دمشق تطلب الإنضمام لمنظمة حظر الاسلحة الكيميائية والأسد لن ينفذ المبادرة الروسية قبل وقف "تهديدات" واشنطن

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اعلن الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد في مقابلة الخميس مع تلفزيون روسي ان بلاده لن تنفذ شروط المبادرة الروسية حول الاسلحة الكيميائية الا اذا اوقفت الولايات المتحدة دعمها "للارهابيين" وتوقفت عن "تهديد" سوريا، في حين أكدت الأمم المتحدة طلب انضمام دمشق لمعاهدة حظر الأسلحة الكيميائية.

وقال الاسد في مقابلته مع قناة "روسيا 24" الحكومية الروسية "يجب ان يكون واضحا للجميع بأن تلك الاجراءات بالنسبة لنا ليست من طرف واحد.. فهي ليست ان تقوم سوريا بالتوقيع وانتهى الأمر أو بالتطبيق وينتهي الأمر". واضاف الاسد "هذا الموضوع موضوع باتجاهين يعتمد بالدرجة الأولى على تخلي الولايات المتحدة عن سياساتها العدوانية تجاه سوريا وعلى استجابتها للمبادرة الروسية (...). عندما نرى أن الولايات المتحدة صادقة في توجهاتها تجاه الاستقرار في هذه المنطقة والتوقف عن التهديد والعمل من أجل العدوان أو حتى إرسال سلاح للإرهابيين، عندها نعتبر أن السير بهذه الإجراءات إلى المراحل النهائية لكي تصبح نافذة يمكن أن يكون قابلا للتحقيق". واشار الرئيس السوري الى ان سوريا سترسل "خلال الايام القليلة المقبلة" الوثائق التقنية المطلوبة لتوقيع الاتفاق على حظر الاسلحة الكيميائية.

واشار الرئيس السوري الى ان بلاده سترسل "خلال بضعة ايام" الوثائق التقنية المطلوبة لتوقيع الاتفاق بشأن حظر الاسلحة الكيميائية.

وصرح الاسد "خلال بضعة ايام سترسل سوريا رسالة الى الامم المتحدة ومنظمة حظر الاسلحة الكيميائية مرفقة بالوثائق التقنية الضرورية لتوقيع الاتفاق". وفي نيويورك، اعلنت الامم المتحدة الخميس انها تلقت طلب انضمام سوريا الى معاهدة حظر الاسلحة الكيميائية الصادرة في العام 1993. وقال المتحدث باسم المنظمة الدولية فرحان حق "قبل بضع ساعات، تسلمنا وثيقة انضمام من جانب الحكومة السورية تتعلق بالاتفاقية حول الاسلحة الكيميائية ونقوم بدرسها. وهي قيد الترجمة".

وتابع "بعد ذلك يتم العمل من أجل التوقيع على اتفاقية حظر الأسلحة. هذه الاتفاقية تشمل عدة جوانب. منها منع تصنيع الأسلحة الكيميائية. تشمل منع تخزينها. ومنع استخدامها".

وابدى الرئيس السوري اعتقاده بان الاتفاقية تصبح نافذة "بعد شهر من توقيعها"، تقوم بعدها سوريا "بتقديم البيانات المطلوبة عن المخزون الكيميائي للمنظمة".

وأكد الاسد ان قرار سوريا بالموافقة على تفكيك ترسانتها من الاسلحة الكيميائية لا علاقة له بالتهديدات الاميركية بشن ضربات على سوريا، مشيدا بالدور الروسي في هذه الازمة. واعلن ان "الدور الأساسي في هذا الموضوع سيكون للدولة الروسية لأنه لا يوجد أي ثقة بيننا وبين الأميركيين ولا توجد اتصالات بيننا وبينهم". وقال ان التهديدات الاميركية بضرب سوريا كانت "على خلفية الادعاءات التي سوقتها الإدارة الأميركية والمتعلقة باستخدام الأسلحة الكيميائية في غوطة دمشق. فالحقيقة لم يكن هناك تهديد أميركي بشأن التخلي عن الأسلحة الكيميائية. هذا الكلام غير صحيح". ووصف الاسد العلاقة بين روسيا وسوريا بأنها "علاقة ثقة تمتنت بشكل خاص خلال الأزمة حيث أثبتت روسيا مصداقيتها كدولة كبرى يمكن الاعتماد عليها".

إلى ذلك قال المتحدث باسم المنظمة الدولية فرحان حق مساء الخميس بتوقيت بيروت "قبل بضع ساعات، تسلمنا وثيقة انضمام من جانب الحكومة السورية تتعلق بالاتفاقية حول الاسلحة الكيميائية ونقوم بدرسها. وهي قيد الترجمة".

التعليقات 32
Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 16:23 ,2013 أيلول 12

Today is a special day! Bless you president Assssad for being a man of integrity and honesty. Those who doubted you are now confused and in disarray at your noble unprecedented decision. You have taught world leaders that politics can be honest when it serves the interests of the people. Soar high my president, soar like an eagle, like a lion with wings, like an angel. Bless you

Thumb Machia 19:43 ,2013 أيلول 12

O great Assad. You were a visionary. You destroyed Homs, Hama, Damascus to create ruins for tourists to visit.
The millions of Syrian refugees will become foreign workers and send remittances back home and the Syrian economy will boom.
You made all the TV stations talk about Syria. Syria here Syria there. It became more famous than Mogadishu, Vietnam and Afghanistan. O great Assad you are a marketing genius.

Thumb Machia 00:11 ,2013 أيلول 13

For you FT: Takfiris of the world unite and come to Syria for tourism and terrorism.
Come burn villages, execute Syrian soldiers, terrorise minorities and make Assad look good.
Come from Australia, Afghanistan and the UK. Come from Yemen, Saudi and Tataristan.
Show the world how Jihad is made and why they should not topple the tyrant ophthalmologist who can pluck eyes out faster than you can say pop.

Thumb liberty 16:37 ,2013 أيلول 12

Yeah he gave up his precious deterrent weapons in order to stay in power and oppress the innocent syrian people.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 16:39 ,2013 أيلول 12

exactly... as i have said America and Israel have been trying to get those weapons .. and now they have it without a finger lifted or a penny spent...
yet some see this as a good will gesture from Assad and a victory.. nobody but Israel won.. and defeated Assad.

Spin doctors... spin away..

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 17:53 ,2013 أيلول 12

your analysis is interesting considering i just read a washington post story that US arms have begun arriving to the rebels...
i do not think the whole story was just about these Chemical weapons, but breaking the "resistance axis".
I do not think USA and Russia are done, and this will not be over until Assad turns away from Iran and it's proxies.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:12 ,2013 أيلول 12

john.. except there is no international boycott against israel and the armed resistance of Hamas is pathetic.. unless you mean the armed resistance of Lebanon.. which is non-existent since 2006.

Thumb benzona 19:52 ,2013 أيلول 12

FT: Sam 300 aren't chemical weapons?

La chimie est partout..... Technically it is chemical. But they aren't WMD.

Missing fireextinguisher 16:59 ,2013 أيلول 12

"President Bashar al-Assad said in an interview with Russian television Thursday that Syria would place its chemical weapons under international control but emphasized the move was prompted by Moscow, not U.S. threats of military action,"


Missing phillipo 17:27 ,2013 أيلول 12

Isn't it interesting, no matter what happens in the Middle East, you "Southern" manage to turn things around so that Israel is to blame.
Isn't it time that you realise that certain things happen without Israeli intervention or influence.
Do you honestly believe that if Israel were really interested in making sure that Syria was not a danger to the existance of Israel, she would have sat quiet for over two years and let that murderer Assad kill over 100,000 of his own countrymen.

Thumb benzona 19:55 ,2013 أيلول 12

Southern is not from the south. I'm from the South. He's not representative..... Just disregard his opinion. We don't even read him anymore... We lost hope. He's an aficionado of Claoun. A former army general, war criminal who awaits his judgement. Not to mention he's depleting with the help of his in-law our money for generations to come.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 17:56 ,2013 أيلول 12

not only do you steal pics.. but have no common sense in understanding key events.. Assad lost his last deterrent against Israel.. his armed forces would not last SIX days against Israel.. this is nothing but a defeat handed to him by his "ally". he bowed to pressure, and feared the military threat that could severely limit his ability to keep up his offensive. If you want to call this poker, he just folded pocket rockets..

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:14 ,2013 أيلول 12

how long will he be able to keep firing those rockets?? that is the question..his air power is far inferior to the Israelis.. evidence by multiple wars and the complete thrashing over the skies of the bekaa valley in the 80s... you have to remember the army is very different than HA... not as mobile..

Missing peace 19:15 ,2013 أيلول 12

really? lol

Thumb Machia 19:27 ,2013 أيلول 12

FT, I agree with your analysis. The US is doing its interest. Obama had talked about a red line and that was the use of chemical weapons and today they forced him to give up this arsenal. Why should the US fight for democracy in Syria if it is not in its interest?
Who cares anyway!
In Lebanon, we should also do what is in our interest and the first thing to do is to leave our differences aside and unite in these dangerous times. We have great challenges, (refugees, Lebanese parties getting involved in Syria, etc.) and great opportunities (oil&gas, technology, tourism, etc.).
I suggest that we stop talking about M14, M8, Tayyar, Hezbollah, Mustaqbal, LF, stop the divide. Let's start a movement from the Naharnet forum to push and lobby for this.

Thumb Machia 19:29 ,2013 أيلول 12

FT, I agree with your analysis. The US is doing its interest. Obama had talked about a red line and that was the use of chemical weapons and today he forced Assad to give up this arsenal. Why should the US fight for democracy in Syria if it is not in its interest?
Who cares anyway!
In Lebanon, we should also do what is in our interest and the first thing to do is to leave our differences aside and unite in these dangerous times. We have great challenges, (refugees, Lebanese parties getting involved in Syria, etc.) and great opportunities (oil&gas, technology, tourism, etc.).
I suggest that we stop talking about M14, M8, Tayyar, Hezbollah, Mustaqbal, LF, stop the divide.

Thumb Machia 19:38 ,2013 أيلول 12

Resistance Shmesistance...Assad and his junta are in it for the power and the money. Nothing else. He is a petty dictator that has no value except being a great border guard to Israel.
The regime will give up anything and kill every Syrian and Lebanese just to stay in power. That is their plan and nothing else.

Thumb Machia 19:46 ,2013 أيلول 12

Yes you are right. Assad is a great poker player. Obama shouted booo and Assad showed all the other players his cards. That is a new way of playing poker that I shall endeavour to learn.

Thumb benzona 19:49 ,2013 أيلول 12

Baha Men used to sing in 2000 "who let the dogs out...".

In 2013 we can sing "who let the giraffe out..."

It wasn't me!

Thumb benzona 20:15 ,2013 أيلول 12

Amen Samy.

Thumb benzona 20:38 ,2013 أيلول 12

The only thing they're resisting is arrest.....

Nothing else!

Thumb benzona 20:58 ,2013 أيلول 12

Definitely pathetic (hence sad) Ruby Tuesday.

They try hard to let Lebanese expats think these M8ers views represent the vast majority of our views. We expats, quite the contrary, the exact opposite of them. The worst is that they're getting paid for this........ Ya latif. May god preserve us from falling this law.

Thumb benzona 21:10 ,2013 أيلول 12


Thumb benzona 21:16 ,2013 أيلول 12

Because its supper time and we're hungry...... We wouldn't mind a burger right now!

Missing peace 22:15 ,2013 أيلول 12

all this is part of a big show... never the usa wanted to oust bashar, so useful he is at keeping israel safe. the russians gave obama the opportunity to get out of the mess he fell in by avoiding him the strikes over syria... if the usa or israel wanted bashar out they would have done it much much earlier instead of procrastinating!

in the logic of the M8ers bashar should be called a zionist as he keeps israel safe from any bombing for decades!

Thumb benzona 22:19 ,2013 أيلول 12

Well, Bachar and family are zionists. Since Suleiman Al Assad in the 1930s ! ! ! But this is well covered up.

Thumb Lebfrcan 23:04 ,2013 أيلول 12

Had enough of this chameleon and how he manipulates / delays.
He learned a bit from his father.
Hope the US will not give him much time.
It's either now or pay the price for your mass murders.

Missing VINCENT 02:50 ,2013 أيلول 13

Mr. Assad: And Russia came up and presented this option to you because of...?

Missing VINCENT 03:01 ,2013 أيلول 13

ft, you say "... this article shows that the US is once again, dumping its allies". Too late, you're dealing with Obama who already told the world five years ago he does not want the U.S. to take a leading role in foreign affairs, specially Middle East. U.S. administrations come and go. By the way, how come the U.S. doesn't dump its ally, Israel? Woow scary Zionists! How come the Arabs with all their oil money and purchasing power have not been able to get together and slap their hands. Terrorism is much easier, isn't it?

Thumb eagle_eye 04:01 ,2013 أيلول 13

Vote whether U.S. should strike or not:


Thumb habib 10:44 ,2013 أيلول 13

Ya jezzar er7all

Default-user-icon bcdude (ضيف) 16:14 ,2013 أيلول 14

Assad is brutal,Syrian Rebals are just as evil,US backs them, NWO IS PUSHING THIS AGENDA,evil corporate nwo banks want syria,Americans actually believe the corporate run media,US has been depopulating the planet for the last 40 years,only doing what they are told by there evil bosses,Americans gotta be thee most brainwashed nation in the world,were all Brainwashed into thinking the US are the good guys now,sure world war 1 and 2 even the war in korea,US stood for democracy,since then look at whats transpired,vietnam,iraq,what a mess,no were facing down world war 3 in the coming years.scary