Reports: Estonia Paid Kidnappers 10-Million-Euro Ransom
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The Estonian government paid the kidnappers of the seven Estonian tourists 10 million euros to win their release, media reports said Friday.
Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet said Thursday that no force was used to free the hostages and that several countries and their respective intelligence services were involved in the operation.
But when asked whether the Estonian government paid a ransom, Paet referred only to the "costs" involved.
"There are always costs involved with such a joint (release) operation," Paet told a news conference in Tallinn, Estonia.
He did not elaborate except to say that "the cost was not minor."

Since it pays to kidnap in Lebanon, I advise the government to get involved in this kind of business. Hariri Mafia and their fleecing of the nation put us in a 70 billion USD hole (and they did not have enough yet. They want more! Unbelievable, and cheikh Imbecile has the nerve to show his face, judge people and complain. PEOPLE!!!) This way, in about 15 years and an average of 40 kidnappings per year, not only will the deficit be recovered but we will even have a surplus.

Wonderful Touristic Attraction for the 2011 season ,
Get kidnapped, Pay 1 million Euro and get released

shameful and disgusting... and our interior minister says "the Lebanese security agencies were in a full state of “readiness” and “coordinated with the kidnappers of the Estonians.”"
Question: Why are the kidnappers free if the security agencies know who they are
Answer: Because the government is appointed by the kidnappers masters in Damascus.
The hope we have is the Syrian people to get rid of the criminals who rule them, and harm us.

lubnan awalan, a better plan is to act kidnapped and collect the ransome yourself :)

Lubnan Awalan, you hit the nail on the head. This will kill one of Lebanon's major income, tourism. With a high debt ceiling, and less tourist attraction, Lebanon is headed down a spiral it might take years to get out of.
This sounds like Iraq. Kidnappings by militia to feed their own, while the governments sits by and watches.
Having lived in the West, there is no way Westerners would want to travel to Lebanon if they hear of news like this.
Maybe, that is the plan of extreme Islamists in Lebanon, to keep the West out and increase extremists in Lebanon in hopes to take over the country.
The bottom line is this, Lebanon is heading downwards with this.

Shameful on estonia to pay a penny, that encourages more thugs to kidnap more this the new way to make money? shame on lebanon.. Tourists should be warned not to travel to Lebanon before those thugs are caught and money returned.
BANANANANANA republic, we are becoming like Venezuela and colombia

of course our corrupt and communist-reformist government paid - but they still lie to own people - like the message did not spread among all those terrorists-kidnappers...

Shameful on estonia to pay a penny, that encourages more thugs to kidnap more this the new way to make money? shame on lebanon.. Tourists should be warned not to travel to Lebanon before those thugs are caught and money returned.
BANANANANANA republic, we are becoming like Venezuela and colombia

these are not islamists..had they been islamists they would have chopped off an ear, or a nose and posted on aljazeera. these are otganized LEBANESE drug/thugs. roaming in the lawless bekaa. about time our government exerts its authority over there before it is too late!!! I am telling everone i know planning to visit lebanon not to do, as one can get kidnapped for ransom.

Good business...send us some more tourists!!! Lebanon is becoming a dirty place!!!!

It is a suicide to travel to Lebanon or Syria, unfortunately at this point in time, maybe after 5-10 years.. it's a pity though, there's lots to see and undoubtedly some nice people to meet. But as it seems - Middle East is still in medieval-ages politically, technologically advanced though and that is a very dangerous combination.

lol rogattino, alias Le phenicien, ive observed your comments, using several names to display your hate towards the hariri's , its a shame you cannot even talk in your name no more, as for the story, bravo to the governement, what an achievement, 10 million euros paid to kidnappers, and how come Minister charbel said they were caught? this all means 2 things : only baits were given to please authorities, and the big ones are still loose and are the ones that collected the ransom, so there is no achievement, only the illusion of achievement, Lebanon is becoming more and more , day by day, a dirty hole like the one where Hassouna the zionist pig twin brother of Sharon.
The only achievement this governement will be able to proclaim, is the Republic of Hezbollahkhistan. The only obstacle is the ISF, then ciao bambinos, if Rifi , which everyone knows is a noble man, exept the aounies that prefer nawar that build illegally, and throw stones at maronite priests.if he falls, then goodbye leb

paying he kidnappers of our tourists is shameful. They should have been exterminated. to the last.

A much needed cash injection for the Criminal Iranian street gang Hezb Ebola and the Syrian regime. It seems it's "business" as usual for these criminals. A big mistake by the Estonian government in breach of the Law of Anti-Terrorism. YOU DO NOT NEGOTITATE WITH TERRORISTS. Of course the major responsiblity is the HA government that helped broker a deal to get the much needed cash to the drying coffers of Hezb Ebola since all the other sources of blood money (Drug smuggling, Blood Diamonds from Africa, and Iranian Regime blank cheques...) are all increasingly being intercepted and blocked. It's interresting to see what the HA government will say and do about the (real) prepetrators of this yet another crime and the Nth one by the Criminal Iranian/Syrian sponsored gang and its Palestinian subsidiaries in Lebanon.

I'm not accusing anybody or anything but my fellow Shiite brother Le Phenicien is driving around in a brand new fully equipped Jag he bought yesterday.

@Rogattino: The people that do the kidnapping in Lebanon are from specific parties that have no interest in lowering the debt of the nation and they want to keep the money themselves to buy guns and cause instability when needed.

ALERT!!! zionist detected!!!
to even this that hezb'allah did this is so retarted that can only come from zionist war information department.
Oh the volcano on etna exploded again!!! is that Hezb'allah fault also?

This kind of kidnappings can happen at any moment with the same passive reaction of the state, like a spectator. Why? because there are two millions of people in Lebanon who belong to an armed sect who is here to protect them whatever they do. You are hungry or in a need, you resolve your problem by kidnapping, stealing cars, or killing. And you'll never go to a trial. The easiest example is that of the thousands of stolen cars through the past years. But at the bottom line, "ne7na ma7romeeeen"