شربل جمّد قرارا لريفي بترقية أكثر من 400 شرطي إلى رتبة رقيب

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ذكرت صحيفة "الأخبار" أن وزير الداخلية والبلديات مروان شربل أصدر قرارا جمّد بموجبه قرارا صادرا عن المدير العام لقوى الأمن الداخلي اللواء أشرف ريفي يوم 22 حزيران 2011، قضى بترقية أكثر من 400 شرطي إلى رتبة رقيب.

وبعدما كان هؤلاء الرقباء قد علّقوا على زنودهم شارات رتبهم الجديدة، اضطروا إلى خلعها في اليوم التالي تنفيذا لأمر وزير الداخلية.

التعليقات 7
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 11:20 ,2011 حزيران 25

Riffi's days are over like his master Saad Hariri & co .

The new minister of interior appointed by GMA and accepted by President Sleimane is here to work and to abolish all the private boutiques and Wahhaby emirates created by Hariri & Siniora at the interior for Ashraf Riffi and Wissam el Hassan , as a state in the State .

Riffi and Hassan will soon be judged and jailed .

Default-user-icon Umberto (ضيف) 14:28 ,2011 حزيران 25

The systematic and lawful dismantling of Mafia Hariri has begun and shall continue until all the outlaws and traitors of the now-defunct March 14 are thrown in jail, pending their last and longest trip ever to the guillotine. Lebanon's long-awaited Spring is finally becoming a reality.

Default-user-icon Adonis (ضيف) 14:48 ,2011 حزيران 25

one day our descendants will ask how it's possible that we tolerated such a creature for such a long time? They willl conclude that we were primitive and stupid.

Missing peace 15:23 ,2011 حزيران 25

poor umberto and le phenicien....

do you have the guts to tell us why your GMA puppet told for years that only the syrians were responsible for the destruction of the lebanese economy?
he clearly stated that this regime has corrupted many politicians among which your allies!!!!

so why don t you ask everyone to go to jail not just one party?

before 2005 hezb and syria were terrorists, now you support them? tell us why?
before 2005, you were tortured imprisoned killed by the syrians, now you support them, tell us why?
before 2005, GMA licked the shoes of george bush, now he accuses them of conspiring against lebanon, tell us why?
before 2005, GMA defended the lebanese prisoners in syria, now he tells their mothers to forget and that there are no prisoners in syria, tell us why?

i don t expect an answer from you because i know you can t assume your comments and that you have a very selective memory to suit your best interests and certainly not those of lebanon

Default-user-icon Jiji (ضيف) 17:23 ,2011 حزيران 25

your days are coming to an end along with ur syrian friends you should start preparing your escape to Iran idiots!!!

Default-user-icon anonym (ضيف) 21:07 ,2011 حزيران 25

I'm sick and tired of some people bringing up the F******* past when referring to the current government, more so of what X guy said or when and on and on...

I care about whats being done and said NOW! at the present time, by the present people! cause this is my present life! this guy was a corrupt cop he took matters in his own hands when he was assigned to serve the law, you don't like the facts then S**** em, he deserves whats coming to him.

Default-user-icon tiktok (ضيف) 21:57 ,2011 حزيران 25

Le phenicien do yo really have to post a stupid comment on every story? I can understand that you have a lot of free time and that you are unemployable and you are probably living with your Mum but seriously, get a life, get a girlfriend! Go out and forget Aoun for a few minutes. He is not worth it! He will let you down eventually like he did with those poor officers he betrayed and who were either executed or are presently in prison in Syria where he regularly go to have tea with his lord and master.