قتيل وجريحان باطلاق نار من الجيش على عناصر من "جبهة النصرة" في عرسال
Read this story in Englishاعلن الجيش اللبناني عن مقتل سوري وجرح آخرين اثنين بعد اضطرار عناصر من الجيش على اطلاق النار لعناصر باتجاه فان يقل سوريين لم يمتثل لأوامرهم على حاجز في عرسال.
وفي بيان أصدرته قيادة الجيش مديرية التوجيه، اعلنت عن اقدان سائق فان تقل عدداً من الركاب السوريين على محاولة الفرار وعدم الامتثال لعناصر حاجز تابع للجيش اللبناني في محلة عين الشعب – عرسال.
وأضافت أنه على الرغم من إنذاره عدة مرات، الا أنه لم يمتثل لأوامر عناصر الجيش، ما اضطرهم إلى إطلاق النار، ما أدى الى مقتل أحد الركاب وإصابة شخصين بجروح غير خطرة.
ولفتت الى أن احد الجرحى تمكّن من الفرار مع الركاب الآخرين، فيما عاد السائق وسلّم نفسه إلى قوى الجيش.
وقد تولّت الشرطة العسكرية التحقيق في الحادث بإشراف القضاء المختص لكشف ملابساته.
يُشار الى أن معلومات صحافية كانت قد أفادت، الاربعاء، عن أن الفان كان يحاول تهريب عناصر من "جبهة النصرة" من سوريا الى الداخل اللبناني.
وأفادت أن سائق الفان هو من آل البريدي وأحد الجرحى من آل بكور.
يُذكر أن مجلس الامن الدولي اضاف في 31 ايار الماضي جبهة النصرة الاسلامية السورية الى لائحة المنظمات التي يعتبرها "ارهابية" والتي تفرض عقوبات عليها لعلاقتها بتنظيم القاعدة.
good for the LAF... have no mercy and kill all terrorists that either in (HA/Syrian govt) or are trying to enter (Nusra/syrian govt) Lebanon...
badges of honor LF.. like i care how many ignorant children give me a thumbs down instead of adding something to the convo..
ill hold off the condolonces for aoun and aounits until smaha and the perpetrators of the tripoli bombing are delivered justice..
roar.. anything the syrian govt does.. to you it is a theory... everything m14 does or is accused of is solid fact.. blah..
ill hold off the condolences for aoun and aounits until smaha and the perpetrators of the tripoli bombing are delivered justice..
I have had enough with these punks from the Hezz running Arsal as if it is a country within a country. Don't you? Ooops!!! The Hezz is not running Arsal? OH, IT IS SANNI FIRST, AKA AL-MUSTAQBAL AL-TA3EES with the support of their SLAVES, AKA FARTS 14? Sorry folks. Now repeat after me: 7ORRIYEH. SIYEDEH. ESTE2LEL. LOUBNAN AWALAN. Once again, thank you Sanni First and Farts 14 for converting Lebanon into a biggest park infested with lunatics from all over the Sanni ma3moura and for bringing onto Lebanon its 21st century version of the Pales-Syrian problem.
Al nusra is a threat that lebanon must preapre to face, as any other, deployment of the army over the entire border is a must (i suppose that they r not isiot enough to use only the main roads) i think the army is capable of that...
The good thing is that lebanese population is not as fanatic as some may think; tripoli account for more than half milion citizen and verry few cover fanatics, enno i hardly see saad or alouch being fanatics to be honest...
The important thing is to do camps or provide shelter and assistance to syrian refugies, when people are starving it is easy to drag them to the other side....
Anyway well done LAF... Still a lot to do...
And again southern hezbolla is a lebanese party like others, should obey the same laws than any other lebanese and should not hv any other perogatives... The security of lebanon must be assumed by lebanese official security agencies only... if it is not that will open the door for others to arm and protect themselves... if lebanese armed forces fails to protect the country i would really prefer a popular front to do so for exemple (harrass el chaabi) bc whatever u say hezbollah is a religious party with his own agenda, anw the armed forces showed they r able to tackle issues when given political cover so let's hope they continu the good job...
Any resistance is legitime when trying to restore stolen land or autority, proven that it has support of the people... In that case a shiite party with official religious alegence to ayathola el khomayini (religious authority to religious party...) is not to be qualified as resistance...
I aknowledge the eole of hezbollah in fight the israely enemy in the south but i also aknowledge it's role in targeted assasination of other resistance leader during the war,so.... Not that clean history as u might like to think, but u southern u should know that, maybe if u tey to remember... And how is it that only shiite group can autoproclam as only resistant front and chose who can resist and who cannot?....
Again might be wrong, issu open to debate....
"I love it when our beloved LAF attack these uncivilised "
I love it when our beloved LAF protect EVIL from the entire world.Imagine how much waepons has a terrorist gang and they still need protection? There is a lot of other fathers which are proud for their sons,but not evil like you.You call"Free Syrian Animals" those how are protecting their wifes,children,parents and grand parents,their dignety and their homes from the evil such Assad and HezboSatan and their Iranihellistan mentor?
May The Lord give you all evil you planted in the middle east and all over the world.
"those how are protecting their wifes,children,parents and grand parents"
you forgot uncles, nieces, nephews, mothers-in-law, aunts, and gummy bears. but to protect all that they should first be in their own country. try libya, saudi, afghanistan, chechnya, egypt, tunis, the UK australia...
Al Nusra group is a big threat for Lebanon and it should be eliminated from our society
wow, i got censored for using the word "scum"??? is it acceptable only when used by m14 stooges? coz i never saw any of them being censored for it..
2nd Any critical mind who reads this article would ask how these men were identified as Al Nusra. Just sayin
Come come now kitty cat. Theres been no proof so anything u say is just speculation. The Sakkir acusation didnt really fall through either as his phone conversations proved to be edited. Some western and gulf nations support the free syrian army with money and wepons but the same is done for the regime by different nations. Any accusation u have is hypocracy since u support Bashar. How is Al Nusra any more "terrorist" than Bashar? I dont support either. U sound like George Bush
The revolution is not described by what armed milicia says... Especialy al nusra and other nutheads... U should know this southern, hezbollah was originaly a milicia created by iran against amal and syrian forces there (a combat for power over shiite supremacy..) war spelled thounsand of dead and injured between them... Not so far from whabit, saudi quatary by proxy fightings, do u agree... I guess u don't but i find the similarity worth noting...
Are u sure? I'm pretty sure the iranian gards supplyed hezbollah with weapon, many of them were originaly ammal members.... Still might be wrong?... Any journal from then?
It was in iklim el toufah where the most of the fighting occured between hezbollah and ammal,no? Please correct me southern if i'm wrong...
Now how can this same party that is still holding the same banner(islamic resistance) can now be seen by lebanese as THE resistance... In the same way kateeb LF... Calls their militia then lebanese resistance (moukawameh lebnaniyeh)...
How a party that was raised by iran to fight for egemony with amal , who excleuded all other secular party from resistance, assacinated some of there leader (talking about 1980s not 2005) and chose who will resist and how by created resistance brigades (left by most over coposant then) how can it be seen as THE resistance by lebanese
Disputes is very vage word southern, dispute in eklim el toufah left hundreeds of dead (wont say number bc not sure) please southern if u think like this we disputed over 16 years and risk to dispute anytime..
lol "love the shah" seems like you love losers!
i bet you also love M14 and the nusra boys :)
Arsal, Majdel Anjar, and Brital have to be secured with checkpoints by the army and all their houses and caves searched. They should impose a curfew there and set up roadblocks and take exact inventory of each inhabitant and visitor.
Totaly agree but please put also dahiyeh baalbak.... Also in ur search warrant, tripoli, zgharta, bchareh also... I'm not mentionning kousaya and other FPLP general comand, FATEH el Intifada in those bc the negotiation table (tawlet el hiwar) agreed to disarm them... They did agrreed on that point, no?...
the thugs of dahieh and baalbeck are protected by nassy and berri.
The thugs of tripoli are protected by mikati
The thugs of zgharta by frangieh
However arsal, majdel anjar and brital dont have strong political protection.
Southern al moustakbal has to answer for al nusra? The saad hariri guy who supported civil mariage and who is blamed on wikileaks of public alcohol consuption (what a blame...) is to answer for takfiri? Have u had a good look to the guy? I'm against hariri fir corruption (the father, the sun essa ma laha2 at least) but saying he is a takfiri? Have u taken a look to the guy? His wife, mother?.. Frankly man if any unbiased guy listen to him speaking and sayed hassan which one would he find more fanatic? Islamic resistance or civil wedding?....
Please correct me...
I think the vast majority of Lebanon is against getting involved in Syria with the exception of Hezbollah so i dnt know what your talking about... Simple economics: u export fighters and import the conflict
FT and Wolf: You pair of stooges seem to think that you have a monopoly over patriotism. You attack the LF and support HA because it's a matter of patriotism, right. The countless thousands of LF fighters that gave their lives defending their towns and country against the PLO and Syrians were unpatriotic, right. The LF engaged intruders on their home soil and Land, they did not support or challenge anyone outside Lebanon. HA on the other hand, who you wankers deem patriotic, has sent fighters and embroiled themselves in conflicts that have nothing to do with Lebanon or its governments. Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Bosnia, Europe, South America, Africa ...must I go on.
Their arms are from Iran, they are financed by Iran, and will defend Iran to the last man standing.
Is this your definition of patriotism?
And when a certain leader stood his ground and would not succumb or heal knowing full well that he would be jailed or killed, versus a leader who took off like a jack rabbit in his pyjamas leaving his country and his men to die in the battlefield. Which of those two would you deem patriotic. FT and Wolf a pair of scoundrels trying to teach us Patriotism, please, for the sake of humanity put your heads in a toilet and flush.
great post M11... M8ers see zionists qaeda saudis in all M14 people... real paranoia which they should cure... it proves how desperate they can be....
it is great for all of Lebanon and should be praised by all. But what I dont understand is how in other post you guys insult us and give us thumbs down when we blast these Al-Qeada rebels you support in Syria?
Start making sense please. Your either with Lebanon or your with Al-Qeada. Choose wisely
well if you think Bashar is with al nusra then what can i say??? your an idiot. Plain and simple.
you'd make a excellent lawyer M11er.
Maybe you can defend Hariri, Sinoria and Geagea when they stand trail for war crimes
I see.. well in order to try them you need a silly little thing called PROOF...not mere allegation. But of course M14 doesnt even know what that word means...so take your little foreign backed STL and go back to the states or whatever western country you live in.
all the proof the western backed STL has eh??? If this evidence was soo concrete publish it??? what are they waiting for??? Publish all this evidence...Ill find the 4 guys and drag them by their ears..
And all the arial footage HA provided was what??? Not considered, why???
Thought so...guys stop making me waste my precious time making you look like degenerates.... just stop...read books, learn history, practice putting together proper sentences, put down the hard stuff and do something with you lives.
why are you changing the subject???? is that what you do when your stuck.
Sad sad little boy....
umm who benefited from Eid's death?? Simple, who benefits from Shia/Sunni Strife??? Who benefits from muslim/christian strife??? Divide and conquer
They already have entered Lebanon they are up Arsal protected by M14 who have repeatedly attack the Lebanese army