الكرملين ينفي ان يكون بوتين ناقش صفقة حول سوريا وعقد اسلحة مع الأمير بندر

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نفى الكرملين اليوم الجمعة معلومات افادت ان الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين بحث مع مدير الاستخبارات السعودية الامير بندر بن سلطان خلال زيارة الى موسكو، بيع اسلحة روسية الى الرياض مقابل تخلي روسيا عن دعمها لدمشق.

وقال المستشار في الكرملين يوري اوشاكوف ان "اي مسائل عملية حول تطوير التعاون العسكري وجوانب اخرى من من التعاون الثنائي لم تبحث. بوتين لم يناقش صفقات".

واضاف ان "الامير بندر بن سلطان اجرى اتصالات في موسكو لكن في لقاءاته مع الرئيس لم يتم التطرق الى تفاصيل".

وكان بوتين استقبل في 31 تموز في الكرملين الامير بندر بن سلطان رئيس الاستخبارات السعودية.

وبحسب مصادر دبلوماسية في الشرق الاوسط فان بوتين قد يكون رفض اقتراحا سعوديا بالتخلي عن دعم نظام دمشق مقابل عقد تسلح ضخم ونفوذ اوسع في العالم العربي.

وروسيا هي احدى اخر الدول الداعمة للنظام السوري وتبيعه اسلحة.

التعليقات 7
Default-user-icon Fromaggio Kashkavalli (ضيف) 17:32 ,2013 آب 09

And why would anyone discuss anything of international proportions with a "spy" chief whose endeavors have been one big failure after another, not to mention the big bokses and labtat he got when he was booted out of the Kingdom of 3ohr and more recently, slowly but surely, in Syria?

Thumb chrisrushlau 18:39 ,2013 آب 09

I think the idea that Saudi Arabia has a "spy chief" is just cute as the dickens. It's kind of like saying that Lebanon has an army.

Thumb cedre 19:07 ,2013 آب 09

that $15 billions arms deal proposal is BS. If Assad lose, and I should say when, the pipeline from Qatar through Syria will bring qatari gaz to Turkey and EU, so Russia will lose hundreds of billions and political leverage on EU-Turkey. 2 other losers of this pipeline would be Iran and Algeria, 2 other supporters of Assad. All Putin's politics have been based on high gaz and oil prices, thats why he will support Assad to the end, Saudi know it thats why they did not propose 15 billions...

Thumb Senescence 20:19 ,2013 آب 09

I see, and so what do you think they talked about? Discussions were pretty 'philosophical' apparently.

Default-user-icon truth 2 b told (ضيف) 23:18 ,2013 آب 09

this is the truth , as big as this 15 Billion number is
and assuming it is a true offer from the Saudis
but Moscow's lose would be much greater if that pipeline was established
that is why this war is not religion based no matter how hard they try to make it sound like that ,and it's not for freedom of the syrian people ,where was the saudis for the last 40 years ??? now they suddenly realize the suffering of the Syrian people !!!
this war is exactly for what you have mentioned
and if Assad would to allow to connect Qatar and the gulf countries with EU-Turkey and beyond
Putin would be the first one to fight and overthrow AL ASSAD

Default-user-icon truth 2 b told (ضيف) 22:56 ,2013 آب 09

If that 30 Billions was going to establish anything to the saudi prince
he would not be in Moscow kissing Putins FEET
he would have already spent that money arming his criminal fighters
or even gave it to his good friends in the
GOOD OLD US OF A to help him out
this visit and offer is nothing but another proof of there weakness

Default-user-icon Analoubnaneh (ضيف) 01:34 ,2013 آب 10

Since when Spies have chief. Funny lebanese english. So intelligence is spy.