بري: المطلوب رأس ميقاتي وليس الحزب ورئاسة الحكومة ليست حكرا على احد

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اكد رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري "ان ثمة نسخة وصلته من مشروع يحضر في الكونغرس يوحي بأنهم لا يقبلون إلا بالنائب سعد الحريري رئيسا للحكومة"، مشيرا الى ان "المشروع يوجه العديد من الاسئلة الى الحكومة الجديدة فيما يتعلق بالمحكمة الدولية والقرار 1701 وموقفها في حال فرض عقوبات على سوريا".

واشار بري في حديثه الى صحيفة "السفير" ان "تأليف الحكومة ترك وقع المفاجأة والصدمة في أكثر من مكان، داخليا وخارجيا"، مضيفا "من الواضح، ان واشنطن تصوّب على ميقاتي لانها كانت تتطلع الى ان يقيم سواه في السرايا".

وفي لقائه مع الممثل الشخصي للأمين العام للأمم المتحدة في لبنان مايكل وليامز في عين التينة، سأل "هل ان رئاسة الحكومة في لبنان مطوّبة باسم أحدهم، هل هي من الأملاك الخاصة "شو هالمسخرة"، ملاحظا ان " فريق 14 آذار لا يريد ان يصدق انه خرج من الحكم، بالرغم من ان ذلك طبيعي في إطار تداول السلطة".

وشدد على ان المستهدف من الهجوم الاميركي على الحكومة هو الرئيس نجيب ميقاتي وليس "حزب الله"، الذي سبق وشغل هذا المنصب في العام 2005 ولم يعترض عليه ممن يعترضون الان. كما سأل عن سبب تسمية الحكومة الجديدة ب"حكومة حزب الله" مشيرا الى ان العديد من وزرائها سبق وشاركوا في حكومات الرئيسين السنيورة والحريري، قائلا "ان الوزير محمد فنيش غزا الشيب مفرقه وهو يتنقل من حكومة الى أخرى".

وتوقع بري سلفا "أن المعارضة الحالية لن تقبل مضمون البيان الوزاري حتى لو وردت فيه عبارات من نوع "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم" او "باسم الآب والابن والروح القدس".

وفي الشأن السوري، أكد بري ان "من يراهن على سقوط الرئيس بشار الأسد يفهم في السياسة بقدر ما أفهم في القنبلة الذرية"، مبديا ارتياحه الكبير لخطاب الاسد.

التعليقات 18
Default-user-icon Lebanese (ضيف) 09:55 ,2011 حزيران 23

I agree with the Eztez Nabih, the premiership does not belong to one person or even one party, in a democratic system rotation of power is normal.
Oh wait.... why doesn't that same logic apply to the Speaker of parliament, or even to all politicians? why do we still have the same main criminals/thieves in government that have been there since the 80s (i am not targeting one group or one party). This is joke or actually the joke is on us people!!!!
The only difference between us & most of the middle-eastern countries is that they don't pretend to be democracies; They have one person ruling with an iron fist, & we have a group of people sharing the pie and fighting to get a bigger part. How many new politician have we seen introduced in Lebanon that are not directly or indirectly related to the veterans?!? ok now tell me how fast were these few thrown under the bus!
Food for thought.... We should wake up as Lebanese & exile or forbid all these people from ever practicing their deceit

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 10:02 ,2011 حزيران 23

The whole world should understand that Hariri ERA is OVER .. Saad Hariri will never be nominated PM of Lebanon anymore " in his life " !! And will never put his feet again in Lebanon ... Not in this life at least .

Default-user-icon Lebanese (ضيف) 10:45 ,2011 حزيران 23

Maybe you're right Le Phenicien, but in that case we should make sure that all the rest go with him otherwise it's same crap difference face. We should find a place for Jumblat, Geagea, Berri, Aoun, Gemayel, Nassrallah, and list goes on and on....

Default-user-icon Lebnani (ضيف) 11:02 ,2011 حزيران 23

we agree that the premiership is not belong to anyone in this country, but why Nabih berry Still in his position for more than 20 years...no one in this country can replace him ??? allah khalakou wa kassar al kalib.... or if they decided to change , all his people will be in the street within minutes and close and we know what they do.... before he always said that I don't open the Parliament if there is no "ejma3 wa tawafok", this when 14 march ask to open the Parliament, but when something related to him or other he open for only few congress...he is acting with Parliament as it is he is own home....we are living in a big lie in this country, everybody lie to show us his loyal to his country...but all of them are liers, they do what is suitable to them and to their own people...but one day ,all of them and specialy nabih berry , will face the same fate as Husseni mbarak wa zein al aabidin.... and other

Default-user-icon Ramez (ضيف) 11:04 ,2011 حزيران 23

But is Sbeakership of Barliament Brivate Broberty EsTîz Nabeuh? As for Aouaou, who's gettin' old, and still fantasizing about Baabda, we advise him to limit his ambitions to sitting on his WC Kérsé without falling in the hole together with his politic production. That's the Aouaou we like : on the WC throne. Otherwise, we will "shedd el sifône". A matter of days or weeks that Syria's Idiot feels the hard grasp, and beggs Saad, the prominent international name and figure, Saad, to retake Premiership, and orders Nagib to go back home.

Thumb tabasco 11:06 ,2011 حزيران 23

Le Phenicien , for years you are only stirring provocations and hatred .
fortunately, your information proved time and again to be baseless and untrue .
what looks more certain is that your idol will neverrrrrrr be a president .......
one good thing though , you are unable anymore to use the street language that you used to revert to when cornered.
Le Phenicien , get a life and go fly your kite !

Default-user-icon Ramez (ضيف) 11:09 ,2011 حزيران 23

Sbeaker Berri mixes things: IsTîz Nabeuh, Blease listen, rotation of Bower is not rotation of Shawarma in Dahié, OK?

Default-user-icon You wish (ضيف) 11:30 ,2011 حزيران 23

Le Phenicien, people like you and your pathetic group are the reason hate exists in the world. Assad’s regime is bound to fall, and soon after that my beloved country’s leaders, Iran, will also follow suit. Nothing lasts forever...same goes for tyrants like Nasrallah. If Assad can do this to his people, what should we expect from Hezb Allah? And this is your love for your country and your people. Sorry to say that good people are always thrown away by ignorant sects who pretend to stand for religion, which we all know is not the case. It’s all for money and power.

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 11:55 ,2011 حزيران 23

To al those wondering why Berri has been in Bower for almost 20 years.. we remeber that our system - some humorous like to refer to it as democratic - is SECTERIAN. Remember that the post of speaker of Barliament is reserved to the shi'a.. and remember that almost 90% of shi'a support either Hizbullah or amal.. both parties have nominated Berri over and over again for the last 20 years (almost) .. the way harriri sr. governed over and over again (would have governed even more had he not commited suicide)

Default-user-icon majd (ضيف) 14:23 ,2011 حزيران 23

Le Fini is correct when he says that hariri sr committed suicides just like the Lebanese army soldiers and officers did when then threw themselves under Syrian tanks. I thinks they committed suicide when they were told that aoun had run away screaming like a little girl in his nightie without telling them. I don't blame aoun a coward can't help it the lebanese army soldiers he deserted should lighten up his wife and daughters were surprised as well, his wife pleasantry so it was the first time she wakes up with a virile man, Syrian special forces stud, in her bed instead of the girly girl micho, chantal even ended up marrying the Syrian boy she found in her room so it was all good.

Default-user-icon Youssef Haddad (ضيف) 14:28 ,2011 حزيران 23

What a democratic speaker who befriends a regime that barbarically represses its own people. Is this the way you will treat the opposition in Lebanon?
Hold on to the sinking ship of Assad and enjoy your last moments above water.

Default-user-icon Lebnani (ضيف) 15:12 ,2011 حزيران 23

To mr. Mazen, and to everyone....you should know also that our country is based on democracy, " which Nabih berry talk about it alyways without knowying what is the real meaning of democracy", so the president of parliament is elected from the congress, and as you remember that the last election was from the support of 14March and after Walid Jounblat asked 14 march to select Nabih Berry...so always in this country they choose to agree about someone....cos you everybody knows if someone else be a president of parliament , hizbollah and amal will fireup Albalad...
so talk logically, this country is "mou7assassa wa tekssim lal tharwat".... Nabih berry talk about democracy and Sectarian and he is the number one in this country against them.... ma ned7ak 3ala ba3dna

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 15:56 ,2011 حزيران 23

3 harsh realities : Saad Hariri will never come back as a premier, because this country does not deserve people like him and his father, who reconstructed it from ashes that many loved to destroy during civil war, and specially someone that bombarded achrafieh with big mortars ( GMA the great ),

- If i was in his place, they killed my father , i made concessions , gave them what they wanted not because im scared but because i really want the country's benefit. If Saad would have wanted to burn Lebanon, he would really throw money to Wahhabies all around it and in camps and dont worry it would have been much worse than that. stop lets stop the spread of lies.
-The biggest debt is Hezbollah's holy war, 10 billion in ONE MONTH, of destruction not even constructions. so stop it with the lies of the 46 bilion in 15 years of SYRIAN rule which Berri, Lahoud, Jumblat, Arslan, Qanso, Abboud took from, and yet we have a new downtown,airport, and it doesnt envy anyone worldwide.

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 16:04 ,2011 حزيران 23

Even the Middle East airlines, which Hariri the father helped build back , is amazing right now, and Le phénicien if you really live in Paris, you must have tired Air France airline possibly, Their '' service '' is nothing compared to how good it is in Middle East, and they bought new planes too.

- Who brought Riad Salameh? central bank governor? it is Rafik Hariri, and he was elected one of the best bank governors in the world by experts,
- Who brought Safadi? finance minister? Rafik Hariri too.
- Who financed Al Nahar ?who opened up hospitals for everyone regarding sects, schools, i know many chiites here in Canada graduated from Hariri schools
- Who used to go everywhere to help Lebanon build back its image of Paris in the middle east?

Even chiites dont talk about Hariri as Aounist do, always spreading the same lies, even during elections, if votes were bought, they were bought from aounist logically, so your people dont even have convictions , you are to blame. God help us

Default-user-icon 'n awe, say ahhh! (ضيف) 16:57 ,2011 حزيران 23

Al-Assteez is constantly shocked nowadays I thing he should ditch the 1970 Syrian made polyester suits he lately got from Bachar in lieu of pay they generate static electricity causing shock.

Missing undefined 20:22 ,2011 حزيران 23

guys, stop responding to phenicien. he's a troll.


Missing peace 22:17 ,2011 حزيران 23

but his seat is private property.....hahaha!

Missing hmorsel 00:50 ,2011 حزيران 24

he sure thinks that his position is private property. to fix lebanon's problemthis guy needs to go first, he and Aoun are the main obstacle to democracy and prosperity.