قاسم: تيار المستقبل تمادى في "انعاش الفتنة" الى حد ضرب السلم الاهلي

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اتهم نائب امين عام "حزب الله" الشيخ نعيم قاسم، "تيار المستقبل" بالتمادي في "انعاش الفتنة الى حد الوصول الى حدود ضرب السلم الاهلي والاستقرار".

وخلال احتفال تأبيني بذكرى شهداء "حزب الله" في النبي شيت، تطرق قاسم الى ملف صيدا، قائلاً "لولا تيار المستقبل وبعض الذين ينتعشون من حالة الفتنة في مواجهة الوطنية والاستقامة لما وصل التمادي الى حدود ضرب السلم الاهلي والاستقرار.

وأضاف "حتى اللحظة الاخيرة كانوا منحازين وحتى بعد سقوط الرمز بالنسبة اليهم هو محاولة للانتقال الى موقع جديد من اجل ان يبحثوا عن مادة جديدة للهجوم علينا والاعتداء على الوطنيين الشرفاء".

وأدت المعارك بين الجيش اللبناني وعناصر امام مسجد بلال بن رباح الشيخ أحمد الاسير، يومي الاحد والاثنين في عبرا في صيدا، الى سقوط 18 قتيلاً و20 جريحاً من الجيش اللبناني، فضلاً عن مقتل أكثر من 20 عنصر من عناصر الاسير.

الى ذلك، رأى قاسم أن "التحريض ضد الجيش والمقاومة والتشجيع على الفتنة هو الذي أوصل الامور الى الانفجار في صيدا"، مردفاً "جربتم حظكم بالفتنة وكانت أليمة بنتائجها وكنا نتمنى الا تكون، وقد اثبتت الاحداث ان التحريض يجر الى المزيد من الويلات ويضر بالمحرضين اكثر من غيرهم".

من جانب آخر، دعا قاسم الى "تبني صيغة تنطلق من حكومة وحدة وطنية تعمل على إعمار البلد وترسخ السلم الاهلي والاستقرار على قاعدة ثلاثي القوة الجيش والشعب والمقاومة".

وأوضح "نحن كحزب لا نريد مكاسب استثنائية، بل نريد شراكة وطنية، لا نريد ان نعزل أحدا ولا نريد ان يعزلنا أحد".

التعليقات 40
Thumb Elemental 12:51 ,2013 حزيران 30

Kinda hypocritical don't you think? You're no better, and you too take orders from a foreign power. If it wasn't for this secular garbage Lebanon would be at peace.

Thumb Elemental 12:55 ,2013 حزيران 30

And now comes the usual blame game from both sides, which solves absolutely nothing and it will just be another rinse and repeat day with zero progress.

Missing rafidahhh11 18:32 ,2013 حزيران 30

hezballot shia snakes in action right here, the one with ALL the weapons, the ones invading sunni areas, the ones attacking syrian sunnis accuse others of causing secterian unrest, i swear to god if the lebanese christians do not wise up to the iranian shia game they are next on the chopping block after the sunnis

Thumb mckinl 12:56 ,2013 حزيران 30

It is really very simple ... M8 is calling for unity and peace whereas M14 and in particular al-Mustaqbal have been fanning the flames of a new civil war in Lebanon ...

M14 and its' agents have been very busy starting scandalous rumors, backing incitement and sedition through false media propaganda and support of unrest and violence.

Thumb Elemental 13:01 ,2013 حزيران 30

Ring ring, Thanks for proving me right.

Thumb mckinl 14:38 ,2013 حزيران 30

Well you are half right ...

Is that a clown suit you are wearing ???

John Kerry could use one of those ...

Thumb Elemental 14:59 ,2013 حزيران 30

How old are you exactly?

Thumb mckinl 15:27 ,2013 حزيران 30

@ Elemental

Old enough to recognize a clown suit ...

Thumb Elemental 15:31 ,2013 حزيران 30

so 15 it is.

Thumb Elemental 15:32 ,2013 حزيران 30

Seems you don't get out much either, but I'll stop there, won't reduce myself to your low level tactics.

Thumb Elemental 16:26 ,2013 حزيران 30

Overseer, you rock!

Thumb nodelet 00:10 ,2013 تموز 01

"Elemental 9 hours ago
Seems you don't get out much either"

lol stop flooding naharnet with ur "wisdom" try to get some fresh air, cuz it stinks in here

Missing samiam 14:56 ,2013 حزيران 30

wow, your masters train your well. anyhow, it is easy to call for peace when pointing your gun at the country. this statement by mao tse tung describes perfectly hizb iran to a tee "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun"

without its weapons, hizb iran has ZERO credibility--with it, not much more.

Thumb Elemental 15:29 ,2013 حزيران 30

The problem is either side uses weaponry to get what they want, which is flawed in so many ways.

Missing helicopter 22:05 ,2013 حزيران 30

M8 (Hezb specifically) is everything you accuse geha of (by word and deed).

Missing greatpierro 07:40 ,2013 تموز 01

Please tell us how M14 are wrong by calling for disarmement in Sida, tripoli, beirut, outside the camps and respect of Baabda agreement.

Thumb Elemental 13:13 ,2013 حزيران 30

(rings the bell)

Thumb mckinl 13:40 ,2013 حزيران 30

"It's not worth trying to get Al-Mustahbal party to the unity conversation. They are all tainted with KSA terrorist cells and once turned they cannot turn back."

Unfortunately this seems to be the case ...

Thumb benzona 14:48 ,2013 حزيران 30

Aren't you tired of your monologues?

Thumb Elemental 15:01 ,2013 حزيران 30

Ben, It's the only thing he's capable of unfortunately, can't break past his conditioning, that's pretty much it.

Missing greatpierro 07:51 ,2013 تموز 01


Thumb benzona 14:47 ,2013 حزيران 30

Can anyone tell this terrorist to return to kerbala.mhes no longer welcome on our soil. Moreover, morpholgically he doesn't look an more Lebanese than an a Brit or an ethiopian maid.

Thumb Elemental 15:03 ,2013 حزيران 30

Khomeni can I think.

Thumb Elemental 15:06 ,2013 حزيران 30

Lebanonforever, you're absolutely right. The one's thumbing you down are in denial, and they in turn believe they are infallable.

Thumb Elemental 15:22 ,2013 حزيران 30

That's the tricky part, let's see what answer is delivered.

Thumb geha 15:37 ,2013 حزيران 30

your problem is that you believed that they went there for that whereas, they went there to do a jihadi business :)
these are extremists like any other extremist and they will do whatever justifying it with religious words.
are they any different from the likes of assir?
they are the other face of the same coin.

Missing peace 15:48 ,2013 حزيران 30

thank you qassem! you made my day with this big joke! hahahaha!!!!

Thumb Elemental 16:16 ,2013 حزيران 30

Thank You.

Thumb Elemental 16:16 ,2013 حزيران 30


Thumb Marc 16:31 ,2013 حزيران 30

ليك مين عميحكي.

Thumb geha 17:37 ,2013 حزيران 30

the daily insults I receive for voicing my non sectarian opinion are nothing new.
whatever you say they will reply: salafi, extremist,... among several other things.
they want to put us Lebanese on the defensive.
extremism from any side is the cause of our status.
as long as all Lebanese do not reject weapons outside the state we will be in civil war mode.

Missing helicopter 22:23 ,2013 حزيران 30

Absolutely and your last point is the key (Palestinian arms included..... to put phoenix at ease)

Missing justlebanese 18:17 ,2013 حزيران 30

ente kel l 3alam te7ki elle enta plz na2etna beskotak manak akbar wa7ad ta2efe

Missing VINCENT 19:36 ,2013 حزيران 30

A bit intolerant and hateful towards these poor uneducated extremist groups! May be you are behaving like a Neanderthal? Or may be you came to your senses. Aha, so now go further with your recent realization of the "true enemy" of Lebanon and dig in to find out who they are. In response to an earlier remark you made, I do not as a blank statement consider Israel as the "real enemy", though many without considering all the facts would disagree with me. Israel is part of the dilemma whose interests are being advanced and secured by the cooperation of the "true enemies" of Lebanon within our borders.

Missing helicopter 22:19 ,2013 حزيران 30

The Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, and their greed of our water and gas resources in our South makes Israel and enemy. The arming of anti-Government groups in Lebanon, assassinating our good leaders, and exercising hegemony over Lebanon makes the Syrian Baath regime an enemy as well. An enemy can become a friend once the wrongs are corrected.

Missing VINCENT 19:36 ,2013 حزيران 30

These are the groups and countries that we all need to watch out for. Israel has done and is doing everything for their own gain. They are not there for your best interest unless they have something to gain. Those Israelis who care for your interest along side their own (to live peacefully together), have fled their posts and country and living elsewhere because they don't agree with their government's agenda. When I see some 100,000 people being killed whether Syria, Lebanon or Palestine, I have the standing to call these perpetrators out to ridicule them and remind them to go and fight the real enemy, which collectively, we they remind us that it is Israel.

Missing VINCENT 19:51 ,2013 حزيران 30

So the point is, they are not going to fight Israel because Israel is not their real enemy and they are serving each others interests, and will not fight amongst themselves since it would be suicide.
But it is OK to kill their counterparts.

Missing VINCENT 19:53 ,2013 حزيران 30

Zadig, I agree with you 100%.

Thumb general_puppet 20:09 ,2013 حزيران 30

Qassem wants civil peace and stability Hizbullah Style... if you disagree with them they intimidate you and if that does not work they kill you. The Iranian militia will provide peace and stability from the barrels of their guns.

Thumb LebDinosaur 06:43 ,2013 تموز 01

What an idiot he is. I can't believe he's Lebanese. Shame.