بان كي مون يقدر التزام حكومة ميقاتي بالقرارات الدولية
Read this story in Englishنقل مندوب لبنان الدائم في مجلس الأمن الدولي السفير نواف سلام رسالة من الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بان كي مون إلى رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي تضمنت تقدير الأمين العام لالتزام الحكومة بالقرارات الدولية، لا سيما القرار 1701 وقرار إنشاء المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان وسائر القرارات الأخرى، بحسب ما كشفت صحيفة "اللواء".
Another GOLDEN nail in the coffin of the now-defunct March 14 and Al Mustaqbal al mrett. Unemployment will only rise by 0.024% as these clowns never really amounted to much. They were mostly remotely-controlled robots with broken records inside. Actually, they will remain as such but with no official titles. SORRY LOSERS!
I can assure you TRICOLOR that crime that goes unpunished will multiply and thugs that took the life of so many of innocent people during hariri murder must be held accountable regardless of who they are. Everyhting has an end and if you think that march 14 is over and so will march the 8 but thier end will be more nasty.
Nasr, I do not care nor need your assurance. Thanks anyway. What Ban said contradicts what Hady Hobeich today in particular is and all of Al Mustaqbal are repeating, and that makes them liars. If you think I am wrong, then this makes Ban the liar and this becomes a bigger problem to you (I personally do not trust Ban because he is an idiot and a US puppet). Your problem is not with me, friend. It is with those who lie to you, and that makes them big losers.
Yes, Miqati will follow UN resolutions more than America or Israel ever did! And those who do not like it, jump in the ocean.