جعجع: كل الخيارات مطروحة لإسقاط الحكومة بما فيها خيار الشارع

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اكد رئيس الهيئة الانفيذية في القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع ان "كلّ الخيارات الديمقراطية المتاحة لنا سنمارسها لمحاولة تخليص البلد من هذه الحكومة باقرب ظرف ممكن، بما فيها خيار الشارع".

واشار في حديث خاص لاذاعة "صوت لبنان"(100.5) ان "في خريطة طريق المعارضة مع الحكومة الجديدة واضحة منذ اللحظة الأولى، خصوصاً أنّ طبيعتها وهويتها واضحة وهي ستعمل على التسبّب بعزلة عربية ودوليّة".

وعلق جعجع على كلام رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون بشأن التهديد بفتح السجون امام المعارضة وقطع بطاقة One way ticket لرئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري، قائلا "ان كلام عون يعبر عن رأي القوى التي شكلّت هذه الحكومة وكلامُه يشير الى الهدف الذي تشكلّت الحكومة من أجله".

وعن رأيه في كلام وزير الخارجية السوري وليد المعلّم الذي أكّد ان الرئيس بشار الأسد لم يكن لديه الوقت للتدخل في تأليف الحكومة اللبنانية، قال جعجع ان "الوقائع تشير الى ان استقبال الأسد الأربعاء بالذات الوزير المستقيل طلال ارسلان لأكثر من ساعة سعياً لإيجاد حلاً لهذا الموضوع واعادته الى الحكومة دليل قاطع على التدخل السوري".

واذ اشار جعجع الى ان المعطيات الموجودة هي التي ستحدد مكان وجود الحريري، اكد ان "ان الحريري هو في صلب قوى 14 آذار، وهو يخوض المعركة من كلّ الأماكن".

التعليقات 23
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 14:33 ,2011 حزيران 23

Dera Mr Geagea ,
This government is here to stay till 2013 . The so called opposition you are talking about , doesn't exist , for the simple reason that , first ; you are not a MP , and second , the leader of that opposition is hiding in Paris with many others , and are waiting for you to join them .

FYI : the Syrian regime is getting stronger every day , and your Zooran and terrorists , like Saad's Salafi Wahhabies , are been killed by the honorable Syrian army and people , that will not allow the fanatic Wahhabies , rule their country nor Lebanon , and turning them into a Sunni Emara with Saad as it's EMIR .

GMA and Sayed are the masters of the game , the sooner you leave Lebanon like Saad did , the better it is for you ..

Default-user-icon strida (ضيف) 14:34 ,2011 حزيران 23

u lost... get over it.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 14:45 ,2011 حزيران 23

the more the damascus regime is weak ,the stronger are bilad el arz,that is the heart of the truth.
we the lebanese people, truly hope that the syrian people don't endure a civil war,but very soon the interference in the 10452 will be something from the past..
bilad el arz are prevailing ,no doubt about it.

Default-user-icon Alvarrez (ضيف) 14:52 ,2011 حزيران 23

Good luck doing that from behind bars, corruptors and criminals, that if you are not hanged ASAP.

Missing mansour 15:40 ,2011 حزيران 23

To LePhenicien and Alvarrez the only criminals here is all the M8 and there allies and as for Geagea running to Paris Le Phenicien there is only one coward that has done it and holds the worlds fastest record,and that's your beloved nut job Aoun. Geagea at least stayed in Lebanon and faced his accusers in the face and at least didn't side with them when he was released.Thank you

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 15:41 ,2011 حزيران 23

Le Phenicien, it can now be told is Baghdad Bob reincarnated. He will learn that the M14 political forces now called the "opposition" in light of the recent coup, has the support of 70% of the Lebanese people. But to Baghdad Bob, there is no Opposition in Syria either, just "armed gangs". Right Bob?

As to the Assad Regime getting stronger by the day, really? Since when does the tyrant grow stronger on the blood of the people he kills? It is the ultimate sign of weakness that the only means by which Assad can communicate with his people is from the barrel of a tank.

Your strategic depth into Syria, Bob, is melting. Your Giddo Bashar is going down and without him, you and Hezbollah, Aoun and the rest will be left to the tender mercies of the Lebanese people whom you have exploited.

That is, if the new tyranny that is forming in Lebanon is rendered stillborn by the hand of the Independence National Movement of Lebanon so that we can have an election in 2013.

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 15:56 ,2011 حزيران 23

BRAVO MANSOUR! Le phénicien go take a bath!

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 16:04 ,2011 حزيران 23

This is all talk and no action. The only way to resolve the problem in Lebanon is a war. Let the winner take it all. and get it over with. Yelling and screeming from behind tv screens is not action. thats barking in a cage. Or partition Lebanon into cantons and live in peace respecting each other. We came to a point that there is no way a christian would live under muslim rules and vise versa. Just cut the cake take your share and give me mine and let me live in peace. enough is enough. every one knows it the religion leaders wont allow peace to happen they do not want peace. there is a big religions plots all over the world.
We are going back in time not forward. History is repeating it self. Religious people are the ones creating the wars in the world. because people are quitting prayers and not going to mosques or churches. the new generation does not care any more. they want to live and have fun .

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (ضيف) 16:06 ,2011 حزيران 23

Geagea is correct. This is a Vichy government par excellence and it is the duty of every free Lebanese to topple it before it causes irreparable damage. The Hizbollahfication of Lebanon insititutions has started with Iran's Basij, Syria's Berri, Assad's Marada, Aoun Khadaffi, Don Quixote Bassil and all their political mafia of unbalanced and vengeful politicians. It has the capability of causing great harm to our freedom and democracy. Aoun is nothing but dummies controlled by Assad and Hizb. His Orwellian speeches are always scripted by Hizb to achieve their agenda. Aoun is also used by Assad to get his revenge from the Sunnis, but it is the Lebanese Christians who will pay for Aoun's poison for generations. Moderate Sunnis have been the protector of equal representation of Christians and Muslims to safeguard freedom and democracy. This is gone for good thanks for Aoun's stupid acts, behaving like a twin brother of Khadafi. My God save Lebanon from Aoun's destructive instincts.

Missing petersdemocracy 17:19 ,2011 حزيران 23

honestly, no one can talk

like mansour said geagea is the only ONLY ONLY and i repeat ONLY leader that had to suffer consequences for the civil war. i dont see anyone who went through what he did. everyone else either fleed the country (ahem general ahem) and many others just stayed in the country and stayed in the political game while ripping people off for their money and keeping the country in the inappropriate hole.

Default-user-icon Sarita Gonzalez (ضيف) 17:19 ,2011 حزيران 23

what we will be look in Lebanon, will be A MIX OF ANYTHING, telling what people will fight only by democratic way, it is "dream without drugg effects", in politics war it is shot anything, the point is that this kind of "anyguns", give surprise in EACH AREA INVOLVED, matter what can be detonant, to turn on the fire between lebanese against lebanese. NOBODY MUST IGNORE THE CAPACITY OF OTHER SIDE,

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:27 ,2011 حزيران 23

this suria/iran gvmt will be topple very easily with little bit of time why??:
when in 2005 syria killed hariri,they asked chirac to take military action immediately,he said NO ,with syria out , lebanon will strenghten and,syria will collapse from inside in 3/5 years bcose all is economic and the syrian forces in lebanon are helping the regime economically,that's what is happening.
now the farsis has their fingers cut bit by bit,and will inevitably collapse from inside,and economically....hakim knows that the next phase that will K.O. the regime in damascus is an economic phase....and u can imagine the rest, without a bullet

Default-user-icon anonym (ضيف) 17:57 ,2011 حزيران 23

i'm impressed! so many supporters!

look guys he even has a facebook page really informative if you ask me he's been quite a guy! worth checkin it out:


Tell me fellows do you look up to your fathers as you look up to this man?

Default-user-icon Someone (ضيف) 18:23 ,2011 حزيران 23

The last thing this country needs is the losers, March 14, to be the majority again! Nothing but crooks and traitors! ONE WAY TICKET to all of you scum!

Missing peace 18:58 ,2011 حزيران 23

here comes back someone and his jokes of the day!!!

thank you to be here again, my preferred orange nosed clown!!!!

Thumb anonymouslb 19:07 ,2011 حزيران 23

Samir Geagea, Michel Aoun, Walid Joumblat, Hassan Nassrallah and the rest of the 40 thieves should all be handed one way tickets to Paris and join their friend Saadoun... May they all be forgotten their and their names errased for ever from our memories...
Stop bickering for these stooges sake and take your destiny in your own hands.

Missing aounophobia 19:12 ,2011 حزيران 23

Le Phenicien, where you and your bosses in Aug 2001? Where were you in 88, 89, 90 , etc...?
you were crippling under the syrians jazmas!
and now what? defending them??? what a man of principles you are! this tells a lot about you and your loyalty

Missing peace 20:04 ,2011 حزيران 23

bah those aounists suffer from the stockholm syndrom! they now love those who killed them tortured them stole them rape their mothers etc etc

no principles except the highest dollar bidder!

all they want is money money money and possibly from the lebanese people!

no use to talk to brainless people who just know how to bark like chiwawas but if you ask them direct questions or facts to justify themselves you get nothing because their heads are empty, just their master s doggies!
happy them!!!

Missing undefined 20:18 ,2011 حزيران 23

guys, stop responding to phenicien. he's a troll.


Default-user-icon Simon Hokayem (ضيف) 22:05 ,2011 حزيران 23

Le Phenicien! till 2013 and than will go away forever...

Default-user-icon Former Lebanese (ضيف) 22:12 ,2011 حزيران 23

I really wouldn't be surprised to find out that Le Phoenician is actually General Aoun him self. I refuse to believe there are more than one insane person that believe this BS.

Default-user-icon Adonis (ضيف) 10:29 ,2011 حزيران 24

How many people are halucinating here!!!!
The Hizbollahfication of Lebanon insititutions???? LOL. Vichy/Syria/Iran goverment? ROFL!! Assad falling? ROFL!!! but the worst is...march 14 have 70% of support!?!?!!?!??!?!?! LMAO!!!!!! I wander how many people didn't take their pills for today

Default-user-icon Adonis (ضيف) 11:41 ,2011 حزيران 24

Dear mowaten, this is not nice. We do not hang people in democratic, tolerant society than is free for everyone to express opinions and beliefs. Let's put him back in the prison :)