الحكومة البريطانية تؤكد الا تحرك عسكريا في سوريا قبل نتائج تحقيق الامم المتحدة

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اكدت الحكومة البريطانية انها لن تشارك في اي تحرك عسكري ضد سوريا قبل معرفة نتائج تحقيقات خبراء الامم المتحدة بشأن استخدام اسلحة كيميائية في النزاع السوري، وفق مذكرة يتوقع رفعها الى البرلمان الخميس للتصويت عليها.

واورد نص المذكرة ان "الامين العام للامم المتحدة يجب ان يتمكن من التوجه الى مجلس الامن مباشرة بعد نهاية مهمة الفريق"، مضيفا ان "مجلس الامن الدولي يجب ان تكون لديه فرصة الحصول على هذا التقرير ويجب بذل الجهود كافة للحصول على قرار في مجلس الامن يدعم اي تحرك عسكري قبل القيام بمثل هذه الخطوة". واوضحت المذكرة انه "قبل اي تورط بريطاني مباشر في مثل هذا التحرك، سيحصل تصويت اخر في مجلس العموم".

وقال متحدث باسم رئاسة الحكومة البريطانية لوكالة فرانس برس ان هذا التصويت "لن يحصل قبل انجاز محققي الامم المتحدة تقريرهم".

واكد الامين العام للامم المتحدة بان كي مون الاربعاء ان الخبراء بحاجة الى اربعة ايام لانهاء عملهم على الارض. وتنطوي المذكرة التي سيتم رفعها الى البرلمان البريطاني الخميس على "تنديد باستخدام اسلحة كيميائية في سوريا في 21 اب 2013 من جانب نظام (بشار) الاسد ما ادى الى سقوط مئات القتلى والاف الجرحى من المدنيين السوريين".

كما تؤكد المذكرة ان "المطلوب تقديم رد انساني قوي من جانب المجتمع الدولي وان هذا الامر قد يتطلب، اذا لزم الامر، عملا عسكريا يكون قانونيا، متوازنا وموجها لحماية ارواح عبر المنع او الردع عن استخدام اسلحة كيميائية في سوريا"، واصفة استخدام هذا النوع من الاسلحة بانه "جريمة حرب وجريمة ضد الانسانية".

التعليقات 21
Missing zahle_nights1 22:23 ,2013 آب 28

Good one viper-bite!!

Thumb cityboy 22:25 ,2013 آب 28

To Mr. short memory viper-bite, do you remember when millions in britian were out on the streets protesting against the attack on Iraq, what did the government do, attack Iraq. so much for listening to the people. Even today vast majority of people in the so called democratic countries of the west don't want war with Syria but there you have it, seems their governments still want war. so much for listening to the people.

Thumb cityboy 22:30 ,2013 آب 28

So it seems Britian is getting cold feet, oh I hope those that got all excited yesterday that an attack was imminent aren't too disappointed. I told you not to get too excited, you will just make fools of yourselves. Syria has real friends and has the support of most of the people around the world. Bashar is not going anywhere.

Thumb insideman101 22:41 ,2013 آب 28

Trust me. None of these Western countries want to hit Syria. They know what it'll cause. But there's one thing these countries can't do and that is go against their Israeli Lobby's. Israeli Lobby's control these countries foreign policies.
The only country benefiting from an attack on Syria is Israel

Thumb Senescence 23:15 ,2013 آب 28

I thought they had all the damn irrefutable proofs in the world? There's something else afoot here.

Thumb jabal10452 23:38 ,2013 آب 28

They do have proof. At least this is what the Americans say. Just read an article on Foreign Policy that outlines the proof(s) that the US claims to have (intercepted messages between gvt officials and the officer in charge of the CWs). I would put the link but you would not be able to read the article if you don't have full access to FP.
So basically the UK and others are just taking a little more time to build their case with their electorate. I think that the strike is when not if.

Thumb jabal10452 23:39 ,2013 آب 28

Here. For those who have full access to FP, here's the link to the article that I am referring to:

Thumb Senescence 23:49 ,2013 آب 28

I see. Thank you for the input.

Thumb insideman101 23:45 ,2013 آب 28

US claims they have intercepted msgs. Yes, your right.
DO you know where they got the msgs from????? ISRAEL
But i guess Israeli proof is credible enough for M14ers right???

Here's some real proof:

Thumb jabal10452 23:52 ,2013 آب 28

1. I am not M14.
2. Where the Americans got their info is irrelevant here. I'm just stating what I read in FP.
3. You obsession with Israel could be detrimental to your reasoning.

Thumb primesuspect 01:40 ,2013 آب 29


Missing people-power 07:36 ,2013 آب 29

Insideboy posts an article from May 6. Here's an article from May 7, discrediting the May 6 article.


The only evidence Del Ponte cited regarding the Syrian rebels use of chemical weapons was: "testimony from the victims and medical staff". In other words, because the victims were pro-Assad she concluded the perpetrators were the rebels.

And here's some background info:


Missing VINCENT 23:55 ,2013 آب 28

So I guess, the two people who disagreed with you either did were not able to read between the lines, or just anarchists.

Thumb cityboy 00:55 ,2013 آب 29

Gee Mr. Brains, show us one post on here with 20 votes up.

Missing VINCENT 02:35 ,2013 آب 29

Viper-bite: I know. It is just so frustrating sometimes when a party pretends to resist for the safety and good of the country, but, at the same time, they undermine the principals of which the country stands or should stand and put the rest of us in danger.

Thumb cityboy 09:55 ,2013 آب 29

..... you must be a village idiot. no other way to explain you.

Missing VINCENT 00:00 ,2013 آب 29

Honestly, everybody and every nation is so sick and tired of the entire Middle East. I hope the oil wells dry up soon and move on to another form of energy.

Thumb cityboy 00:58 ,2013 آب 29

mideast oil will be around for over 400 years so dont hold your breath waiting. besides, its not the oil that is the problem.

Missing VINCENT 02:40 ,2013 آب 29

I know, they've been killing each other for hundreds of years, and mostly the smaller in size but bigger in brain power have often been victimized. At least we don't have to make them rich.

Thumb LebCynic 00:15 ,2013 آب 29

I was walking past the British parliament this morning and I heard a familiar chant it went like "Allah, Syria w Bashar" in a thick British accent!!! Not sure what that's about.. ✌

Thumb cityboy 01:00 ,2013 آب 29

would you rather hear, Allah, Britian, W Queen Elizabeth. Didnt think so. now just enjoy what you heard.