توتر في زحلة بعد محاولة "حزب الله" مد شبكة اتصالات سلكية

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شهدت مدينة زحلة ليل الاحد توتراً، بعد انتشار عناصر من "حزب الله" على اوتستراد المدينة في محاولة لمد شبكة اتصالات سلكية خاصة به، ما دفع بعدد من الاهالي الى الاحتجاج وقطع الطريق لبعض الوقت.

وأفيد ليل الاحد، عن اقدام عناصر من "حزب الله" على الانتشار المسلح على الاوتستراد الممتد من مدخل المدينة الصناعية وصولاً الى المنطقة الممتدة حتى كنيسة مار شربل في محاولة لمدّ شبكة اتصالات سلكية خاصة بالحزب.

ما دفع بالجيش اللبناني الى اقامة حواجز تفتيش في المدينة الصناعية وتسيير دوريات لقوى الأمن، ما ادى الى انسحاب عناصر "حزب الله".

وبعد وقت، عاد العناصر الى محيط كنيسة مار شربل، حيث تمركز فان أبيض يحيطه نحو 15 مسلّحاً، فعمد الاهالي على تنفيذ اعتصاماً امام الكنيسة، وانضم إليهم رئيس كتلة "نواب زحلة" طوني ابو خاطر والنائبان جوزف المعلوف وايلي ماروني، ومن ثم عمدوا إلى اقفال المسلك الغربي لطريق المدينة الصناعية احتجاجاً على انتشار "حزب الله".

وصباح الاثنين، أفادت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (100.5) عن توقيف 4 اشخاص من عناصر حزب الله الذين حاولوا مد الشبكة في زحلة.

الى ذلك، اعتبر نائب "حزب الكتائب" ايلي ماروني، عبر صحيفة "الجمهورية" أن زحلة كانت على وشك مواجهة كبيرة لولا تدخّل القوى الأمنية، حيث حضرت مخابرات الجيش والدرك وأوقفوا 6 أشخاص تابعين للحزب".

وشدد قائلاً "لن نترك نحن والأهالي هذا الموضوع يمرّ مرور الكرام، فدويلة "حزب الله" لن تمرّ في زحلة، ولن يستطيع الحزب فرض أساليبه ومشاريع دويلته علينا".

وأعلن أنه بدءا من الاثنين "سنطوّر مواجهتنا لكل عمل مشبوه يقوم به الحزب في زحلة"، مؤكداً انّ "الأجهزة الأمنية كانت حاسمة في منع الحزب من استكمال مشروعه، والتنسيق والإتصال مع القوى الأمنية التي تتابع الموضوع بدّقة هو في ذروته".

الا أن مصدراً أمنياً نفى لـ"الجمهورية"، إعتقال القوى الامنية لعناصر من "حزب الله" في زحلة، موضحاً أن "الاشكال حصل بين القوى الامنية ومجموعة تابعة للحزب كانت تقوم بإصلاح عطل في شبكة الاتصالات التابعة للحزب".

يُذكر انه وفي تشرين الاول من عام 2011، كشفت معلومات صحافية عن اقدام عناصر من "حزب الله" في منطقة ترشيش في ضهور زحلة، على استغلال ردم حفريات في موقع أشغال تمديد شبكة الألياف البصرية لوزارة الاتصالات في البلدة، لتمرير خطوط الشبكة الأرضية للحزب التي سبق الأهالي أن أوقفوها. الا أن شرطة بلدية ترشيش تنبهت لهم ومنعتهم، ثم أحاط بهم أهالي البلدة، وحضرت دورية لقوى الأمن الداخلي الى المكان".

الا أن المكتب الإعلامي لوزارة الإتصالات، أكد آنذاك أنه " تبيّن نتيجة أعمال الكشف وبموجب التقرير الرسمي الذي وضعه الفريق الفني المكلف، عدم وجود أية تمديدات خاصة في المسالك الهاتفية التابعة لوزارة الاتصالات في البلدة".

التعليقات 41
Thumb scorpyonn 09:07 ,2013 أيلول 16

These people have brought nothing but pain and suffering to the Lebanese.

Missing rami 12:22 ,2013 أيلول 16

There has been a lot of hezb this and hezb that lately, expect Nasrallah to come out and justify anytime soon.

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 13:39 ,2013 أيلول 16

ahah. Masbout! I can't wait Nasrallah to give us a lesson of telecom engineering like he did at the moment of the STL indictment... and how the Israelis cloned sim cards from the indicted...

Default-user-icon Mazhar (ضيف) 11:59 ,2013 أيلول 21

Retrd the boss in Lebanon is Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah
Not your retard xtian politicians
The days the maronieh dominated Leb are over

Thumb general_puppet 09:17 ,2013 أيلول 16

“Along with the residents, we will not lay this matter to rest because the statelet of Hizbullah will not be allowed to pass through Zahle,”... Excellent!!

The Iranian militia is usurping all the authority in Lebanon. Go resist in Damascus or Tehran you can set up all the checkpoints, telecommunications networks and terrorist acts there.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 11:14 ,2013 أيلول 16

God Bless the Islamic Iranian Resistance aka HA (Hussain Army) for laying this independent and secure communication network to keep our personal and official communications away from zionist and takfiri preying eyes. This network is being misinterpreted contrary to its true nature. It is not for commercial or personal gains but rather to serve the national interests of the lebanese. By offering the lebanese shia, state-of-the art secure voice and data communication, it will alleviate the overload on the government network. Hence, a better service for us in the end. I am sure the people of Zahle will come to their senses and apologize for this unintended mistake.

Default-user-icon TheGuest (ضيف) 11:40 ,2013 أيلول 16

You're damaging and damged.

When you make things that are serious into laughing material it loses its potency. I guess you're fine with doing your cause a disfavor. Dolt.

Default-user-icon Mahdi (ضيف) 09:28 ,2013 أيلول 16

So the planning of the creation of the new big state SHIASTAN it is not easy,ha?

Default-user-icon Tyrannic (ضيف) 09:46 ,2013 أيلول 16

My fellow Zahliots this telecom network has been for long in your town, covering at least 70% of Zahle province, passing through Hezirta, Karak, all the way to Ablah, Tamnin, kfar Zabad, and Rayak... with underground wiring. You are late with your protest... when the work started years ago MP's under Aoun had no guts to question it, and they think Zahle province ends at Manara roundabout... unfortunately the current MP's useless too... i feel sorry for you

Missing roger@10452 10:04 ,2013 أيلول 16

ya HA, you may think that after May 7 you are now the untouchables...but those who dont remember their history will be doomed forever...this is Zahle the heart of the Lebanese Resistance and it is not Hamra street...you tried and failed in Tarshish and now this...I suggest that you revisit your calculations because those who defeated the ASSad regime in 1981 will have no problem doing the same to you...

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 10:13 ,2013 أيلول 16

we all knew why they so viciously oppose ministerial portfolio rotations, how else will they B.S about their work being "state initiated"..good on you people of Zahle..
now wait for the loyal following to come out and defend..
HA is, and never will be anything but, an occupation force, a militia and a fanatical religious one at that.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 14:36 ,2013 أيلول 16

roar.. kindly point out the insult in my sentence.. is it "loyal following"? are they not? as much as m14 are? this is a forum.. and i do not insult either unless insulted..
what is there to defend? HA putting up illegal communication networks under the guise of the telecom ministry?
so please point some of your buddies on here who insult in the true meaning of the word if you are keen on protecting the debate.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 15:12 ,2013 أيلول 16

that is funny roar.. cause i am willing to bet the same thing.. even IF they were actually arrested.. they would have been released just by the party apparatus showing up..
but that is neither here or there..
as i mentioned, the part faithful WILL come out and defend.. even if this story is confirmed by everyone including the angel gabreil, does not change that m8 will come out and change the truth as much as m14 comes out to change what they like.
and last but not least, this is Lebanon.. the reality is either black or white.. there is no grey matter in between.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:57 ,2013 أيلول 16

i was right Roar!!! released in less than an hour!! hahaha

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 14:41 ,2013 أيلول 16

and is "now wait for the loyal following to come out and defend" the only thing you took from my comment?
if we are to have a debate, please debate the context of my comment.. their refusal to allow the rotation of ministries to cover up the real agenda...

Missing karim_m3- 10:16 ,2013 أيلول 16

"Voice of Lebanon radio (100.5) reported..."

"...told al-Joumhouria daily..."

Oh ok, I'm reassured now that I know that this is all based on very credible, non-biased media sources that have ABSOLUTELY no connections to and are not entirely financed by the kingdom of terrorism.

Default-user-icon karimoooooo (ضيف) 10:35 ,2013 أيلول 16

The fact that you deny it shows how wrong it is and shows that you disagree with hizballa's actions on that day.
Tell me, the people who blocked the road are also on the saudi-takfiri-payroll? in your simple mind im sure not 1 Lebanese disagrees with hizballa. thats how a trained militia thug thinks

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 10:36 ,2013 أيلول 16

typical response of the drones...
If you are sitting on Manar to confirm the validity i can tell you now to stop wasting you time.. THAT biased media source, that ABSOLUTELY has connections to and are entirely financed by the Republic of hate and ideology will not be reporting this story.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 11:55 ,2013 أيلول 16

FT, we have had this discussion on numerous occasions.
First off the biggest component of Syrian tutelage is Berri, followed closely by HA and now Aoun... M14, while far..far...far... from perfect or even "good"... extended a hand to HA many a times..
they have agreed on many points during the, now distant past, national dialogue.
HA has said it with no room for wiggle.. "our arms are not up for negotiation", "we will cut off the hand that reaches for our weapons", "our weapons will stay until the liberation of Jerusalem".
what seriousness do you want to confront this with?

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 13:54 ,2013 أيلول 16

well when one has a certain standpoint and changes it to suit their needs, there is no other explanation.
i know you will tell me that he did not want to sideline 35% of the population with his "understanding" with HA but there were other ways to do that, that do not include giving cover to the very weapons he spent ALL his years in exile speaking against.
when he talks about Lebanese prisoners in Syrian jails, and then after ONE trip to Syria, miraculously there are no more prisoners.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 13:58 ,2013 أيلول 16

and your comment: "while M14 was a syrian proxy (via its members before there was M14) and now they turned weekend rebels"
so it was wrong of them to finally wake up and see what syria was and still is (read Smaha) doing to Lebanon?? so if they stayed servants of the Syrians they would have been hailed as heroes in your eyes?
let us not beat around the bush .. it is the ones with the guns who should be proposing something, some way to get rid of their weapons.. but even that we all know is not their choice.. only Iran can make that decision.

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 10:22 ,2013 أيلول 16

all this for Israel maheik? Hizbelzbeleh has taken over Lebanon already but he didnt declare it yet coz rouhani didnt give the go...
We are in Hizbo state... Lebanon has become Farsi

Default-user-icon Alexander (ضيف) 10:42 ,2013 أيلول 16

And they dare to give us lessons about the values of the Republic, the people-army-resistance equation...
What if the Christians and Sunnis want to make their own telecom network too? Since we are living in a jungle not a state as it seems...

Missing un520 10:51 ,2013 أيلول 16

Now I expect mysterious businessmen with Iranian petrodollars to buy whole neigbourhoods in the Zahle area to ensure that there is no communication breakdown for Hezbollah. They will give offers that no one can refuse if they got their health in mind..

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 14:01 ,2013 أيلول 16

sad but true.. wether to the iranians OR the saudis.. Lebanese have no connection to this country.. only $$$$

Thumb thepatriot 11:05 ,2013 أيلول 16

Telecom networks, abductions, assassinations, war in syria, drug traffic,threats, terrorism, mafia, and still... some of our little friends here always come up with conspiracy theories... about how hezbollah are the victims of plots, disinformation,or machinations to make those little angels look bad... how ridiculous can one be eh karim!?

Default-user-icon Tyrannic (ضيف) 11:23 ,2013 أيلول 16

i wrote few facts about the existing network in Zahle, because it is already well established in ZAHLE. Naharnet is keen not to post it... thank you for saving my life :)

Thumb dasphinx 12:44 ,2013 أيلول 16

When we talk about a country within a country, we have to start talking about Lebanon being within Hezbestan and not they other way around.

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 13:51 ,2013 أيلول 16

did hezbelze3ran really expected that the Za7alneh will let him run his telecom cables through?
I also invite you to Bcharre to run your cables ...

Thumb dasphinx 14:16 ,2013 أيلول 16

For all of you wasting time bashing Aoun I say that there is no need to waste your breath. Aoun has committed political suicide with his alliance with Hezbollah and the way they mismanaged their ministries. I hope people in Keserwan now know the truth of what he is.

Thumb dasphinx 14:18 ,2013 أيلول 16

I am sure you are happy that Bachar dropped his pants and gave up at the mere threat of a strike. He now knows that no one will come to his rescue. He is a chicken except when it comes to killing his people. For your information, the winner is Israel but we know that you M8ers have a new enemy in the Syrian people.

Missing peace 14:48 ,2013 أيلول 16

"unlike M14ers , what happens in Syria does not concern me. "

you are contradicting yourself... supporting hezbis means you are concerned, supporting aoun means you are concerned.... they both are concerned by syria to see how long will they still cling to their privileges in lebanon!

Missing peace 15:56 ,2013 أيلول 16

great FT you know now who you exactly are... a little hitlerian backward binary anti lebanese....

Missing samiam 15:13 ,2013 أيلول 16

State within a state--this is hizb iran doing its thing.

Missing peace 16:07 ,2013 أيلول 16

LOL! you perfectly know that if the gvt does not recognize hezbi they would take the streets and shoot... as long as any gvt does anything against the will of hezbi they just take the streets and threaten the state with their weapons...

stop being blind...

Thumb zahle1 16:50 ,2013 أيلول 16

Hariri did help them do that. I wonder if he regrets that now after they turned their guns on him? Peace is right as well. Not only will they take to the streets and threaten to use their weapons, you will be accused of being a Zionist if you disagree. Whomever disagrees with HA is a Zionist, and whomever does not support FSA/Al Nusra is a Zionist. Its amazing isn't it. Can't we just have one country in the Middle East without guys running around kidnapping our people, burning our churches, and allowing a little arak here and there? Is that too much to ask?

Missing samiam 18:58 ,2013 أيلول 16

part of Hizb iran's may 2008 invasion of beirut was their telecom network--and since the ministers of telecom have been fpmers, do you think a lot will be done on this front?

Thumb zahle1 16:46 ,2013 أيلول 16

There is no need for HA to come through Zahle. I am glad the locals stepped in and I am proud of them. FT is right, they will just spend more money and go around. So be it. If there were elements of M14 that were with Syria through 1990-2005 its because they were afraid of getting assassinated. Do you remember how they outlawed anyone who was outspoken against Assad? Saudi is not the answer, we should not take there money either. That is why M14 has poor leadership. At the same time, HA is not as clean and pure as the M8 says on here. They will turn their weapons on anyone who disagrees with them, even if they disagree with their telephone lines. I used to want to believe my M14 friends who are M14 purists, and told them HA would not use weapons outside anything but Israel, but not they have done so against Lebanese over telephone lines, and in Syria, in the name of resistance. Say no to Saudi and Iran!

Missing VINCENT 04:28 ,2013 أيلول 17


Very well said.

Thumb shab 20:25 ,2013 أيلول 16

Filthy militia....need I say more?

Missing VINCENT 04:50 ,2013 أيلول 17

"Our weapons will stay until the liberation of Jerusalem." I want to believe that so much as it is crucial for Lebanon to rid the country of the Palestinian dilemma, but I thought the end game was for "Resistance"? The argument is flawed in so many ways. That land belongs to both the Palestinians and the Jews, but not for the expense/detriment of the Palestinians. What is the meaning of "Liberation of Jerusalem"? Bringing down the State of Israel? It is not attainable as it will bring total destruction, not only to Palestine to the Palestinians' detriment, but also to the entire region which no sane government, even Iran, will dare to initiate. So, H.A. is saying: "Our weapons will stay until hell freezes over" which is never. H.A. is talking from both sides of their mouths. This my friends is Iran Logic-101.