الاسد: سوريا "لا تشهد حربا اهلية" بل تتعرض لهجوم من تنظيم القاعدة

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اعتبر الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد في مقابلة مع شبكة فوكس نيوز الاميركية بثت مساء الاربعاء ان بلاده "لا تشهد حربا اهلية" بل تتعرض لهجوم من "عشرات الاف الجهاديين" الذين ينتمون بغالبيتهم الى تنظيم القاعدة.

كما خاطب الاسد في المقابلة التي اجريت معه في دمشق الثلاثاء الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما، داعيا اياه الى "اتباع الحس السليم للشعب" الاميركي، الذي اظهرت استطلاعات للرأي انه يرفض توجيه ضربة عسكرية الى النظام السوري.

وشدد الرئيس السوري في المقابلة المطولة التي اجراها معه صحافيان في فوكس نيوز على ان النزاع الدائر في بلاده "ليس حربا اهلية".

وقال "لدينا حرب، حرب من نوع جديد" يشارك فيها "عشرات الاف الجهاديين" من اكثر من 80 جنسية مختلفة.

واضاف في المقابلة التي جرت باللغة الانكليزية "ما يمكنني ان اقوله لكم هو ان 80% --البعض يقول 90%، ليست لدينا بيانات محددة-- من هؤلاء الارهابيين هم اعضاء في تنظيم القاعدة وفروعه".

واكد انه منذ بدأت الازمة في سوريا قبل سنتين ونصف قتل "عشرات الاف السوريين" و15 الف جندي نظامي، غالبيتهم "في هجمات ارهابية واغتيالات وهجمات انتحارية".

واكد الرئيس السوري ايضا على ان الهجوم بالاسلحة الكيميائية الذي استهدف في 21 آب غوطة دمشق شنه مسلحو المعارضة وليس قواته.

التعليقات 12
Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 07:39 ,2013 أيلول 19

"At the very beginning, the jihadists were the minority. At the end of 2012 and during this year, they became the majority

Yes, one if the few words of truth from this guy. Again in the beginning you could have stepped down (being unelected and all) and had free and fair elections. You decided to crack down and butcher them instead, turning them into the open arms of extremism.
Some of your followers here would not believe you. They have always maintained that they were al Qaida conspirators from the very beginning.
The fact remains that your heavy handed approach to your fellow Syrians is what opened the doors for these jihadists. You only have yourself to blame.

Thumb general_puppet 07:55 ,2013 أيلول 19

Assad jr wont stop talking now... "We joined fully. We sent the letter. We sent the document." That means nothing, you are a lying murderer and petty dictator.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 08:22 ,2013 أيلول 19

No Mr Assad, It is Israel who did it! Ask your friend HA his very clever in mind twists, and subtle lies: When you can't find the evidence, join in the process, back and try to kill it from inside... Nasrallah backed the STL (even the russians did!) , then came up with bollywood 'evidence' about Israel's implication in Hariri's crime. He even pretended to the light-minded that the cell phone data collected was tapered with, but obiviously refrained from presenting any scientific evidence to the investigators, Same goes with Assad today. If the rebels shot Sarin gas on themselves, then Hariri commited suicide to get the syrian army out of the Lebanon!

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 08:24 ,2013 أيلول 19

There are moments that define men; real men. President's Asssad's interview on the zionist controlled Foxnews channel is one of "those" defining moments! His words, his wisdom, clarity, and transparency won the hearts of the American people. His name is being mentioned in every corner of every office, hussainiyeh, school, and campus in the United States. The American public are wishing President Obama would learn sincerity and decisiveness from Assad. I think there is no need to over emphasize the fact that even the Americans know it was Qaida who used chemical weapons. This matter should be put to rest once for all. We need to move on now to address more pertinent issues such as how we can collectively save the world from takfiris and protect the resistance' back. God bless the Baath regime and the resistance.

Missing samiam 09:17 ,2013 أيلول 19

I am surprised he didn't say the martians did it--after all with 110K killed, I am sure he couldn't possible do such a thing. It is ALWAYS somebody else.

Default-user-icon Lon. W. (ضيف) 10:29 ,2013 أيلول 19

Agree. It seems that Syrians on this side with the assistance of foreigners... and Syrians on that side with the assistance of foreigners... are killing Syrians and foreigners. Hmmm. And as an American?... should we support Syrians and foreigners... killing Syrians and foreigners... by killing Syrians and foreigners under the banner of the American Government?

Default-user-icon Lon. W. (ضيف) 10:29 ,2013 أيلول 19

Agree. It seems that Syrians on this side with the assistance of foreigners... and Syrians on that side with the assistance of foreigners... are killing Syrians and foreigners. Hmmm. And as an American?... should we support Syrians and foreigners... killing Syrians and foreigners... by killing Syrians and foreigners under the banner of the American Government?

Thumb EagleDawn 10:30 ,2013 أيلول 19


Thumb dasphinx 10:32 ,2013 أيلول 19

See? He did not do it. LOL

Missing peace 18:01 ,2013 أيلول 19

wahahaha! he did EVERYTHING he could so that qaeda grows in syria to shout they are the source of the problem while HE created this problem to better carry out his massacres and so that his sheep followers would back him no matter what...perfect plan. but only fools are too blind to see it like M8ers....
he does NOT care about the syrian people as he is constanly bombing them disregarding who to spread fear and hatred so that people radicalize and create this vicious circle...

Missing samiam 19:45 ,2013 أيلول 19

"besides, Al-qaeda now is on the border of a NATO country!"

you may want to check your geography, because last I checked Iraq bordered Turkey too, unless hizb iran's maps are somehow showing the old persian empire instead. Remember, education not indoctrination.

Missing peace 21:50 ,2013 أيلول 19

"destroying the stockpiles would cost $1 billion" they have it: they just have to pay it with all the money they stole from lebanon and which created lebanese debts!