روسيا تحذر من ان الغارات على سوريا ستؤدي الى "انتشار الارهاب"
Read this story in Englishاكد وزيرا خارجية روسيا وسوريا الاثنين استعداد دمشق للمشاركة في مفاوضات لايجاد حل سلمي للنزاع السوري، وذلك قبل ساعات قليلة من كلمة للرئيس الاميركي امام الكونغرس لاقناع اعضائه بالحاجة الى شن ضربات على النظام السوري.
وفي مواجهة تصاعد التهديدات بعمل عسكري ضد سوريا، التقى الوزيران الروسي والسوري، سيرغي لافروف ووليد المعلم، في موسكو لبحث تطورات الوضع.
وقال لافروف خلال مؤتمر صحافي اعقب المحادثات بين الوزيرين ان "امكانية الحل السلمي لا تزال موجودة"، مشيرا الى ان دمشق لا تزال "مستعدة لمفاوضات سلام".
من جانبه اكد المعلم استعداد النظام السوري للمشاركة في مؤتمر "جنيف 2" للسلام في سوريا "من دون شروط مسبقة"، في اشارة الى المؤتمر الدولي للسلام الذي تم اقتراحه في ايار من جانب واشنطن وموسكو لكن دون عقده عقبات كبيرة بفعل التوتر الروسي - الاميركي.
كما اشار المعلم الى استعداد النظام السوري الى الحوار مع كل القوى السياسية المؤيدة لاعادة السلام الى البلاد. الا انه حذر من ان موقف نظام بشار الاسد سيتغير في حال حصول الضربات العسكرية. كذلك حذر لافروف من امكان "انتشار الارهاب" في الشرق الاوسط في حال تم توجيه ضربات على سوريا.
وقال لافروف "هناك عدد متزايد من السياسيين ورجال الدولة الذين يشاطروننا الرأي بان سيناريو قوة سيقود الى انتشار الارهاب في سوريا والدول المجاورة، والى تدفق اعداد كبيرة من اللاجئين".
وتعارض موسكو، الحليفة الثابتة لنظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد، اي تحرك عسكري ضد دمشق تدعو اليه الولايات المتحدة وفرنسا، محذرة من مخاطر زعزعة الاستقرار في كامل المنطقة. وشكر المعلم الاثنين باسم الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين على دعمه.
وعقد اللقاء بين الوزيرين في وقت يستعد باراك اوباما الى توجيه كلمة امام الكونغرس في وقت لاحق الاثنين لاقناع اعضائه بالحاجة الى مهاجمة نظام بشار الاسد الذي تتهمه واشنطن ومعها قوى غربية عدة بالمسؤولية عن هجوم كيميائي وقع في 21 اب في ريف دمشق.
وشككت روسيا في مسؤولية نظام الاسد عن هذا الهجوم. وطالب الرئيس الروسي الاسبوع الماضي بتقديم "ادلة مقنعة" الى الامم المتحدة.
من جانبه نفى الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد ان يكون قد اعطى الاوامر باستخدام اسلحة كيميائية، وذلك في مقابلة مع قناة "سي بي اس" الاميركية تبث مساء الاثنين.
وبعد قمة مجموعة العشرين التي عقدت الخميس والجمعة في سان بطرسبورغ شمال غرب روسيا والتي فشل خلالها الاميركيون والروس في التوصل الى تفاهم، واصلت الولايات المتحدة في نهاية الاسبوع في اوروبا حملتها الدبلوماسية المكثفة لاقناع شركائها بمبرراتها لشن ضربة عسكرية لسوريا، متباهية بدعم دولي "واسع ومتزايد" للعمل العسكري المحتمل.
ويختتم وزير الخارجية الاميركي الاثنين في لندن جولة اوروبية استمرت ثلاثة ايام.
وروسيا التي تدعم نظام دمشق منذ اندلاع النزاع في سوريا قبل سنتين ونصف السنة، عرقلت حتى الان مع الصين صدور اي قرار في مجلس الامن الدولي يهدف الى فرض عقوبات على الرئيس الاسد او ادانته.
وتعود العلاقات الوثيقة بين موسكو ودمشق الى حقبة الاتحاد السوفياتي واستمر التعاون العسكري بينهما على الرغم من النزاع القائم في سوريا ما اثار انتقادات لدى الغرب.
غير ان بوتين كشف الاسبوع الماضي ان بلاده علقت عمليات تسليم انظمة صواريخ اس300 الى سوريا، وهي صواريخ متطورة توازي صاروخ باتريوت الاميركي.
I thought he went there to negotiate a compromise of sorts to ship all the chemical weapons in Syria to Russia to appease the US and the scud missiles to the Russian naval base in Syria in fear of US attack?
I wonder if Turkey let him use their airspace or did he have to take the long way around through Iran
I think we should give in to the USA intention. The USA wants all Christians out of the ME. whether dead or alive, the Isrseli-USA needs no-Christian face and blend in Arab society. They made it clear in 1973 refrencing Lebanon but Assad was smart then to thwart that plan in Lebanon. So USA ended up invading Iraq and removing 70% of its Christian population. Then USA supported Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and removed 50% of its Christian population. Now Syria, its going to follow through as Iraq. Now someone will ask why? I hope I do not sound racist because I am not. But Christians add this edge to the Arabic society that Israel finding threatning to its control
this one is for you Bustany, and your claims that Hafez "prtected" Lebanese Christians:
And this for you to see the CURRENT situation in Maaloul:
C'mon you, dust off yourself and join reality. While I sympathize and agree with you that things weren't as good as our friends here say they were and perpetrators should be punished, you simply cannot stay in the past and to forgo reality and the future.
Endless. Let us get this right. I being against the Assad govt does not mean I am with the takfiris. I believe that once, or should I say if, Assad is toppled, there is enough moderates in Syria to elect a secular, minority protecting, democratic govt. let us not forget that it is Assad himself who freed a lot of these people in the first place (am not saying foreign jihadists have not entered since.) let us not forget that Assad himself could have spared the country by agreeing to step down and holding free and fair internationaly monitered elections. Let us also not forget that this started because some kids were tortured for writing graffiti on the wall.
I am a Christian. But why should I only sympathise with Christians? Which I do. Where is your sympathy for the kids and men and women who were tortured, arbitrarily arrested and disappeared in the five star jails of this man during and before the uprising? Yes I will hold Syria responsible for what it did in Lebanon as long as it is the same family and mentality that is ruling it. Once these criminals are made to pay the price I will forget. So let us speak the truth and be equally critical. And that if Assad (father & son) were not the definition of monsters all of this would have been avoided.
arzak-ya-libnan; Realpolitik -- he can't be removed militarily and not cause the country to delve hastily into chaos. There's so much terroristic aggregation in Syria it that I am in disbelief. I've seen things. Things Lebanon can't surmount if they are not kicked out of Syria even if the opposition takes hold right this very moment. That's why I believe the solution should be political. Al-Assad removed and both the FSA and the SAA removed every trace of terrorists. If they keep thinning each others' numbers while terrorists continue to amass in numbers and replace losses from all around the world, they and us would be place between a rock and a hard place. We're on the same side, believe you me.
arzak-ya-libnan, yes I agree with all your statements, except one. I despise the treacherous Syrian relations and the Lebanese collaborates of that time (i.e. at least half of parliament today ) and would rather see all of them AND Al-Assad and their memories removed from the potentially glorious 10452km2 sanctuary of the blessed Cedars, Lebanon.
I agree Al-Assad should be removed, I agree his internal policies were barbarous, I agree moderates should take hold of the country, I agree they should work for a secular and fair democracy, I agree Al-Assad may have released hundreds of terrorists, what I agree to disagree on however is the current situation in terms of the ability of the moderates to avoid a failed state while in the truest sense of the word, terrorists number in the tens of thousands.
All those backing Ass-ad on the backs of Muslim blood, no that they will be held to account eventually, as their hatred and blindness to the suffering in Syria will not go unpunished,those that believe their own lies.
Russia has its interests in Syria but they should stop backing the Assad boys. They have messed things up royaly. They are spoilt children. The Neros and Caligulas of Syria.
Rover98 is obviously a fundamentalist and is part of the problem. Fundamentalism is the direct result of dictatorial regimes in the Arab world fueled by both Gulf money and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Fundamentalism and dictatorship are an aberration to the 21st century.
Although I understand its interests, I am baffled as to why Russia is backing a killer like Assad.
Machia, most countries of the Middle East are dictatorships. The real irony is when monarchs advocate democracy in other country. The real problem, though, is not the fueling of money for dictatorships as it has been seen they will be toppled regardless in a short amount of time by the people if tyranny reaches to a certain degree. A bit disappointed that someone who knows much (presumably) about the great Machiavelli would miss this fine point. Al-Assad while a dictator to a certain extent, has planned well and is in relatively decent health. The real problem is the mentality of Arabs who don't have any notion of democracy, having been under the tyranny of absolute rulers from the beginning of their time. Up until recently more or less.
I still say Arab's are better than the West in that the West has spilled much more blood than the Arabs will in achieving democracy and hopefully, with the West's guidance and help they can save thousands and millions of lives and also shed some 100 years or so from the process.
Russia's support is quite evident and out in the open I think.
Machia, besides, pushing for US military intervention/action makes a lot of sense for Israel.
First, if America DOES seem weak, Iran won't mind the threats all that much/won't be afraid/US pressure won't work/Iran will be encouraged.
Second, it's about time Al-Assad is replaced. Al-Assad being so sympathetic to Iran is dangerous in both expanding its already significant influence over the region(Iran-Syria-Iraq-Lebanon+regional countries) and its direct and unhampered logistical ease in delivering weapons to Hizbullah(through Syria). A replacement for Al-Assad, one who is much less sympathetic to Iran makes sense, and to take advantage of US intervention to shield Israel from the spotlight in its ambitions makes even more sense.I do not understand why regime change is bad for Israel, especially since many of the more prominent members of the coalition are great replacements wanting to please the West/cut off ties with Iran/Hezbollah.
endless, sorry I did not make myself clear, I meant the fuelling of money to fundamentalists. Both the Islamic Republic of Iran and Gulf countries played and still play a large part in the spread of extremism.
Dictatorships cannot fight extremism, only democracies can. Why? because extremism is fought by interaction, ideas, economic prosperity and outcome.
Dictatorships fight extremism by fire and this only promotes it.
The only way of getting rid of extremism is to get rid of those crazy, thieving and murdering dictators.
Machia, agreed. I'm in favor of regime change but only so long as there is absolute guarantee that the same lunatics the world is fighting against don't amass power in Syria, especially seeing as how it's right next to Lebanon. This would create a rippling effect throughout the middle east as countries try to seek control and advertise themselves against such developments while not being honest and simply playing with emotions.
I'm not affected by the later because I've seen many, many videos to see the threat is real and quiet dangerous. I've even seen dozens of videos where they've set up training grounds far better than those in Afghanistan or elsewhere, and yes, they're the extremists. It has already started.
To Arzak-ya-libnan, you want the Syrians to pay, what if the Palestinians requested that the Christians that supported and helped carry out the sabra-shatila massacre pay. My point is sometimes its best to move on and cover up the scars of the past. Don't let the scars of the past cloud your judgement of the current situation or the future.