14 آذار تحمل سليمان وميقاتي "مسؤولية الحالة العونية المرضية"

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اعتبرت قوى 14 آذار أنّ ما يصدر عن رئيس تكتل التغيير والاصلاح النائب ميشال عون يؤكد على الطبيعة الإنقلابية للحكومة من جهة ويتضمّن تهديدات بالنفي والسجن والقتل للمعارضة من جهة ثانية.

وحمّلت الامانة العامة لهذه القوى في بيان صدر بعد اجتماعها الدوري رئيسيّ الجمهورية والحكومة مسؤولية هذه الحالة العونية المَرَضيّة، رافضةً "محاولتيهما التنصّل ممّا يدلي به عون فيما يتحمّلان مسؤولية تعزيز وضعه بالرغم من خطورة تهديداته".

وجدّدت القوى التأكيد على أنّ الحكومة نتجت عن إنقلاب مشترك نفّذه النظام السوريّ و "حزب الله" وليست نتاجاً لتداول ديموقراطيّ دستوريّ سليم للسلطة.

واضافت: "وهي حكومةٌ قصدَ بها النظام السوريّ ربط مصير لبنان بمصيره وهو يريد من الحكومة أن تكون متراساً له في مواجهة الإعتراض الداخليّ والإقليميّ والدوليّ عليه".

وأكدت أنها "مصمّمة صفّاً واحداً على مواجهة هذه الحكومة، معارضةً سياسيّة – شعبيّة ديموقراطيّة سلميّة".

وحول أحداث مدينة طرابلس، شددت على مطالبتها بجعل عاصمة الشمال منزوعةً من السلاح، معتبرةً أنّ نزع السلاح من المدينة هو شرط ضروريّ لفكّ الإرتباط بين لبنان وأزمة النظام السوريّ.

التعليقات 22
Missing joseph 15:20 ,2011 حزيران 22

Aoun's statement should be taken seriously. Although it was presented in a joke context, the connotation was serious. Serious matters should not be brushed off. M14 will eventually end up winning on this one. Aoun will finally grow up and learn to stop putting his foot in his mouth.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 15:39 ,2011 حزيران 22

You are all going to jail or to exile , that is the most important thing to note from the very interesting declarations made by GMA .

I propose a referundum to see what the lebanese think about what GMA said concerning the jails and those who are expected to fill them soon . The result will be 87 % in favor of such real and objectif declarations .

No to corruptions , no more hideaways to thieves , we want their Mouhakama NOW and immediately ..

Default-user-icon diko (ضيف) 15:48 ,2011 حزيران 22

the so called general was born with mud in his mouth. he is the filthiest of all human kind as far as my concern , the millions that he stole will hopefully give him his own one way in ticket to roumieh

Default-user-icon anonym (ضيف) 16:16 ,2011 حزيران 22


while Aouns statements come as little irresponsible from his part, I among countless others on the other hand did not see anything wrong in his statement other than the tone of it and given the violent circumstances taking place in the country i say a harsh tonality is called for, what Aoun says is true these thugs belong underground and in one way or the other they will get whats coming to them for 15 years of theft, money rape and corruption which has put millions of lebanese in paralisys, you want justice that's justice the easy and fast way, I don't want to spend a single dime of my tax money to try these worms, we are already spending billions for your tribunal fabricating detective stories for a slain 20 billion dollar billionaire whom I could care less for, I could build another downtown with a billion dollars, a downtown which belongs to all lebanese classes of course and not only for the ones who own "diablos".

there is no court in the world for criminals like the

Default-user-icon Aftab (ضيف) 16:32 ,2011 حزيران 22

Now that the losers are gone and shall soon flee like their imbecile leader cheikh Saad, the country, which has been SICK OF THESE CORRUPTORS AND TRAITORS, finally has a chance to heal, and will heal. Among these losers, only those who are not sent to the guillotine will get crazier as time goes by.

Default-user-icon Christopher Rushlau (ضيف) 19:46 ,2011 حزيران 22

March 14 shows its alignment with "the West" by equating the Hezbullah-led government with a coup. When the majority population is able to form the government of its choosing, this undercuts the authority of "the West".
Soon people will wonder where that authority came from. Then they will ask if it even exists.

Missing peace 20:22 ,2011 حزيران 22

christopher what do you call a gvt made by threatening a group with arms in order to get the majority in the parliament if not a coup???

was this gvt made out of democratic elections? no....

so what is it if not a coup? think a bit....

Default-user-icon Majnoun (ضيف) 21:16 ,2011 حزيران 22

2013 is around the corner.The youths of our beautiful country should stand up and be heard. A new generations of politians should be born. Politicians that don't have, civil war blood on their hands,nor Isreali invasion blood,nor the aoun war and nothing to do with the 1990's. A new generation of MPs that will be elected by the people FOR THE PEOPLE. I cannot understand how politicians stand and bicker and demand to have portfolios. WHAT? isn't the PM supposed to make his decisions based on the QUALIFICATIONS of the candidate? and not who's son or who's brother-in-law he is? we need a NEW GENERATION that will work to improve: Electricity, water, telecom, urban planning etc.A new generation that doesn't have self interests but BUILDING A COUNTRY that we deserve. NO ONE should bare arms but the army.Religion is seperate from state.
Made in Lebanon for Lebanon. NOT made is lebanon for Iran/hezb/syria.
Aoun you will never become President & Hassoun The islamic rep of lebanon will never be

Thumb shab 23:32 ,2011 حزيران 22

I really don't care about this guy, he's just trying to make some money and swindle his way like all Lebanese leadres. His followers I will never understand, Anyway he will apologize publicly

Default-user-icon Someone (ضيف) 23:51 ,2011 حزيران 22

@ Majnoun...Geagea will never become president & Saad the Saudi-Islamic rep of lebanon will never be!!!

Missing peace 00:22 ,2011 حزيران 23

still soooooooooooooo funny someone! you got it! go on! a real show your posts are!
thx for the laughs you give us!

oh! by the way, when did you ever heard that geagea wants to be president or hariri wants an islamic republic?
may i just remind your empty brain that youur friends the hizb already said they wanted an islamic rep in lebanon!! but never hariri....you forgot that! hahaha!

Default-user-icon Majnoun (ضيف) 01:03 ,2011 حزيران 23

@peace: am i making sense? i just need a positive feedback for anybody? it seem like even if a new idea comes up without the M14 in the pic... but an idea that will send us forward.... the aounist and hizbozos will accuse it as a M14 idea. And they will shoot it down! Ya hamir wake up ... sing our national anthem and PAY ATTENTION to the lyrics. We are a smart generation ... our logic should be able to lead us from whats wrong to what's right. They all have an agenda and none of it includes THE PEOPLE.

Default-user-icon Youssef Haddad (ضيف) 01:06 ,2011 حزيران 23

What is wrong with Aoun are those who support him. They are willing to accept whatever he utters without any questioning or accountability.
Besides his personal mental challenges Aoun's bad leadership emanates from those who surround him.
We claim to be the brightest in the Mddle East and we put at the helm the worst among us.

Default-user-icon anonym (ضيف) 01:17 ,2011 حزيران 23

you are right "peace"! Hariri never said he wants islamic republic he acts it! a man truly of action and not words!
is that a mile long and a mile high mosque outshining anything in a 6 km block raidius i see built in the middle of our so called downtown? looks great doesn't it ! oh do his best friends come from the most islamic of all islamic wahabi central zone of the world i.e. desert arabia were freedom of speech is unheard of and women are treated like dogs, and they still cut off heads and play with their feet?
take a long hard look at your media and propaganda friend cause i've been hearing this S*** for years now.

Default-user-icon iNcorruptible (ضيف) 04:21 ,2011 حزيران 23

Can anyone here deny that Hariri and co. embezzled billions of dollars? That Geagea is a murderer? They they're corrupt? That the whole Lebanese public system is corrupt?

Those of you who are abhorred by calls to try and arrest the corrupted are rotten to the core themselves. You are the epitome of what Lebanese society has become: a society that can only live in bribery, organized chaos, sectarianism and filth.
Go live abroad a year or two, and maybe you will learn something about what it is like to be part of a civil society. Unfortunately most of you have been born and raised in this corrupt society that this is all you know.

I truly pity you.

Default-user-icon andre_florida@hotmail.com (ضيف) 06:07 ,2011 حزيران 23

reading the comments on here by some of you makes me sick to my stomach, God bless March14th and may the other team burn in hell

Missing peace 10:19 ,2011 حزيران 23

anonym: does the building of a mosque mean that hariri wants an islamic state?
so tell me what do you think about hezbollah which call his resistance islamic resistance? it s even written on their flag...

if you tell me that the hezb want an islamic shiite lebanon then we may talk, otherwise it means that you are blinded by your blinkers....
what do you think about the allegiance they have publicly made to the iranian regime ? they never made it towards the lebanese one! it s called treason no?
and you are telling us that hariri is building an islamic lebanon? look at your partners first.
wherever you go in the areas pro hariri alcohol is sold freely, go to the south is it still true? look what has happened in nabatieh for example!
the hezb banned artists, they banned a film... just like in the islamic countries!!!
so please.... think a bit

oh, by the way: tourists bring money to the country from wherever they come from!

Missing peace 10:25 ,2011 حزيران 23

but don t get me wrong anonym: if anyone wants to build an islamic state here whether sunni or shii i will be the first one to fight against it...

lebanon doesn t belong to a single sect!

Default-user-icon georges (ضيف) 10:41 ,2011 حزيران 23

Incorruptible: tu peux nier aussi que la communite shiite protegee par le Hezballa ne paie pas ses taxes depuis les annees 90? tu peux nier aussi les assassinats depuis 2005 commis par le hezballa? tu peux nier le vol de GMA de l'argent des puma? tu peux nier le fait que Geagea paie les salires de larmee en 86/87/88 ? tu peux nier l'occupation syrienne du liban qui est passee de 15000 soldats a 75000 en 88/89 alors que les forces libanaises ont dsparu de la scene libanaise apres une demande de GMA ? Tu peux nier les milliards que le Hezb recoit de liranien et du syrien ss compter les armes ? et le fait que le beau fils du GMA en 5 ans a multiplie se richesse par 100? les 10 milliards de destruction que le hezb a cause en un mois en 2006 ? les interets qui ont suivit? Franjieh n'a pas vole ? il est parti ou l'argent des mouhajarin ? qui c'est qui s'est achete des harleys avec ? arrete d'etre con et de flamber que tu vis a l'etranger.. vs etes que des peroquets vous repetez....

Missing mirvete11 11:37 ,2011 حزيران 23

To Anonym
I read your comment and compare it with Lebanon crisis to ask myself : Is building a mosque = Islamic Republic???? No wonder!
To my knowledge they build mosques all over the world: USA, AUSTRALIA, etc.
It seems as if your mind is full of hatred, nothing else...........

Default-user-icon faysal hasan (ضيف) 13:44 ,2011 حزيران 23

Lebanese "comments generation" should be the future of Lebanon. It is smart, educated and cares about Lebanon. DO NOT INSULT EACH OTHER and respect opinions. Diversity has been our weakness and we have been the arena for wars and destruction, but diversity can be our strength if we are smart!! We have an INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY TO BE THE MODEL of diversity with tolerance, humanity, secularism and progressivessness, but we need a new generation that rejects our past history of hatred and arrogance. We need to BUILD of a new Lebanon with a new generation. LET US RESPECT EACH OTHER AND TALK: A LEBANON FOR ALL and for the World to admire. I may be dreaming, but I believe in the young Lebanese. Think out of the box; the past is bloody and corrupt but let us focus on LEBANON, let us focus on the poor CITIZEN and let us hail every Lebanese and human being. WHAT HAVE YOU (YES YOU!!) DONE TO SERVE AND ADVANCE LEBANON as a citizen? I have ideas, will follow.

Thumb thepatriot 15:01 ,2011 حزيران 23

Phenicien, you comments are ridiculous. What kind of figure is this "87%"... you're a joke!