سليمان يلتقي روحاني ولافروف يدعوه إلى مؤتمر جنيف 2 ويقدم دعما ماليا

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التقى رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الرئيس الايراني حسن روحاني، في مبنى الامم المتحدة في نيويورك.

وكان سليمان التقى نظيره التركي عبد الله غول، وامير دولة قطر الشيخ تميم بن حمد آل ثاني في مبنى السفارة القطرية في نيويورك.

كذلك التقى سليمان وزير خارجية روسيا سيرغي لافروف.

وفي معلومات قناة الـ"LBCI" أن "ﻻفروف أبلغ سليمان تقديم بلاده 5 ملايين و600 ألف دوﻻر دعما للبنان".

وأبلغ لافروف سليمان ان "لبنان سيدعى الى جنيف 2 في إطار دول الجوار السوري".

من جهتها كشفت قناة الـ"MTV" أن "لافروف سيزور لبنان قريبا".

إلى ذلك كشفت معلومات لـ"LBCI" أن "روحاني يؤكد أن الحل في سوريا سياسي ويأمل في تخفيف التوتر القائم مع السعودية والبحرين" ومن المفترض أن يكون هذا الموقف أمام سليمان.

هذا ولفتت الـ"MTV" أن "سليمان سيلتقي وزير الدفاع الأميركي غدا لمتابعة ملف المساعدات للجيش اللبناني".

وكان قد اعلن الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما الثلاثاء مساعدة جديدة للجيش اللبناني بقيمة 8,7 ملايين دولار للحفاظ على "الاستقرار" في الدولة المجاورة لسوريا، وذلك اثناء اجتماع مع سليمان.

التعليقات 10
Thumb lebanon_first 20:59 ,2013 أيلول 25

No M11, I think Roar has a point. Fund raising is an activity that requires particular skills that Suleiman does not posess. Suleiman is a good homegrown boy trying to do his best.
If he was more astute in the ways of business, he would have prepared himself better, surrounded himself with pros in fundraising and gotten much more.
Unfortunately we choose our presidents from the army. That is a shame. So much skills of the private sector would be much more useful to the country than merely combat and training skills of an officer.
In term of usefulness a general is small fry compared to a CEO of a big company.

Thumb lebanon_first 15:48 ,2013 أيلول 26

FT. Amine Gemayel did not come from private sector. He came from 19th century feudal lebanon. If he was an employee in a firm, he would have rose maximum to middle manager.
Elias Hrawi was chosen to please Syria. Not to fix Lebanon. Again his skills would not have gotten him further than lower supervisory level.

True Fuad Chehab was good in the 50s. Today the world is much more complicated. Would Fuad Chehab have been able to make a fund raising strategy to try to get real money to lebanon?

When I am invoking a CEO, I dont mean an entrepreneur who made money from scratch like mikati or Hariri, as making huge money from scratch in lebanon oftentimes necessitates some shady dealing.- Am sure u agree.

What I am advocating as president is a corporate type who went up the ladder in a corporation, and was rewarded to become CEO by real achievements in the real world.

Thumb lebanon_first 15:48 ,2013 أيلول 26

In my book, those who join the army are those who cant really get employed in the private sector. Promotions are based on flimsy criteria oftentime politized. Hence generals are not necessarily the best men in the army which in the first place was not filled by top notch individuals.

I know some people who are running major lebanese industries, educated in the west, who have had success in their companies and whose way of working and thinking would be perfectly suited to make them presidents.

Thumb lebanon_first 16:44 ,2013 أيلول 26

Ziad Baroud is a lawyer, not a CEO. I am not merely talking private sectors. I am talking CEOs. Baroud is a people person. But he doesnt have the chutzpah of a leader.

Khattar - Nahas. dunno their background.

Georges Frem. YESSS- He made indevco into an international powerhouse. He could have been an option.

Regarding the seminars. I am not diminishing the training officers receive. But such training gets you to be a good officer. Not a leader. You need the training of ENA (Ecole nationale d'administration) to run a country, or of Harvard or Stanford. Getting seminars in Wespoint will not cut it.

Thumb lebanon_first 16:45 ,2013 أيلول 26

I agree to a lot of things that Aoun do. But we both know he is not a skilled statesman. He hits right left and center. He has vision, he hates mafias, and has some good ideas. But he is clumsy politically, His diplomacy skills suck, he cant organize anything, cant organize even his own succesion. (Bassil, despite his lack of charisma, is to take credit for the gas file). Politics aside, despite his cleanliness, he would suck as a president.

Thumb benzona 21:04 ,2013 أيلول 25

5 millions for Russia is nothing.... it's the price of fancy house in St-Pete! What a joke in comparison to what Israel gets every year from everyone, even Russia....

Thumb jabal10452 21:20 ,2013 أيلول 25

5 million here, 7 million there... That's a drop in the ocean! The Syrian refugees constitute up to up to a quarter of the population and most of them are destitute. Where is the global responsibility? This country is such a basket case that its keeps getting dumped on. First the Palestinians and now then the Syrians. That's what a litany of incompetent governments has brought us.

Missing lebanese4life 23:26 ,2013 أيلول 25

Actually it's Saudi Arabia who went in Syria first by funding Islamic extremists from abroad who are beheading innocent people and eating out there organs. Those same people are in Lebanon now causing the explosives.

Thumb primesuspect 06:02 ,2013 أيلول 26

God bless our brave president, I cannot beleive he sat with the president of a terrorist state. May God help the iranian people and give the the courage to kick out their terrorist org known as pasdaran. we will do the same with our terrorists know as hizballa.

Thumb dandoun 07:48 ,2013 أيلول 26

During his talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, the president was informed that Moscow will grant Lebanon $5.6 million in aid, LBCI reported. ..... u mean 1 million..cause no one wll see this amount of money .....but him and his partners....