نحو 1500 متظاهر في عمان تأييدا للثورة السورية يهتفون ضد الاسد وحزب الله

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شارك نحو 1500 شخص الجمعة في عمان في تظاهرة مؤيدة للثورة السورية مطلقين هتافات ضد الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد وحزب الله الذي وصفوه "بحزب الشيطان" مؤكدين ان "المقاومة الحقيقية مكانها فلسطين".

وانطلقت التظاهرة عقب صلاة الجمعة من امام المسجد الحسيني الكبير بمشاركة من جماعة الاخوان المسلمين في الاردن ومجموعات شبابية وسط هتافات بينها "الشام يا بلد الاحرار بعون الله يسقط بشار" و"حرية من الله غصب عنك حزب الله" اضافة الى "هذه رسالة من عمان لحسن وحزب الشيطان" في اشارة الى امين عام حزب الله اللبناني حسن نصرالله.

وحمل هؤلاء لافتات كتب عليها "استمروا بثورتكم نحن معكم" و"دعمنا حزب الله ضد اسرائيل وندعم الثورة السورية ضده" و"لماذا لا نرى المقاومة في فلسطين" الى جانب "الشعب اصدر قرار، الاعدام لبشار"، على ما افاد مراسل فرانس برس.

من جانبه قال زكي بني ارشيد، نائب المراقب العام لجماعة الاخوان المسلمين في الاردن، في كلمة القاها ان "ثورة الشعب السوري ثورة عظيمة ليست ثورة ضد نظام فاسد فقط وانما قصة أمة ثارت ضد الطغيان والظلم الذي وصل الى منتهاه".

واضاف ان "معركة القصير كشفت زيف المقاومة والممانعة" مؤكدا ان "ارادة الشعب السوري قادرة على صنع نظام مقاوم حقيقي ليس زائفا".

وشدد بني ارشيد على ان "المقاومة الحقيقية ليس مكانها الشام بل فلسطين"، مشيرا الى ان "بشار سيلحق بالقذافي (الزعيم الليبي الراحل معمر القذافي) وغيره اما المستقبل فهو لارادة الشعوب".

التعليقات 8
Thumb primesuspect 18:01 ,2013 حزيران 21

A good demo yesterday in central Beirut, a good demo today in Jordan. Wish I could have joined both.

Missing mohammad_ca 18:36 ,2013 حزيران 21

Thank you Jordanians!

Missing fares_ 22:44 ,2013 حزيران 21

Dont thank them. Their king that they dont dare to criticize is part of the problem. He does what he is told. Jordan helped in bringing in the "jihadis" that caused a severe blow to the legitimate opposition by tarnishing its image. And as for the syrian refugees in jordan, they are treated badly by the regime and their security forces. So all in all, the only thing jordan did was to obey those who wanted to destroy syria and not actually bring real poaitive change to it. As i have said before, bedouins (even if they have a british mother) should never be allowed to govern and be sure that you cant trust them because they will do what their tribal leader say and the tribal leader will do what the highest payer says.

Missing lebnenzzz 00:00 ,2013 حزيران 22

wolf, you mean unlike our people who dont sell themselves to KSA, qatar, Iran, America and other countries? 12 million lebanese are dispersed across foreign lands, only 4 million live in lebanon. Likewise, one can ask have you ever noticed no matter where lebanese are, we are over represented in crimes such as human traficking, rape, drugs and terrorism? When i lived in australia, i couldnt tell people i was lebanese for my own safety due to the lebanese thugs and criminals that had tarnished our image there.

Missing lebnenzzz 00:03 ,2013 حزيران 22

I can only think of two places where there has been civil unrest in camps, and that was in lebanon and jordan. In lebanons case, there was civil unrest all over lebanon and every single party was involved, not only the camps. In jordans case, there was a campaign by the bedouin tribes against the Palestinians whom they considered not to be arab enough and feared they would take over the land that they recently had been given by britain. Between 1948-1967, the jordanian army of bedouin tribes ruled the westbank with an iron fist, torturing people and opressing them and after 1967 when jordan lost the westbank, the PLO (whom i hate) wanted to take back land that historically belonged to the palestinians (eastern palestine) and not to the bedouin tribes. But thats history and i dont see why you would talk like this? Palestinians built jordan from scratch basicly.

Missing lebnenzzz 00:04 ,2013 حزيران 22

They also contributed to lebanon and still do, there was an article a few years ago in assafir pointing out their positive contributions to lebanon. Lebanon gets many economical benefits from palestinians who send money, who import goods for their business in the west, from the UN etc. Many prominent lebanese are actually palestinians who were naturalized. So i dont think your comment is fair. I hate the PLO and what they did to lebanon and to their own people, but i also hate our lebanese political parties. Many lebanese unfortunatly have a racist mentality which makes us say about others what we should say about ourselves first.

Missing lebnenzzz 00:06 ,2013 حزيران 22

Bigjohn, Ikhwan are all talk, no action, unless the action is to jump when the dollar says jump.

Default-user-icon Fizadur Tamposh (ضيف) 01:06 ,2013 حزيران 22

Let's wait and see who these Sannis will protest against when Jordan is about to become the substitute land for the Palestinians.