Deal Reached on Confession of General Security Department Director
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
A source close to Speaker Nabih Berri has stressed that the sectarian identity of the director-general of the General Security Department has been settled.
The source told As Safir daily published Friday that the proposed candidate for the post is respected by all parties. He denied that there is objection to the confessional nature of the post or the name of Brig. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim.
Rumors about Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun’s objection to the appointment are not true, the source stressed.
Media reports have said that Aoun is seeking to return the post to the Maronite sect but has faced the objection of Hizbullah and Amal ministers who insist on keeping it with the Shiites.
Ministerial sources also confirmed to As Safir that agreement was reached on the post without changes in the confession.
They expected the appointment to be made during the cabinet session on Monday.
On Thursday, the cabinet renewed Riyad Salameh’s term as Central Bank governor. It also appointed Brig. Walid Salman as army chief of staff and Antoine Shoqair as the director general of the presidency.

As a citizen I am sickened by what i hear from certain political figures about fighting corruption and instilling reforms. This position of Director of General Security has been "occupied" by the Shiites since Lahoud days. It is a hub for corruption and illegal activities. How much did Jamil Sayyed and Wafiq Jezzini amass in fortunes? Jezzini gathered a fortune from covering up for prostitution rings in Jounieh cabarets and from issuing residence permits to Shiite Iraqis, but to name a few of the methods he employed. One cannot but wonder "how much is the salary of a general in the Army or General Security?" Yet, they own luxury yachts, villas, and their kids drive Mercedes and Porshes!!! Nobody of those reformists asks a question..... You all are corrupt and evil. The General Security "shows off" its "muscles" on the poor hard working innocent citizen. But, of course that is not why Berri and Hizbullah hold onto this position.... it is to protect the back of the sacred resistance!!!

lol..."zionist detected"
on a more serious note, we can say that security forces were too much fanatics with some people that were known to be spies in the past or too suspicious for this and that reason. On the other hand, my experience shows and security people, unlike ISF, are more reasonable and normal and if you don't make trouble, they don't touch you.
Secondly, too blame everything on Hezb'allah just because someone had bad experience with security people, it's just idiotic.
And finaly, when one asks "how much is the salary of a general", one should first ask "where are the BILLIONS for the south" given by arab states after 2006 war.

and Aoun wants to open the corruption file.... he should start looking in the mirror, corruption within

Our Zionist Mossad CIA infested Iranian terrorists Hizbollah wants to infest every Lebanese institutions as well. Thank God the Mossad agent Aoun with twelve ministers will not stand in their way.

wasn t berry in favor of laicity? didn t aoun said people would be appointed according to skils and competence and not religion?
how fast they forget their demagogic slogans....