تجمع مسلح في عرسال بعد مقتل علي الحجيري في "كمين لمناصري حزب الله" وشقيقه يدعو للثأر

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قتل أحد أبناء عرسال الثلاثاء ويدعى علي الحجيري فيما تجمع مسلحون مساء في ساحة البلدة وطلب منهم شقيقه الثأر.

وأعلنت بلدية عرسال بعد ظهر الثلاثاء عن مقتل أحد أبناء البلدة في كمين "نصبه مناصرون لحزب الله" في الهرمل.

وقال نائب رئيس البلدية بحسب ما نقلت عنه قناة الـ"MTV" أنه "قتل علي أحمد الحجيري في كمين نصبه مناصرون لـ"حزب الله" في جرود بيت جعفر بين عكار والهرمل".

من جهتها أكدت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" مقتل الحجيري "جراء اطلاق النار عليه على طريق عام الهرمل الشربين".

وأشارت إلى أنه "فيما كان الحجيري يقود سيارته من نوع بيك آب محملة بالحجارة وبرفقته عمالا سوريين اطلق مجهولون النار عليه فأردوه".

مساء الثلاثاء قالت الوكالة أن "عددا من المسلحين تجمعوا في ساحة عرسال احتجاجا على مقتل علي الحجيري".

وألقى الشيخ مصطفى الحجيري، شقيق القتيل، كلمة دعاهم فيها إلى "الجهاد والاخذ الثأر".

وكانت قد تزايدت الحوادث على الحدود بين عرسال والهرمل بفعل الأزمة السورية ودخول جرحى سوريين مصابين إلى لبنان، كذلك مقتل عناصر من الجيش في وادي حميد بعرسال برصاص مسلحين سوريين.

التعليقات 18
Thumb Chupachups 16:23 ,2013 حزيران 11

Mabrouk you idiots , keep killing each other.. You're making us proud of u :)

Thumb geha 16:23 ,2013 حزيران 11

as predicted hizbushaitan( or shall we say hizbal mejermine) is once more trying to ignite civil war through another murder and abductions!
these thugs will not rest until the whole country is under their orders without anyone objecting to what they are doing.
these are the murderers we have to deal with.

Thumb Senescence 01:53 ,2013 حزيران 12

Thanks for the heads up, now if you could deliver the evidence on public television we'd all be set. Oh, what's that ? You don't HAVE any evidence ? Well too bad then, as the lack of such material only allows you to lose credibility instead of gaining some through presenting evidence and well-balanced reasoning. Though, I don't believe you could ever side with any of the things M8 are doing and would defend anything M14 does. It's all about balance, and quite unfortunately you don't seem to have much of it.

When will people realize all groups and all politicians are after their own, some obviously, and others not so much, but believe me you they are.

Thumb geha 16:25 ,2013 حزيران 11

you forgit their involvement in Tripoli...

Thumb geha 16:25 ,2013 حزيران 11

forgot not forgit :)

Thumb superhabib 16:40 ,2013 حزيران 11

Hezbollah is not in Tripoli.

Thumb geha 16:42 ,2013 حزيران 11

oh yeah? another one trying to hide the truth about Tripoli events.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:04 ,2013 حزيران 11

Superhabib - are you kidding us?

Thumb primesuspect 22:34 ,2013 حزيران 11

It came out cute 'forgit'.

Thumb superhabib 12:29 ,2013 حزيران 12

Lol, keep dreaming. Just because the Salafists are unable to defeat a few Alawites ona hill doesn't mean Hezbollah is present. It just means the Salafis are bad at fighting, wherever they are.

Default-user-icon General Claoun (ضيف) 16:38 ,2013 حزيران 11

The story should read "Murdered in Ambush"

Aoun will defend Hezbollah by saying :

1- Hezbollah was hunting for birds when Ali magically appeared between the bullet and the bird

2- Ali is an israeli spy

3- The gun went off on it's own ... it's a conspiracy ! We identified a remote controlled trigger on the gun and the signal seems to have been received from Israel

4- Ali commited suicide in front of Hezbollah to blame them

5- The gunmen were disguised as Hezbollah ...

Thumb geha 16:43 ,2013 حزيران 11

excellent analysis.
fpmers will keep at it until they will see armed hizbushaitan at their door steps.

Missing plantmorecedar 20:30 ,2013 حزيران 11

Centurion, please be careful. The accusative statement was made by the municipality in an interview with MTV, and the second one was made by another news agency without an interview. Please read the article properly.

Thumb primesuspect 22:33 ,2013 حزيران 11

Funny but sad because it's true. I pity the dumb FPM followers....

Default-user-icon Ministry of Propaganda (ضيف) 18:42 ,2013 حزيران 11

Sham from the Ministry of Propiganda ?

You're right, the Ministry of Propaganda is based in "Sham, Syria"!!!

Missing realist 22:57 ,2013 حزيران 11

It is very ironic... israel attacks gaza to prevent katushas, now hizbustan attacks Qusair to stop the rockets..amazing stuff..so hizbustan will get more ionvolved in Syria in vain to stop the rockets.. in the process lose many more men.. whichever way you toss the coin, it is a lose lose situation.. in the macro picture, muslims killing each other, israel belly up laughing, hizbala can not leave the Syrian quagmire and sooner or later will have to invade and occupy lebanese towns, then suffer resistance against the "resistance" lol.. and this will go on for years to come, suni-she3i relations damages beyond repair for another 50-100 years.

Thumb dandoun 08:42 ,2013 حزيران 12

WOW !!!! is everything hizb ....

Missing peace 11:06 ,2013 حزيران 12

i love M8 way of putting things: when media says things against M14: no need for proof it is true!
but when the same goes for hezbis: NO wait, it is fabricated, it is politicized, there is no proof and so on...
if nasrallah tell them that the earth is flat they would repeat it!
more hypocrit than M8 you will never find!