رئيس "الانتماء اللبناني" يتلقى تهديداً بالقتل: أحمل قهوجي ونصرالله مسؤولية مقتل السلمان
Read this story in Englishوصف رئيس "حزب الانتماء اللبناني" أحمد الاسعد، قاتل الشاب هاشم السلمان بـ"الوحش"، محملاً الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله، مسؤولية مقتله بطريقة مباشرة أو غير مباشرة. وأعلن عن تهديد وصل الى مكتبه مهدداً يقول "جايين نقتلك".
وفي كلمة القاها في ذكرى الاسبوع لمقتل السلمان، ظهر الاحد، اظهر الاسعد صورة للمشتبه به بقتل السلمان، واصفاً اياه بـ"الوحش" وطالباً ممن يعرف شيئاً عن هذا الشخص أن يبلغ الحزب لا القضاء اللبناني.
ورد على نصرالله الذي اعتبر الحادثة "عفوية"، قائلاً: "لا يجوز أن يصل الكذب الى هذا المستوى، رجل الدين الحقيقي لا يكذب".
وحمّل نصرالله المسؤولية المباشرة لاغتيال السلمان، متوجهاً له بالقول "سواء كنت انت من اعطيت الامر المباشر للقتل ام لا فالقاتل ينتمي الى حزبك".
كذلك، "حمّل الاسعد الدولة اللبنانية ومؤسساتها الامنية التي كانت موجودة امام السفارة الايرانية الاحد الفائت المسؤولية".
وأدى اشكال بين مجموعة من المتظاهرين أمام السفارة الايرانية في بئر حسن الاحد الفائت، والذين ينتمون الى "حزب الانتماء اللبناني" منددين بتدخل "حزب الله" في القتال في سوريا، ومجموعة من عناصر "حزب الله"، الى مقتل شاب وجرح 11 شخصاً من "حزب الانتماء اللبناني".
وتطرّق الاسعد في كلمته، الى البيان الذي أصدرته قيادة الجيش اللبناني عن الحادثة، مشيراً الى أنه "أظهر للرأي العام الى أي حد أصبحت هذه المؤسسة تابعة لحزب الله وتتلقى الاوامر منه".
واعتبر أن "هذا البيان هو وصمة عار على المؤسسة العسكرية وقيادتها"، متوجهاً الى قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي سائلاً اياه "اذا كان هاشم السلمان ابنك هل كان تصرفك سيكون نفسه؟"، وأضاف "اذا كنت لا تستطيع القيام بشيء فقدم استقالتك".
ودعا الاسعد الى تظاهرة الاحد المقبل أمام السفارة الايرانية عند الساعة 12:30 ظهراً، أي حيث قتل هاشم السلمان.
وأعلنت قيادة الجيش في بيان أصدرته الاحد الفائت، اثر الحادثة أن إشكال بين عناصر موكب تابع لجهة سياسية وبعض المواطنين، تخلله إقدام أحد الأشخاص على إطلاق النار من مسدس حربي ما أدّى إلى مقتل مواطن.
ولفتت الى أنه على الأثر "تدخلت قوى الجيش المنتشرة في المنطقة وعملت على تفريق المحتشدين وإعادة الوضع إلى طبيعته. فيما تستمر بملاحقة مطلق النار لتوقيفه وتسليمه إلى القضاء المختص".
he is a fierce supporter of the lebanese state.. not a maronite general aspiring for baabda seat.
i fully understand the administrator if he cannot put this comment.
the 23rd of june 2013 should be a new historical day to rally all lebanese in defiance against the tyranny and fear imposed by the pro iranian rogue armed elements against lebanese people and institutions.
hashem salman is a true hero not only for the shia community but most importantly for lebanon.
next sunday's rally should also serve as a wake up call for those in charge of security institutions in the country to assume their role in protecting all citizens from black shirt bullies and murderers.
Ahmad beik, you know that even Hariri's murderers have been identified, and are protected and sheltered ! So how about Salman's? The Hizb members are paid to kill, and rewarded when they succeed. This is how the Wali el Faqih operates. At the top, he controls the system tighly, and makes sure it complies with the set rules. Murder is a management, devoted to achieve an end: dominate the sunni majority in the Middle East, spread alliances and establish Islamic cloned republics where possible, and enter the nuclear club !
Salman is the face of Lebanon and his death at the hands of hizbushaitan is proof that Lebanon exists.
He forgot Amal movement Bandits that are everywhere from South to North. those also are in my opinion a great danger and should have their leader changed so that they can become civilized.
Amal et leur chef, le grand Bandit ne doit pas aussi etre oublier.
Those who believes only the Lebanese flag should rise above all other flags should wear white shirts with arm bands decorated with the Lebanese Flag should go marching in front of the Iranian embassy
I think I told you in a previous post that you (SSNP) and others like you are the reason Lebanon has always been a weak country. You never fail to prove my point. What kind of a Lebanese would reject his flag ..... sorry here I go again, I forgot you do not believe in Lebanon. How sad.
if they want to catch the killer they could ve already done it... now it s too late he is already in Iran receiving a medal
It's the first time I hear about this guy, but I like him already.
Good on him. We need more people like that, especially more anti-Hezb Shiites.
I was going to check and see if he was his son. But he has been rather quiet until now. Maybe he can capitalize on this situation and reclaim the clout that his father had.
(btw- I know my history ya canadeze. You can make your point without getting personal. I'm not like some other thugs who comment here.)
Killing a certain maroof saad triggered a long civil war. The country is packed with explosives, a sparkle is all that's needed mr Sunni phd whom doesn't want do to his pilgrimage in Kaaba because of the monarchy. LoL
Agreed, and this is a clear example of regular Lebanese Shi'a vs Iranian implants claiming to be Lebanese
I thought Hassan said we should protect freedom of speech and that the man waskilled '3afwiye' infront of the embassy of Iran!! Then was not allowed to be buried also '3afwyie', they raised the flag in qysair also "3afwiye", killed samir hana the Lebanese pilot "3afwiye", sending sectarian texts to da7iye calling for protecting zainab is "3afwiye' , it is not him causing a sectarian Islamic war... It is not "3afwiye" it's called "taqiye" lol
The army is a joke and only meant to discipline 2nd class citizens I.e non Hezbollah citizens
milad dont heed the hailie character. I think the lost soul is deranged. The poor Godless thing thinks he is the emperor of ethiopia... Bipolar maybe?
Exactly haile, then you're not Muslim nor Sunni. It's you're right to express your feelings but religion isn't something you inherit... Immsure you can grasp this with your PhD which stands for in your case, pizza but delivery. Jajaja
You are spinning the story and leaving a lot out.
Take away the Iranian money from Hizbullah and the Lebanese will kick them and the Iranians out of Lebanon. Hizbullah is buying their support.
Ahmed al-Asaad and all the Shiites will be the clear winners of any election if Iranian money through Hizbullah is not present.
Hizbullah does not portray the true message of Mohammed either. Like Ahmed al-Asaad said today: During his press conference, al-Asaad accused Nasrallah of lying that a probe was under way into the man's death. “A clergyman doesn't lie and only speaks the truth”
Mohammed conquered Mecca and pardoned all its citizens. What does Hizbullah do? They only know to spread a culture of hate and division. They do not represent the true teachings of Mohammed nor Ali.
Hizbullah is part of the past.
Al-Asaad looks terrified in this picture. Ahmed Al Asaad why did you sanction a demstration with your young supporters especially not only with a concealed weapon but also discharging it ! Now you are the one that is responsible . Now the weight is on your shoulder, all I can say is RIP, & may allah have mercy on your soul . You will be paying the consequences very soon for your provocation very soon , yes a death card has been placed at your door step , the only way that you will survive death is to clarify the truth and pay back the young man's blood money to his family, otherwise Allah alrehamak Abel ma mout..
where is FlameThrower now to defend these murderers? i'm sure he'll make up some conspiracy theory to convince himself that HA is capable of no harm
I'll tell you what he'll say this was all a theatrical display. He wanted to kill him self, so he told his friend to kill him during the rally to start strife. It's all a US/Israeli/Saudi Arabia/Aliens master plan to make hizbullah and sheikh nasrallah look bad.
Come on you low I.Q misfits, who on earth would go to have a peaceful demstration with a concealed weapon? Not only that but also pulls the handgun ( 45 colt) & start firing it in the air ? What would you expect would happen to any demostrator with such intentions , would be served with a cup of tea or coffee ? That was his destiny , live by the gun then you shall die by the gun !!
Zionist this and Zionist that. I know your political ideology was inherited from your parents and before them your grand parents. He who is not patriotic and loyal to his country can not be loyal to anyone or any country.
Look in the mirror.
Berri has sold lebanon 10 times over to anyone who would pay a penny for his "services".
Anyone is more honorable and patriotic than Berri who only serves his own interests, not event the Shia ... his own !!!