اسرائيل تقصف وادي الناعمة ليلا ردا على الصواريخ التي استهدفتها

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نفذت طائرة حربية اسرائيلية فجر اليوم الجمعة غارة على موقع لفصيل فلسطيني موال لسوريا جنوب بيروت، بحسب ما ذكرت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام.

من جهته اعلن الجيش الاسرائيلي ان سلاح الجو شن غارة جوية الجمعة على لبنان وذلك اثر اطلاق اربعة صواريخ بعد ظهر الخميس من جنوب لبنان على شمال الدولة العبرية.

وقالت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام ان "طيران العدو الاسرائيلي أغار فجر اليوم على موقع تابع للجبهة الشعبية- القيادة العامة في وادي الناعمة" الواقعة جنوب العاصمة. ويتزعم الجبهة احمد جبريل، وهي معروفة بولائها للنظام السوري.

وجاء في بيان الجيش الاسرائيلي ان "سلاح الجو الاسرائيلي استهدف موقعا ارهابيا واقعا بين بيروت وصيدا ردا على الصواريخ الاربعة التي اطلقت على شمال اسرائيل امس" مشيرا الى ان "الطيارين قالوا انهم اصابوا الهدف اصابة مباشرة".

وقالت مصادر عسكرية اسرائيلية ان الغارة وقعت قرب الناعمة.

وسقط اثنان من الصواريخ الاربعة التي اطلقت الخميس في مناطق مأهولة في شمال اسرائيل ما ادى الى تسجيل اضرار بدون وقوع ضحايا، بحسب الجيش الاسرائيلي.

وان كانت الغارة الجمعة استهدفت فصيلا مواليا لدمشق الا ان عملية اطلاق الصواريخ تبناها الخميس مسؤول في "كتائب عبد الله عزام" وهي مجموعة مرتبطة بتنظيم القاعدة سبق ان اعلنت مسؤوليتها عن اطلاق صواريخ من لبنان على اسرائيل في العام 2009 و2011.

وحمل الجيش الاسرائيلي في بيانه "لبنان والقوات المسلحة اللبنانية كما المؤسسات مسؤولية هذا الهجوم"، موضحا ان الصواريخ تم اطلاقها من جانب مقاتلين جهاديين.

وعلى الاثر حذر رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو من رد قادم وقال في بيان متلفز "على كل من يلحق بنا الاذى او يحاول ذلك ان يعلم اننا سنقوم بضربه".

كذلك ندد الرئيس اللبناني ميشال سليمان بإطلاق الصواريخ "نظرا الى ما يشكل هذا الأمر من خرق للقرار 1701 وتجاوز للسيادة اللبنانية"، وطلب إلى الأجهزة المعنية "العمل على كشف الذين أقدموا عليه وإحالتهم على القضاء".

وفي هذا السياق، صدر عن قيادة الجيش - مديرية التوجيه، بياناً لفتت فيه الى "إقدام طائرة حربية تابعة للعدو الاسرائيلي عند الساعة الرابعة من فجر اليوم على اطلاق صاروخ من عرض البحر باتجاه انفاق الناعمة التي تتمركز فيها احدى التنظيمات الفلسطينية ما تسبب بحفرة عمقها خمسة امتار من دون تسجيل اصابات بشرية او اضرار مادية".

وأضاف البيان أن "قوى الجيش المنتشرة اتخذت التدابير الدفاعية المناسبة".

التعليقات 17
Missing phillipo 07:34 ,2013 آب 23

I am sorry to have to say this, but Israels response was totally expected and warranted. As usual though they made sure that there were no civilian casualties.
It is about time that the Government of Lebanon took responsibility for all that happens on Lebanese territory, and makes certain that terrorist groups such as Abdullah Azzam Brigades do not dictate to the Lebanese Armed Forces as to who is the master on the ground.
One of these days one of these terrorist groups will will push the marker too far, for example by killing Israeli civilians, and then the LAF will have a big problem on their hands when Israel retaliates.
So the soon the Army takes control, the better it will be for Lebanon.

Default-user-icon LEO (ضيف) 08:19 ,2013 آب 23

I agree with both of you Phillippo and anonymetexasusa. However, Allow me to ask. Who controls your house and will be responsible for what happens in your house? It you don't control your own house, who should it be? If you don't control your own home and take responsibility for your home, I suggest its because of fear. Who should have to live in fear in their own homes, NO FEAR! I say the Lebanese citizens via the LAF deal with these criminals/terrorists group at once and be prepared to pay the price for taking control of the Lebanese House.

Thumb lebanon_first 08:20 ,2013 آب 23

Texas. You completely nailed him. He cannot begin to understand the quantity of evil that Israel has caused to lebanon

Missing coolmec 08:29 ,2013 آب 23

It is true that the Lebanese army was prevented from getting weapons due to Israeli pressure. This is not a reason to justify the presence of armed gangs who are in Lebanon and operate freely. Our army should have the political power to stop these armed gangs and prevent them from using Lebanon to attack Israel. We all know that Israel will retaliate notwithstanding the fact that at the end of the day Lebanon will be harmed more.
besides don't you think that these attacks on Israel are simply done to drag Lebanon into a quagmire?

Missing phillipo 08:42 ,2013 آب 23

Don't you think that if the Lebanese Army had put its foot down and attacked Hizballah when it had the chance, they would have been able to put their hands on enough weapons to supply an army 3 times the size of Lebanons.
When other countries in years gone by embargoed arms shipments to Israel, they established their own Military and Aviation Industries in order to supply their own needs. They built their own fast patrol boats, their own tanks, so why couldn't Lebanon have done the same.

Thumb jabal10452 09:06 ,2013 آب 23

Phil, one of the reasons that we can't build our own defense industry like Israel did is because we can't afford it. Israel receives 3 billion dollars annually in military grants and that facilitates things a bit. Then there is one fundamental difference between Lebanon and Israel: The Israeli people are united around a clear vision; this enables the country to think long term. The Lebanese can't even agree on the very identity of their country. The result ... well see for yourself.

Thumb kanaanljdid 09:38 ,2013 آب 23

Jabal, that's exactly the point. That explains by the way why there is so much hatred directed against Israelis among Lebanese (while most of us in Lebanon never ever met even one of them), because Lebanese are in perpetual need of an external ennemy to bring Lebanese together, because nothing else bring them together, sadly.

If Lebanese were united for peace and for a secular State, it could work. But the way it is now, it can't.

Thumb kanaanljdid 09:28 ,2013 آب 23

Texas, it is more a matter of political will. The Lebanese doesn't want to assume an independant State with one sole army. If Israel succeeded in lobbying these countries not to provide Lebanon with these weapons, it's because these countries could be convinced that these weapons could end into Hizb hands. As you know, all the other countries in the region have these kind of weapons. So Lebanon is to blame to allow such militias to be on its soil. Let's declare frankly Hizbullah as Lebanon ennemy, and all the world -including Israel- will support the Lebanese STATE in getting weapons against them.

Thumb kanaanljdid 09:30 ,2013 آب 23

Moreover, if Israel is the problem, there is a very simple way to end this problem, as Jordan or Egypt did: a peace treaty, or at least a treaty stating the end of the war between the two countries.

Did you hear about Israeli sovereignty violations in Jordan or Egypt since the peace treaties?

Thumb jcamerican 11:56 ,2013 آب 23

Well said. @LEO, how can you be in control, when you are not allowed to arm yourself.

Missing coolmec 09:02 ,2013 آب 23

You are assuming here that our army and government are as dedicated as efficient as the Israelis. Unfortunately we're not. For the last 30 years or more the series of events that caused the destruction of Lebanon are the result of poor and corrupt policies undertaken by our successive governments. As a result of such, we are continuing to sink slowly and surely into the abyss.
Poor Lebanon and Poor Lebanese

Missing coolmec 09:12 ,2013 آب 23

Another point I would like to make:
Although I am by no means a Hizballah supporter but this organization thus its creation is also the direct result of our government, army and society who have neglected for years Southern Lebanon thus neglecting the chiites who were constantly under fire be it by The PLO or Israel. I remember the days prior to our civil war when Israel was bombarding daily the south and what was the reaction specially from Beirut? I quote: oh its the south, no big deal its like the South was not a part of Lebanon.
So HA strength is the direct result of neglect of the people of the south from our central government and society
Now live with it....

Missing turkish_lebanese 10:37 ,2013 آب 23

1. Abdullah bin azzam is a lebanese jihadist group/faction with a fishy agenda probably set up by intel services. 2. I cant tell what sucks more, listening to depressing news or reading the online propagandists for israel doing their mission every time something is written about their current golden calph israel. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3744516,00.html

Missing coolmec 11:51 ,2013 آب 23

I fully agree with you. We all know Israel's goal is simply to annihilate Lebanon. They are jealous of us as in peace our country will prosper again. So as you said the rockets launched from Lebanon are toys and they are pale considering the force of Israel's reprisals against Lebanon. Consequently any rocket launched from Lebanon will only cause superior damage and destruction in Lebanon

Thumb cedre 16:47 ,2013 آب 23

THANK YOU ISRAEL, to have bombed only those pro-bashar fake palestinians thugs.
PFLP is the main responsible for black september and were part of the civil war. It killed hundred of palestinians in yarmuk camp in damascus. Killed as well christian civilians in Lebanon, giving bad reputation to all palestinians.
Poor Arafat did make the mistake to deal with these thugs not to divide the palestinian camp...

Missing samiam 21:22 ,2013 آب 23

I hate these palestinian bases in lebanon--all of them should be disarmed. there is no other country which allows them to be armed to this extent.

Missing -_-wolf-_- 23:27 ,2013 آب 23

I would go further with the Palestinians Refugee Camps , dismantle all of them & set up camps all along the Israeli border , let the responsibility be on them & the UN . Get rid of of them , the whole lot even the Syrian Refugees to the Golan Heights ! The Israeli created this nightmare upon our Land now is the time to take action & force them back into the West Bank & Golan Heights for the Syrians whether Israel likes it or not ! 2 million Refugees in Lebanon , it is a ticking time bomb .
Signed Wolf !!!!