"يديعوت أحرونوت": لوائح اتهام اضافية تشمل ماهر الاسد وآصف شوكت
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ذكرت صحيفة "يديعوت أحرونوت" في تقرير أعدته سمدار بيري، أن لجنة التحقيق الدولية "ستقدم في الاسابيع المقبلة لوائح اتهام اضافية ضد مسؤولين في أجهزة الامن السورية".
وقالت ان تسليم الوثائق لدمشق "مؤجل على ما يبدو في الوقت الحاضر بسبب حالة عدم الاستقرار في سوريا... وأنه وفقا للتقديرات ستظهر في لوائح الاتهام تلك أسماء اثنين من عائلة الرئيس بشار الاسد هما شقيقه ماهر الاسد وصهره آصف شوكت".
وذكرت الصحيفة أن "المتهمين اللبنانيين مصطفى بدر الدين وسليم عياش غادرا لبنان وهما يختبئان في إيران حاليا!".
الى ذلك نقلت صحيفة "هآرتس" الإسرائيلية أمس عن مصادر أمنية، أن الجيش الإسرائيلي يستبعد حدوث تصعيد عسكري عند الحدود مع لبنان عقب صدور القرار الاتهامي في.
وقالت المصادر الأمنية: "الجيش يراقب الأحداث في لبنان وهو في حال تأهب لكنه لا يتوقع أن يكون لذلك تأثير مباشر في الوضع على طول الحدود".
ورأت المصادر أن "حزب الله يتبع حتى الآن خطوات حذرة وليس مهتماً بتعقيدات أخرى للأوضاع، وخصوصاً على خلفية الصعوبات التي يواجهها راعيه النظام السوري في التعامل مع الاحتجاجات الداخلية ضد استمرار حكم الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد".
وقالت صحيفة "يديعوت أحرونوت": "ليس لدى حزب الله الآن أي مصلحة في تسخين الجبهة اللبنانية الداخلية أو الحدود مع إسرائيل، وأنظاره موجهة الآن بقلق باتجاه سوريا وإلى السند، الرئيس السوري، الذي أخذ يضعف".

What Yediot Ahronot and der spiegel, no Iranian suspects? Just Lebanese, Syrian and palestinian? Oh, of course... Their hiding in Iran. how can this STL have lost any creditability when it leaks all it's info to these fine news organisations... Next time it should be fox news though!

Ado from Australia: Those who play with shit shouldn't be surprised that they smell of it.
Your wondering how come foreign newspapers mentioned the names of suspects, as said before they played with shit and they stink of shit.
The Iranians are those whom their messenger boys executed Mr.Hariri according to their master's voice.

How do leaks make an investigation "lose its credibility"? where are you getting these strange ideas from? Anonymous sources giving information about investigations, and so on... aka leaks happen everywhere. So what? There is a demand for public information, so sometimes a person supplies it. How does this make the STL "lose its credibility"?
STL can only lose its credibility if their provided evidence will be flawed, biased, or weak. And chances are, my friend, that after all these years the evidence will be solid. But let's wait and see. Either way, I obviously don't expect sheeple to look at it objectively. They will simply blame any overwhelming evidence on some conspiracy. As they always do.

How do leaks make an investigation "lose its credibility"? where are you getting these strange ideas from? Anonymous sources giving information about investigations, and so on... aka leaks happen everywhere. So what? There is a demand for public information, so sometimes a person supplies it. How does this make the STL "lose its credibility"?
STL can only lose its credibility if their provided evidence will be flawed, biased, or weak. And chances are, my friend, that after all these years the evidence will be solid. But let's wait and see. Either way, I obviously don't expect sheeple to look at it objectively. They will simply blame any overwhelming evidence on some conspiracy. As they always do.

How do leaks make an investigation "lose its credibility"? where are you getting these strange ideas from? Anonymous sources giving information about investigations, and so on... aka leaks happen everywhere. So what? There is a demand for public information, so sometimes a person supplies it. How does this make the STL "lose its credibility"?
STL can only lose its credibility if their provided evidence will be flawed, biased, or weak. And chances are, my friend, that after all these years the evidence will be solid. But let's wait and see. Either way, I obviously don't expect sheeple to look at it objectively. They will simply blame any overwhelming evidence on some conspiracy. As they always do.

How do leaks make an investigation "lose its credibility"? where are you getting these strange ideas from? Anonymous sources giving information about investigations, and so on... aka leaks happen everywhere. So what? There is a demand for public information, so sometimes a person supplies it. How does this make the STL "lose its credibility"?
STL can only lose its credibility if their provided evidence will be flawed, biased, or weak. And chances are, my friend, that after all these years the evidence will be solid. But let's wait and see. Either way, I obviously don't expect sheeple to look at it objectively. They will simply blame any overwhelming evidence on some conspiracy. As they always do.

Joseph Goebbels, Idi Amin Dada and Deng Xiaoping are also suspects. And the list goes on , and on, and on... I also think that I saw the name of Tut Ankhamon on it, but I will check again and let you know. Keep watching, punks.

What the?? This article makes the STL looks sooooooo unprofessional. Coming an Israeli newspaper, is so to the point, and they don't even care if people complain.
"La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleur!"

Well, it looks like this story from 6 years ago on Naharnet was correct;

Yes Israeli newspapers said it, Syrians , Lebanese from Hezbollah, and Palestinians are involved, but what they forgot to say as well , is that they are happy of that, happy to cause chaos to our country, because they are working with those killers to make Lebanon a living hell, they do not want them to go, as they are the reason for their wars they can wage on Lebanon, their reason to never make peace, their reason to threaten all the time, their reason to live in conclusion. I dont know if you heard this joke :
- God creates Lebanon, wonderful country, beautiful nature, nice climate, everything a society can dream of, then the Lebanese ask God :
Why did you give us all this ? it is unfair towards other people.
then God responds : wait till you see the neighboors im going to give you....

the UN should round up all the syrians and hizbollah terrorists under chapter 7, bring them to justice. Even a blind person can see that syria ordered it and hassoun implemented the assasination of harriri and others. Game over for these terrorists. We will never forget, rafic, pierre, jubran, walid.

This STL crisis is making clear to all Lebanese what majority rule would mean and how that issue is related to foreign influence. Now the question is that of the Arab Spring: can the minority, foreign-backed government hold out against the people?

The other names on the list shall soon include Joseph Goebbels, Idi Amin Dada and Deng Xiaoping. I believe the list might also include Tut Ankhamon, but I have to double check and will get back to you on that. Stay tuned, seekers of the truth.

Pacifier, that "joke" is really a joke because instead of saying look at what neighbours im going you, it should be: look at what fellow lebanese im giving you as we cant stand each other, and nobody has killed/harmed/injured more lebanese than the lebanese. Secondly all major problems happened after israel was created. We didnt have any problems with our neighbours before that and most of us still dont. Many Lebanese are Syrian or Palestinian in origin and many of them are lebanese in origin.

I am amazed by the culture of ignorance in certain Lebanese communities, where assassins are celebrated as heroes and dead victims are vilified as traitors, Israeli agents and other charming adjectives.
Unfortunately to the detractors, International Justice doesn't work like their loud Lebanese political discourse around argeelehs, where the loudest voice wins. International justice is slow, methodical, deliberate, and the convicted will pay in the end.

Since Israel is Lebanon's ONLY enemy and we TOTALLY boycott them, then no emails should be allowed to come from Israel. If this can be achieved (which I think it can) most commentaries here on English Naharnet will no longer exist

Danny B from Israel? I'm only guessing and don't get it.... When have you ever heard of a murder investigation where the "police" leak the names of the suspects to the media before a warrant is issued and before they attempt to apprehend? If this occurred in Australia or any western nation, I'm sure there would be a public uproar of incompetence and calls that the investigation is tainted. You and most people understand this. Incompetence in an investigation also makes it easier for manipulation. the timings of the leaks and indictments are also suspicious. so yes, shit stinks and the STL reaks of it.

Firas for your information christains were being killed in Lebanon by Muslims and Druze way before isreal was formed.
Everyone and any nation that had a part in the civil war and murder of Lebanese citizens may God never give them or show them mercy.Thank you

Look at the pic of the van, same bullshit retoric like the ones from the filthy Shiite militia. They even look like the terrosist Mulkhyie. A gang of asswipes.

Nabil, Israel considered as Lebanon's biggest enemy therefore you should boycott any email or goods.
Still continuing with the rubbish of boycott threats etc?
For over than 65 years Arabs spending Billions for weapons and ammunition for so called resistance against Israel's threats.
Spending millions for propaganda and another millions for keeping a boycott office.
Did it ever helped you really to stop Israel from its economy growth? never.
On the contrary.
I'm not here to make any propaganda for Israel but wherever you move and whatever you touch look if its not made in Israel,
Starting with your computer processors, your mobile phone, the irrigation systems, the multilocks on your doors, the MRI scanners in hospitals, the cherry tomatoes the seedless grapes and watermelon.
Even for last year we make good Arak Zahlawi.
Time to grow up and look for the benefit of your country.
Israel has no interest in Lebanon as long borders are quiet.
Have a life .

Ado from Australia.
The name of suspects are for long time in international newspapers and in the Internet and not only "leakage " from investigation to Israeli newspaper only. as from beginning of investigation Nasralla declared that he won't allow any one to take in court suspects from Hezb.
Very often leakage from investigation done in purpose for confusing suspects.
Contrary to Hezb. claim, Israel has nothing to gain with the murder of Hariri.
They can say what they want but stability of Lebanon is also for Israel's benefit. as with a strong government and a united army ensures stability and quiet borders.
Internal conflicts will allow armed gangs who will free to make hostile act in the border and against local population.
Then all people of Lebanon pay the price which is painful and unfortunately so many people in Lebanon lost their lives in vane.
Time to stand up and say no more.
All this resistance bullshit is good for propaganda but will not bring Israel on its knees.