Palestine infiltrated in to lebanon to rape lebanese women with glass bottles just for the fun of it. We saw how you were a friend when you bombed children to pieces and how you created and armed a bunch of rapists and thugs called the STL, we see what a good friend you can be when yo usteal water, resources and dump toxic waste on us. Yes what a great friend who were cursed by the prophets and God himself. So take your propaganda and get lost. We will never be friends. You think we blame you for too much? The reality is we dont blame you enough for all the harm you keep doing and get away with. This is not blind hate, it is hate based on facts. Who are you trying to fool? Pathetic zionazi.