الأسير يحذر المسيحيين من تفجيرات في مناطقهم "تطبيقا لخطاب نصرالله"
Read this story in Englishحذر الإمام السابق لمسجد بلال بن رباح الشيخ أحمد الأسير المسيحيين من أن يطبق الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله خطابه الأخير بتفجيرات في المناطق المسيحية.
وقال الأسير في تسجيل صوتي بث على مواقع الإنترنت الثلاثاء "أمام هول المجازر التي ترتكب بحقنا لا يسعني إلا أن أتقدم من أهلنا في الطرابلس والغوطة ومصر بالعزاء وأسأل الله أن يجعل كل الذين قتلوا في المجازر شهداء وأسأله أن يصبر ذويهم وأحبائهم".
وتوجه إليهم بالقول "لا يمكن إلا أن نقول لهم يا جبل ما يهزك ريح".
وأعرب عن اعتقاده أنه "أصبح هناك قناعة راسخة عند كل ذي لب بأن الفريق الإيراني السوري وأدواتهم ي المنطقة هم الذين قاموا بالعمل الإجرامي وأقله هم أول من يتهم".
وشدد عهلى أن "هذا الفريق هو المتهم الأول بهذه الجريمة سواء حزب اللات (الله) أو (الحزب) القومي (السوري الأجتماعي) أو (الحزب) البعثي (العربي الإشتراكي) أو أمثال (الوزير السابق المسجون ميشال) سماحة".
عليه قال ان "المهم ألا تضيع الحقيقة ولا تميع كما يحاول البعض أن يطمس الحقيقة ظنا منه أن يبعد شبح الفتنة عن بلدنا لبنان" مضيفا "ينبغي أن يقول الأمور كما هي ويعالج أسباب الفتنة من جذورها".
وسأل الأسير "هل يستطيع أحد أن ينزع من نفوس أهالي طرابلس قناعتهم بعلاقة خطاب نصراللات بالتفجير الأخير؟ الأهم هل يستطيع أحد أن يغير قناعة أهل طرابلس؟ هل يستطيع أحد أن ينزع من نفوس الطرابلسيين مسؤوليته عن التفجير بدفاعه المتسميت عن النظام السوري؟" ليجيب "هو فريق بشار الأسد المجرم ومن يعاونه".
وأعلن أنه "لا يجوز أن نتكاذب على اللبنانيين بل يجب أن نقول الأمور كما هي".
ولاحظ أم "الجريمة الأكبر التي ستلد جرائم الآن لا حصر لها عندما نهادن الآن ونحاول أن نسترضي نصرااللات بل يجب تحميله كامل المسؤولية عما حدث في لبنان وما يحدث سواء على طائفته وغير طائفته".
أضاف "هنا أنتهز الفرصة لأقول لشركائنا المسيحيين حذاري حذاري من أن ينفذ في شارعكم مثلما حصل في طرابلس والضاحية كي يطبق القول بالفعل أي قول نصراللات بالفعل لا مدينة ستنأى ولا طائفة ستنأى ويا لبنانيين هبوا للدفاع عن أنفسكم من التكفيريين".
وختم قائلا "للحاقدين على طرابلس وأهلها من سياسيين وإعلاميين وغير ذلك أما كفاكم حقدا وتحريضا على طرابلس وأهلها من خلال بعض وسائل الأعلام تحريض وكذي وتشويه أما كفاكم" مضيفا "مهما شوهتم وحرضتم ستبؤون بالفشل بإذن الله".
يذكر أنه قتل 45 شخصا وجرح 800 على الأقل في تفجيرين استهدفا مسجدي التقوى والسلام في طرابلس الجمعة.
LF and Kataeb are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Saudi Arabia and will do as they are instructed by their khaliji masters.
I don't understand how you can accuse LF and Kataeb of being subservient to Saudi Arabia when HA is nothing more than an extension of Iran. Perhaps Saudi Arabia finances and, thus, influences LF and Kataeb policy, but HA has a much stronger ideological attachment to Iran, which is not even an Arab nation. How can you even bring this up and not realize how nauseatingly hypocritical you sound?
Phoenix, I'm sure you better than anyone know that geagea is not 1% of the man Bashir was... he never hesitated to murder, even from his own camp, every time he felt a competitor rising... you think a man like that cares about anything but himself?
Sadly, this fugitive speaks the truth, whilst the "legitimately" elected people accuse Israel.... It obviously is BS. Bachar is behind them, with our without Hezbollah's approval or help.
of course, it's a known fact that wanted terrorists always speak the truth. what would we do without them?
of course, it's a known fact that wanted terrorists always speak the truth. what would we do without them?
of course, it's a known fact that wanted terrorists always speak the truth. what would we do without them?
I have to say Asir is speaking what we all believe is correct. The regime is the head of the snake and hopefully soon the head will be separated from the body and the venom will no longer be lethal. The Baath party got way with SO MUCH… It is time to take it out of existence. Then and only then Zahle_nghts1 will be popping the champagne...
looks like Assir is right???
looks like you support disgusting Al Qeada Saudi Takfiris...looks like you're an idiot. Looks like your lost. Looks like you share the same views as Israeli Zionist.
Whats with M14ers supporting this dirt bag after her killed members of our beloved Lebanese Army???
you do realize that the people who are the most devoted to both lebanese independence and lebanese prosperity are the M14ers
they are not followers of any country they are people devoted only to lebanon , they are people who care about lebanese they are people whom will always protect lebanese people of all religions. did you forget the 5 year occupation under bashar's rule ? maybe it was easier for you but to us it wasn't... you are either stupid , delusional , or suffered from amnesia im not sure
Well, we can agree it was either Syria, or Israel. If they would both just leave us alone...
M14s love affair with Assir is disgusting. You guys should be ashamed to even call yourselves Lebanese. Tffhhh
I agree strongly. Simply because he is antagonistic to HA does not mean he is good, they're not mutually inclusive! You're guilty of hypocrisy here, when for example, you accuse those of being against terrorism as being aligned with HA/Al-Assad; the two aren't mutually inclusive.
If one believes Geagea to be truthful; stay with him and his extolment and veneration then, do NOT do so for the terrorist scum who killed more than a dozen of our LAF personnel; he is not worthy. Stop bloody idolizing an enemy of the state!
How do you call it a love affair when most M14 figures have denounced him? What kind of weird love is that? All I've heard from M14 is that Assir is no different than Nasrallah, so both should be removed. M8 supporters have latched on to Assir's legacy in an attempt to discredit M14, when in reality every M14 figure, even the Hariri clan, have spoken up against him. Direct us to a single M14 statement that you consider as substantiation for this purported "love affair?"
A day in Lebanon: Syrian regime and its affiliates infiltrate Lebanese territory, kill and massacre Lebanese citizens, rape Lebanese women, steal Lebanese public monies, etc. Meanwhile, Israel flies a drone over South of Lebanon which makes a loud sound. Reaction of Lebanese authorities? File a complaint with UN over the latter. Good to know those in charge have their priorities straight!
I'll never forget the posted sign I saw when I visited Baalbek in the 1990s: "The Syrian and Lebanese Ministries of Tourism Welcome You." On that day, I thought to myself that if there is justice in the world, the Syrian regime will one day die a violent death. Thank God that the end is near. Unfortunately, dictatorial regimes, by their nature, allow for terrorism to exist in order to justify their own existence as "defenders" of the state. Their demise begins to take form once the power and influence of the terrorists reaches a critical mass. This is the sad consequence that we're now witnessing.
Hey Tiger, I think I remember seeing you one of those years at the Beirut airport helping me with my luggage. Wow it's great to hear from you again. I hope you haven't spent the entire 5000 lira I gave you. Anyway, I didn't even mention Rafik Hariri, so I'm not sure where you got that from. I guess you're implying that Rafik Hariri allowed the Syrian regime to prosper in Lebanon. If he did, he was wrong. He's dead now, so it doesn't matter. However, HA is still alive and instead of just putting up pictures in the airport, they use it to run their honorable operation.