"نيويوركر": أدلة مقنعة في لاهاي أن حكومة الأسد وايران متورطان باغتيال الحريري

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نشرت مجلة "نيويوركر" الاميركية أن المدعين في المحكمة الدولية يملكون أدلة مقنعة على أن حكومة الرئيس (السوري) بشار الاسد متورطة في اغتيال رئيس الوزراء الاسبق رفيق الحريري ورفاقه.

ونسب الكاتب ديكستر فيلكنز في مقال طويل له عن قائد " فيلق القدس" التابع للحرس الثوري الايراني "الباسدران" الجنرال قاسم سليماني الى مسؤول كبير في المحكمة أنه هناك أسبابا للشك في الايرانيين أيضاً، موضحا أن "نظريتنا في القضية هي أن حزب الله ضغط على الزناد (نفذ)، لكنه لم يكن ليستطيع أو ليفعل ذلك من دون مباركة سوريا وايران ودعمهما اللوجيستي".

ولفت الى أن "أحد الهواتف التي يعتقد أن القتلة استخدموها أجرى 12 اتصالا على الاقل بايران قبل عملية الاغتيال وبعدها" الا أن المحققين أبلغوا اليه أنهم لا يعرفون بمن في ايران حصل الاتصال، وأنهم لم يستطيعوا اقناع الاستخبارات الغربية بمساعدتهم.

كذلك، نقل فيلكنز عن مسؤولي استخباراتي رفيع المستوى أن "عملاء ايرانيين سمعوا يتحدثون قبل عملية الاغتيال بدقائق".

وقال: "كان هناك ايرانيون يديرون عملية الاغتيال عبر الهاتف".

ونقل المسؤول السابق في وكالة الاستخبارات المركزية "سي اي اي" روبرت باير: "إذا كانت ايران فعلا متورطة، فلا بد من أن يكون سليماني في قلب هذه العملية".

في 14 شباط 2005 قتل الحريري و22 آخرين في تفجير هز قرب فندق السان جورج وتكلف المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان في لاهاي بالتحقيق في اغتياله.

وبحسب القرار الاتهامي الصادر عن المحكمة فان اربعة عناصر من حزب الله ضالعون في هذا الاعتداء وصادرة بحقهم مذكرات توقيف من المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان تم تسليمها في 30 حزيران 2011 الى السلطات اللبنانية اضافة الى نشرات حمراء صادرة عن الانتربول ,وحددت المحكمة الجمعة 14 كانون الثاني المقبل موعدا مبدئيا لبدء المحاكمات الغيابية.

التعليقات 48
Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:40 ,2013 أيلول 25

Why worthless? Because they may actually find out who ddid it!

Default-user-icon obviously (ضيف) 20:13 ,2013 أيلول 25

This is true because the Iranian terrorist group in Lebanon never does anything without their master Iran's revolutionary guards blessing and no one could do anything in Lebanon back then without Syrian approval

Missing people-power 03:37 ,2013 أيلول 26

Thank you M11er, I was going to say the same thing, well put.

Default-user-icon flamecatcher (ضيف) 15:04 ,2013 أيلول 27

@ft : you dont need a transparent court when there is evidence. and there is no court more transparent that the hague. this is as transparent as it gets.

send your buddies in for questionning instead of finding irrelevant excuses.

Missing people-power 17:56 ,2013 أيلول 25

Well, I've been saying this for years. Hezbollah is merely a minor division of the Iranian Republican Guards force. Obviously, Hezbollah could not carry out the assassination of a former Prime Minister without the orders coming directly from Iran.

Apparently Iran is also in charge of Syria now, and they are running the war there.

Throughout history, there have been evolutions from "kingdoms" to "dictatorships" to "democracy". Generally, people hate their dictators much more than they hate their kings. Eventually the GCC countries will change, however the dictator first will fall in Syria and then in Iran as well.

Missing imagine1979 17:58 ,2013 أيلول 25

Can i ask a simple question and please reply honestly, who do u think have ordered/planed the assassination? Really aswer frankly just to see what u guys think? Not asking for proof or any analysis, only who do u really think is behind the assassination?....

Default-user-icon Him.. (ضيف) 18:50 ,2013 أيلول 25

that's right, no one knows who killed Hariri, except God & those involved ie the Party of God.. thank you roar for your candor it's all clear now

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:57 ,2013 أيلول 25

Imagine- if you isolate the incident and make your decision on a single factor of "who benefited" then you can pretty much blame anyone. However, let's be realistic here! take a step back and look at all the assassinations that have occurred. who has benefited? who was caught red handed before and after? who has done this 20 times or so and benefited from it? just because there was repercussions on this occasions does not free them of any involvement. If I had to bet my life on it, I would without any hesitation say Syria in collaboration with Iran and logistical help from HA.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 19:27 ,2013 أيلول 25

roar- oh master who knows everything and is above all. please sir, i beg your forgiveness for being so foolish as to have an opinion based on some sort of logic that contradicts yours. so silly of me. what in the world was I thinking? I have no right to speak because I am not impartial. I should be very thankful for all the murders and assassinations Syria caused upon us and therefor which renders my opinion useless.on the contrary , I should be stupid enough to ignore everything including all evidence and look idiotic with all kinds ridiculous conspiracy theories and spend my entire day trying to exonerate them. Please forgive me sir. I don't know what I was thinking.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:07 ,2013 أيلول 25

what's wrong with having the intellect of an 8 year old. At least at the point I haven't developed enough to D.B. If the shoe fits, wear it!

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:18 ,2013 أيلول 25

If your opinion mattered I would thank you for the compliment. as condescending as it may be.

Missing people-power 04:17 ,2013 أيلول 26

Hey bore, you need to understand the difference between "copying" and "ridiculing". If someone else posts as "the_roar", then they are copying you. If someone posts with only a portion of your name, it means they are probably ridiculing or mimicking you, not copying you.

For example, the name Roaring Flamethrower is not a copy of your name. Clearly, RFT is ridiculing you and fifi, he is not copying you. Please try to understand the difference with your 3rd grade logic.

Missing peace 19:00 ,2013 أيلول 25

aoun said it was syria... ;)

"I know Syria lost the most & had to leave Lebanon...so for me when they were accused it didn't add up..."

before syria already killed presidents and many mny politicians and got away with it! this time they thought it would be the same.... that's all!

Missing peace 19:01 ,2013 أيلول 25

aoun said it was syria... ;)

"I know Syria lost the most & had to leave Lebanon...so for me when they were accused it didn't add up..."

before syria already killed presidents and many mny politicians and got away with it! this time they thought it would be the same.... that's all!

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:03 ,2013 أيلول 25

i think israel did it, in collaboration with saudi. that was the best way of starting the shia/sunna strife that is unfolding today.
it radicalized sunnis and give them a reason to hate shias. saudi's extremist influence had grown manyfold since, and israel is happoy to see us hating, maybe soon killing, each other.

Missing peace 20:59 ,2013 أيلول 25


Missing m.c. 03:24 ,2013 أيلول 26

the-roar, that is the least compelling argument I have ever read. You really never heard of gambling and losing. The correlation between selling and buying shares is an awful argument. Syria has been behind many assassinations that has gone unpunished, Bashir being one. This time, they thought this assassination will go away unnoticed, like many others, accept, Harriri is strongly linked to Saudi Monarchy and you killed the wrong guy, hence, they world cared this time and continues to follow through. It may have taken forever, it may never result in anything more than convictions, it may create strife in the Arab world and by now, many really don't care any more, but at the end of the day, be wiser than to question the judgement that will come from the tribunal, believe it or not, the justice system there may be unfair but credible for sure. Off course you may chose to ignore the indisputable evidence when presented and solely place the blame on Israel, that will not change the truth.

Missing people-power 03:41 ,2013 أيلول 26

Momo thinks Saudi Arabia killed Rafik Hariri (in cooperation with Israel).

Brilliant theory!!!! You are a genius Momo.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 07:52 ,2013 أيلول 26

Roar. Syria committed many assassinations without repercussions. They could have thought this is another one that nobody would care about.
Harirri was advocating for Syria to leave Lebanon the last few years and Syria had nothing to lose since he would have gotten the majority in legally requesting them to leave. (Jumblat had already called for the same thing).
Syria and HA "intel" had everything on lock down. And this act could NOT have happened without their blessing and compliance (if anyone other than them committed this crime). To accuse Saudi who has no history of assassinations like the Syrians do is just silly.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 07:57 ,2013 أيلول 26

Then. Why don't you take into account the assassination of Eid? The intel this guy collected from phone records that had implicated HA is confirmed fact and being used by the STL now. Why would saudi. That wants it to appear that HA did it kill the guy that is delivering that?
Next we had nassy coming up on tv and showing us footage of the Israeli drone of nahr il kalb in the 90s trying to convince us they were monitoring Hariri. A lame attempt at best.

Missing peace 18:04 ,2013 أيلول 25

how strong mossad must be then to manipulate dozens of countries that participated in the investigation...

ya3ni 3anjadd shi ahbal men heik ma 7ada shef

Missing imagine1979 18:49 ,2013 أيلول 25

Guys come on, just for once, no details, no speculations, no analysis, no why it happened, not to know if it is a good thing or a bad thing it did happened but just who do u really think is behind the assasination?...
Not to make points, not to see who is wrong or right, nor why... Just to see who u really think is behides the assasination...

Missing peace 22:44 ,2013 أيلول 25

aoun said it was syria... was he a paid M14 saudi zionist agent to have said so? LOL!

Missing people-power 04:19 ,2013 أيلول 26

Neither Syria, nor HA, nor the 4 generals were EVER found innocent. Get your facts straight.

If you can't comprehend that Iran, HA, and Syria are working together, then you are not following the war in Syria.

Missing 871x12 18:59 ,2013 أيلول 25

@roar Asking who benefited from the crime and who lost the most to deduce that Israel benefited the most and Syria the least so therefore Israel must have committed it is like saying that if you go and kill someone and you go to jail because of evidence incriminating you then you can't possibly be the perpetrator because you lost the most! What kind of logic is that?

Default-user-icon Yama Gultillon (ضيف) 19:14 ,2013 أيلول 25

Also the convincing evidence also shown that North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela are linked to the assassination. Actually, without these, Emile Lahoud, Imad Marma, Wiam Wahab, Suleiman Franjieh and the Qandil Brothers could not have been able to execute it alone. More convincing evidence shall be LEAKED as time goes by and the farce gets bigger and bigger and bigger.

Missing people-power 19:40 ,2013 أيلول 25

When you commit a crime, you don't think about who will benefit if you get caught. No one could have anticipated the Cedar Revolution of March 14, or the forced withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon.

That's why they cooked up the Abu Adass story, to blame it on a Sunni fundamentalist takfiri.

Such a stupid argument that that Syria or Hezbo couldn't have killed Hariri because they didn't "benefit" from it.

First of all, of course they benefited. Rafik had promoted 1559, to demand Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon. Rafik also did not support the extension of Lahoud's term. Rafik told others before his death that Bashar threatened him after saying he wouldn't support Lahoud. Bashar followed thru on his threat.

All the assassinations after Rafik benefited Syria, as they were all anti-Assad, so by your logic, Assad must have done it (in cooperation with the hizzies and Iran).

Thumb benzona 19:41 ,2013 أيلول 25

Death to bachar, death to nasrallah and their work-woufs.

We demand justice NOW!

Thumb benzona 21:45 ,2013 أيلول 25

the way You stigmatize Islam is appalling. You're not Lebanese. You sound like a racist Jew.

Missing people-power 19:48 ,2013 أيلول 25

Secondly, your argument is like saying OJ didn't kill his wife's boyfriend because he didn't benefit from it. Or any criminal that got sent to jail didn't commit the crime because they didn't benefit from it.

It's the most idiotic, asinine, childish excuse to say Syria and Hezbo didn't kill Hariri because they didn't "benefit" from the crime.

Do you think Rafik Hariri would have allowed May 7 to happen?
Do you think he would have permitted Veto Power to the opposition?
Do you think M8 camp would have overthrown the legitimate government if Rafik was still alive?
Do you think Mikati would have formed an M8 government without Future Movement if Rafik was alive today?
Do you think the deserter ex-general would have any part in government if Rafik was not killed?

Tell me again who benefited from Rafik's murder?

Who sent Samaha?
Who ordered the Tripoli bombings?

Thumb liefighter 18:08 ,2013 أيلول 26

He could'nt protect himself and u talk of him like Superman

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (ضيف) 20:17 ,2013 أيلول 25

The roar more so than any of us knows full well that Harriri was knocked off by HA. He can bang his head all day but the evidence is irrefutable and he knows it. The excuses and petty conspiracy theories he fabricates are the hallmark of the SSNP, Tahya Soria Roar

Missing peace 21:03 ,2013 أيلول 25

FPMers here are fast to forget that aoun said syria was behind it... but that was before his marriage with hezbis... if he didn't marry hezbis FPMers would still say syria is behind...

just to show how brainwashed these people are....

Missing samiam 21:10 ,2013 أيلول 25

Everyone figured that hizb iran and syria had a hand in it, so I guess it isn't a stretch to have iran in on the action.

and before i forget, standard zionist conspiracy theories by the farsi fanatics will always be used, but never been proven.

Missing samiam 12:49 ,2013 أيلول 26

say farsi fanatic and conspiracy theory,

and boom goes the dynamite.

Default-user-icon Najib (ضيف) 21:15 ,2013 أيلول 25

@Lebanon_First: Your mother killed him.

Missing formerlebaniz 22:18 ,2013 أيلول 25

Two things that me in the comments posted here are either:
1. We have so many stupid people in Lebanon that will follow the orders of their commanders and militia leaders blindly without a shred of independent intellect.
2. So much money is being spent on propaganda and information wars hoping out of the millions of people they reach that it will stick to few of them, or at least keep their supporters oblivious to the truth.

I ask every person on this form to talk to their conscious, consider all the events that happened in Lebanon for the past decade. I ask them to find out in their hearts what kind of Lebanon do they want and how their actions are impacting it.

Default-user-icon fred-usa (ضيف) 23:33 ,2013 أيلول 25

i think Assad iran HA did it, they thought there will be no problem like everytime but nop .. they got the wrong guy this time with tons of money and saudi / international influence,. walid jumblat and harriri were warned to be killed by assad before the accident everyone knew around them this fact thats why when it happened peoples immediately reacted and gone crazy which is surprised the Syrians iranian and HA ,. AND THEY WERE RUNNING OUT OF LEB LIKE INSECTS

Default-user-icon fred-usa (ضيف) 23:33 ,2013 أيلول 25

because they knew whats coming,. anyway i dont want those stupid criminals muslims to win in syria also i dont want Assad to win they're both worse then each others,. but i beleive that israel has nothing to do with harriri killing and its so stupid to say so,not because they wont do it its because they didnt want someone like a harriri to die this is someone they can sign peace with .. Syria and allies did a stupid move and now they have to pay for it .. thanks to their stupid strategy again they kicked harriri son out of gov so now we have the fanatic salafi muslim ruling see?????? again stupid move

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 01:24 ,2013 أيلول 26

Surprise surprise ! Everyone knows about it it seems , except those who are implicated in Hariri's killing and the rest of the serial murders !

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 01:34 ,2013 أيلول 26

Hahaha those idiots who think that an investigation is linear, and that despite deception, obstruction, bluffs, the investigators should have still gone straight to the conclusion (so they can be easily accused of being politicised and fall into the criminals manipulation) Those who laugh today are the same who laughed when der spiegel came out with its revelations about the hizb involvment in Hariri's murder. Only in Iran, and Syria, are such cases resolved expeditiously, within a day or two, and the suspects hanged before the ink on his prosecution file has dried !Hahaha. Such standards should have applied here too! Those who think the STL is dead should remember how long it took to throw Milosevic behind bars like a rat! Hahaha !Think about it HA !

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 01:40 ,2013 أيلول 26

The 4 Saints were ferociously, relentlessly calling the Iranian 'consultants' the hour Hariri was assassinated. Some of these ' consultants' as they were admittedly labeled by the iranians authorities, were also reported entering Lebanon very close to the day when Wafic El Hassan was blown up !

Missing lebanese4life 02:28 ,2013 أيلول 26

Why were there Israeli drones hovering around the site of Hariris assassination before it happened?

Default-user-icon guestapo (ضيف) 02:53 ,2013 أيلول 26


Thumb primesuspect 05:55 ,2013 أيلول 26

u r so clueless, the #1 intelligence agency isn't american, russian, or israeli. it's the ISI. The Pakistani!

Thumb Machia 09:54 ,2013 أيلول 26

Like any criminal, they thought they will get away with it...and they still might unfortunately.

The New Yorker article is about the commander of the Quds force and his influence throughout Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. It is fascinating http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2013/09/30/130930fa_fact_filkins?currentPage=all

Missing samiam 12:54 ,2013 أيلول 26

if this report were from sana or alakhbar, you would take it as gospel, but any other source, you will try to disprove it tooth and nail by insisting and questioning. Judging by the number of posts you have on this topic, you and a few m8ers are guilty of this.

Thumb Machia 12:52 ,2013 أيلول 26

The "resistance" axis killed Hariri.
You can shout, lie, propagate false information and doubt. They did it.
The propaganda masters of this axis were at it again with the recent chemical attack that killed1,400 Syrians. Lie and lie again until it becomes a truth...pure Goebbels.