حزب الله: نواصل جهودنا مع الدولة لانهاء قضية خطف الطيارين ومخطوفي أعزاز

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أكد رئيس كتلة الوفاء للمقاومة النائب محمد رعد أن حزب الله "يواصل جهوده مع أجهزة الدولة اللبنانية لانهاء قضية خطف الطيارين التركيين، كما المخطوفين في أعزاز".

وقال لرعد خلال لقائه اليوم الاربعاء سفير تركيا في لبنان اينان اوزيلديز: "الحزب مهتم بضرورة التوصل مع المعنيين إلى خاتمة جيدة، تنهي قضية خطف الطيارين التركيين وقضية المخطوفين اللبنانيين في أعزاز"، مؤكدا "مواصلة جهوده مع أجهزة الدولة اللبنانية لهذه الغاية".

وأعرب رعد عن "أسف حزب الله وإدانته لكل أشكال الخطف التي تستهدف مدنيين في كل مكان وزمان".

بدوره، أكد أوزيلديز "متابعة المساعي التركية للافراج عن المخطوفين اللبنانيين في أعزاز".

يشار الى أن تركيا أقفلت مركزها التجاري والثقافي وسط بيروت، وطلبت من رعاياه العودة الى بلادهم بعد خطف طيار تركي ومساعده صباح الجمعة على جسر كوكودي، وذلك عقب قطع مجموعة مسلحة طريق باص للركاب كانا موجودين فيه.

وتبنت مجموعة أطلقت على نفسها اسم "زوار الامام الرضا" عملية الخطف، مطالبة بـ"إعادة مخطوفي أعزاز الى ذويهم من أجل تحرير المخطوفين الترك.

وحذر وزير الداخلية التركي احمد داوود اوغلو في اتصال أجراه منذ يومين بوزير الداخلية مروان شربل من "التداعيات السلبية" التي قد تنتج عن خطف الطيارين غن لم يفرج عنهم.

يذكر ان إثر الحادثة، أوقفت شعبة المعلومات المواطن محمد صالح للاشتباه به بالارتباط بالخاطفين، ما أثار استنكار اهالي مخطوفي أعزاز اللذين هددوا بخطف أي تركي يتواجد في شوراع بيروت إن لم يفرج عن صالح.

يشار أيضا الى أن أهالي مخطوفي أعزاز، يطالبون بالكشف عن مصير ذوييهم المخطوفين في أعزاز، ويحملون الدولة التركية مسؤولية عدم عودتهم حتى الساعة.

ولقد تم الافراج عن إثنين من المخطوفين الـ11 في سوريا وهما حسين علي عمر، اواخر آب، وعوض ابراهيم في ايلول الفائت، وذلك بعد خطفهم في 22 ايار الفائت مع تسعة آخرين في منطقة أعزاز بسوريا اثر عودتهم من رحلة حج الى ايران.

التعليقات 19
Thumb beiruti 19:43 ,2013 آب 14

So, then, why did you kidnap them?

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:03 ,2013 آب 14

even djadja said he has no confirmed information to make such accusation. how come you do?

Thumb EagleDawn 19:59 ,2013 آب 14

"Hizbullah condemns the kidnapping of the two Turkish pilots and all abductions of civilians,” Raad said.

So, why did you kidnap Joseph Sadir you thug?

Missing ___-wolf-___ 20:49 ,2013 آب 14

Very simple indeed ,
You Turks stop serenading the Rebels in the first place .
Stop hosting them in your country .
Stop allowing weapons flowing into Syria as well as outside fighters sponsored by the KSA .
Just the other night it was reported on CNN that the fighters are smuggling in weapons at night and fight during the day then they hop back to turkey for the weekend !
Put that aside in other words you have 100% influence & control on these Cannibals , return our Religious leaders such as our bishops & priests , hand over their kidnappers or the murderer that killed the third priest , bend the arms of the pilgrim 's kidnappers & order them to hand them over to Lebanese Authorities ! All is well and it shall end well with your pilots so stop your stubbornness !
Signed Wolf ..,

Thumb cedre 20:54 ,2013 آب 14

its not working that way mate, if shia thugs want to kill the pilots, they can kill them, then Turkey will will HA and its ally...

Thumb cedre 21:36 ,2013 آب 14

* will crush

Missing ___-wolf-___ 21:27 ,2013 آب 14

Turkey couldn't control a rag tag so called freedom fighters' who are the Kurds !
At the end the Kurds got their way after 35 years !
How do you expect them to take on HA ?
Anyway no one wants to go & kill anyone , all it is very simple , since the Turks placed themselves with the rebels side & hosting them in their country that was their choice , but there are consequences that eventually unfortunately has had come to this . Just let the Turks use their influence over the Rebels which I'm sure they already enjoy , and release the bishops as well as the Lebanese pilgrims , then I'm sure at the same time that the Turkish pilots shall be released ! The message is simple , stop the Turkish Govt. mucking around pretending that they know nothing !
Otherwise the outcome will be sour for both .
Signed Wolf .....

Thumb cedre 21:36 ,2013 آب 14

amigo, pkk did not success in anything , they are hiding in Iraqi Kandil mountaines and placing sometimes some IEDs. RTE and his akp are different from the ultra-nationalist kemalist, he sees muslim kurds as brothers and do not want to spill their blood in vain. Turkey is building drones, tanks, missiles, submarines at NATO standard, not iranian dope... They can crush pkk, iran, syria and HA anytime...

Missing samiam 21:37 ,2013 آب 14

noticed they used the term 'lamented' and not condemned--

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:42 ,2013 آب 15

i noticed too, but that's naharnet's wording. the quote was actually "condemned"

Default-user-icon Hwiya Sholam (ضيف) 21:55 ,2013 آب 14

...and the four innocent generals killed Rafic Syria, Syria's best Rafic, and so did Imad Marmal, the Qandil brothers, Wiam Wahab, Suleiman Franjieh, Emile Lahoud and of course it goes without saying, Michel Aoun. takbir.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 22:00 ,2013 آب 14

The same way Iran condemned Hariri's assassination ! LOL.

Thumb shoo-yaba 02:19 ,2013 آب 15

I think everyone should get over the part about Turkey is supporting the rebels and Iran is supporting the regime. Both sides are guilty sending this or that - All same crap. I also think the families should also hold Syria and HA responsible, after all none of those 2 sides did anything to free them. Only promises and BS from both sides. And the way I look at it, if there's proof that you are Mojahed, Gangster, thug, militia or any illegitimate armed person killing innocent people, then rot in hell, end of story. Just release the innocents and civilian from this entire BS that is going on from both sides. Most people just want to live in peace and be able to provide to their families. I know, this is all a dream :)

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:44 ,2013 آب 15

god forbid we actually hold responsible those who kidnapped them and are keeping them until now.

Missing helicopter 07:30 ,2013 آب 15

Good one HA, learned from Berri ........ their political wing.

Missing samiam 12:22 ,2013 آب 15

wow--projection now--excuses abound by you for your allies bad behavior. the pilots somehow deserved this....

you are a work of something

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:43 ,2013 آب 15

funny coming from on of those who justified the kidnapping of pilgrims because they were guilty of being shia :)

Missing samiam 18:34 ,2013 آب 15

I never justified kidnappings, bombing or other use of force--unlike you and the rest of the unwashed, I recognize that wrong is wrong.

what's your excuse (aside from a crappy memory)

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:46 ,2013 آب 15

lol phoenix, you can't be serious here. to release them he would need to actually have kidnapped them in the first place. by saying that you're assuming he has, which is completely unfair in total absence of evidence.