السنيورة: فليصدر عون بطاقة "روحة بلا رجعة" لنفسه وليرتاح ويريح

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علق رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النائب فؤاد السنيورة بلغة شديدة اللهجة على الكلام الذي صدرمؤخرا من رئيس تكتل التغيير والإصلاح النائب ميشال عون بحق رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري، حول "إصدار بطاقات سفر "روحة بلا رجعة" لملايين من اللبنانيين لكي يخلو لهم الجو"، سائلا "أليس من الأسهل أن يصدر هذا الشخص بطاقة سفر لنفسه فيريح ويرتاح، وعندها سيبقى الشعب اللبناني صامداً "ولو كره الكارهون؟".

ورأى السنيورة في كلمة ألقاها خلال لقاء نظمه منبر صيدا في منسقية "تيار المستقبل" في الجنوب، أن "ما حصل في طرابلس مؤخرا جرى العمل على توظيفه لخدمة مصالح سياسية على حساب أمن المواطنين واستقرارهم"، قائلا "نحن في تيار المستقبل لنا موقف واضح من السلاح والمسلحين".

وتوجه السنيورة بسؤال الى رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي، قائلا "هل أنت جئت مكلفاً لإستئصال هذا الإرث من أجل إصلاح ما يرغبون بإصلاحه، لأن الحريري أفسده على مدى عشرين سنة من عمر لبنان؟، مشددا على أن "الكل يعلم أن الحائط والجدار الذي بناه رفيق الحريري والشعب اللبناني عال كثيرا لا يستطيع أحد أن يتسلقه وأن يقفز فوقه".

واذ شدد انه "على الجيش والقوى الأمنية اوالقضاء، التصدي لذلك بكل حزمٍ وتصميم"، لفت الى ان " المعارضة ستتعاطى مع الحكومة الجديدة على قاعدة إعتراض وانتقاد الأخطاء إذا وقعت، وتثمين الايجابيات إذا حصلت".

وعليه، قال:"سنكون إلى جانب الحكومة والأجهزة الرسمية قلباً وقالباً إن أقدم رئيسها وأقدمت الحكومة على اعلان طرابلس مدينة منزوعة السلاح، وملاحقة كل مسلح بأشد العقوبات والتدابير"، مضيفا ان "لا خيمة فوق رأس أحد".

ووصف السنيورة الحكومة بانها "حكومةٌ المواجهة وتحمل لدى البعض فيها عقد الأحقاد ونوايا الإنتقام والمناكفة والثأر في إدارة الشأن الوطني"، مشيرا الى انه "سبق وطرحْنا على ميقاتي بعد التكليف جملةً من الأسئلة تتعلق بمسألة المحكمة الدولية والإلتزام بالقرارات الدولية لكننا لم نتلق على تلك الأسئلة أجوبة واضحة".

كما انتقد السنيورة من يتحدثون اليوم عن تداول السلطة وضرورة القبول بها، سائلا إن "كانوا يقبلون بتطبيق هذا الأمرَ على أنفسهم".

ولفت الى أن قوى 14 اذار "ذهبت الى حد الاستعداد في حال تم وضع صيغة مقبولة للبيان الوزاري لمنح الحكومة الثقة"، مشيرا الى أن "البعضَ استخدم شعار الوسطية مطية للوصول وإخفاء خطط الذهنية الإنقلابية".

وفيما أكد أن "حكومة ميقاتي أتت محملةً بأكبر عدد من الراسبين في الانتخابات النيابية في تاريخ الدولة اللبنانية، لتمنحهم حقائب ترضية وزارية متجاهلةً إرادة الناخبين"، رأى السنيورة أن "مرحلة التأليف كانت انصياعا إلى التوجيهات بالتريث بالتأليف، في محاولة لإستدرار امكانيات التفاوض على لبنان".

وفي هذا الاطار توقف السنيورة عند حصة مدينة طرابلس من الوزراء في الحكومة الميقاتية، قائلا: "لدي الثقة بأن طرابلس ليست بحاجة الى كل هذه المساحيق التجميلية، بل هي حقيقة بحاجة الى من يمثل حقيقتها وروحها العربية والوطنية المتمسكة باتفاق الطائف".

وشدد على ان "الإنقلابيين ماضون في برنامجهم دون تردد لإعادة لبنان قسراً إلى نطاق منظومة وصاية إقليمية"، متوجها الى رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان و الى الحكومة منبها اياهما "من خطورة الإقدام على أية ممارسات انتقامية أو ثأرية ومنها تخريب وتحزيب الإدارة".

هذا ودعا الى إقرارُ قانون التدقيق المحاسبي الذي تقدم به في العام 2006 وبقي في أدراج المجلس النيابي، كرد على من يدعون الى المحاسبة في موضوع الانفاق.

وختم السنيورة كلامه مؤكدا على الالتزام بالمحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان، من أجل كشف حقيقة جريمة رئيس الحكومة الاسبق رفيق الحريري، كما الالتزام بالقرارات الدولية وببسط سلطة الدولة على كامل أراضيها.

التعليقات 27
Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 16:33 ,2011 حزيران 19

half the maronites are allied with the sunni,the other half allied with the shia,i am not saying it's on purpose, but that's how it looks.

Default-user-icon Sarita Gonzalez (ضيف) 17:05 ,2011 حزيران 19

who born is one country, NEVER NEEDS to get one airtiket to return, it is his homeland, and besides he is not scaping of being accused by something wrong, so the point what MR.HARIRI returns to the country, it is a topic of days, like or not to whom would prefer him so far, Opossosition to Hariri can tell any thing to him, it is obvious to wait FLOWERS FROM THIS SIDE, so if he doesnt makw SHADOW TO THOSE WHAT ARE IN POWER, for what reason make too much noise to hide his voice, image, person, TO WHAT THEY ARE SCARE FROM HIM?????

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 17:25 ,2011 حزيران 19

The one that has been ousted from the Grand Sérail is you and Saad Hariri .

And the one who did it is GMA , and this time , it is a ONE WAY ticket indeed .

GMA is in power today , and he will stay and will make sure taht you Siniora and Hariri will be brought to justice , for all the abuse of power and corruption and all these lands you stole in down town , including the stealing of the Lebanese treasury ..to end up with the biggest cheating of history called Solidere , done by you and your master Rafik Hariri .

Your free days are numbered , you will soon be in jail with all your gang . Nobody can help you any more ya Fouad Siniora .

Default-user-icon Moe (ضيف) 17:26 ,2011 حزيران 19

Well if you steal the money of the people who pay taxes, you should get sentenced to prison.....WHOEVER it is.

Default-user-icon henrietta (ضيف) 17:36 ,2011 حزيران 19

yalla one way ticket to jail

Thumb tabasco 18:03 ,2011 حزيران 19

don't worry Mr. Saniora , the guy will soon get himself a one-way ticket !

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 18:14 ,2011 حزيران 19

There wasnt on single day in the last 5 years that i did not hear about the Fn STL. Thats what you did and dnothing but ignoring the real reason you are in the gov. is to help the lebanese people and not help yourself. The lebanese people got poorer and poorer.We do not care about your stl . he is dead and gone and soon his son will be gone. to hell with you all. How dare you talking?
How dare you show your face? Tell me one thing you did to the lebanese people . show me the proof. I too join my voice to all the lebanese and say i hope they take you to court and hang you. Billions of dollars that could have helped lebanon stand on its feet with his people .Is Bahia happy with her castle in Majdelioun? All the khadam and hasham . she is a snake. yalla makamy to all of you soon. We need the truth to come out.

Thumb tabasco 18:18 ,2011 حزيران 19

to Michel N. Aoun & Co. :

"And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?
Matthew 7:4 "Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank [is] in your own eye?
Matthew 7:5 "Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

Default-user-icon anonym (ضيف) 19:17 ,2011 حزيران 19

how can you have any respect for a man who has lunch and a tea party with the snakes who were pounding Beirut to dust that very same evening and then crying crocodile tears in the council for the 2500 lives he witnessed perished in 30 days.

Missing peace 19:56 ,2011 حزيران 19

how funny some comments are here from people who forget too fast or on purpose because they are told to by their orange puppet!

don t you forget that your orange master told that the debt lebanon is suffering from was mainly due to the syrians who racketted lebanon?
don t you forget that your general told that the hizb is a terrorist party and a cancer for lebanon just before he came back to lebanon?
don t you forget that he begged the US senate to pass the 1559 against your new allies the syrians and in order to disarm the hizb?
don t you forget that most of your new allies also stole millions of dollars from the state? are you calling to judge them? I don t think so seeing the blindness and hatred you and your beloved masters show!
the man that you thanked so much for offering a seat to the syrian sunni puppet are you going to judge him for his killings and theft of the state and for corruption?
keep on making us laugh by your hypocritical comments! thx for the fun

Default-user-icon ManU (ضيف) 20:18 ,2011 حزيران 19

How could anyone defend GMA, seriously a dwarf of a sane human being? let me elaborate:
as a military man, he abandoned his subordinates and his soldiers who fought the Syrians and fled to the nearest embassy for refuge, Ironicaly the French Embassy - as a Family man, did he not leave his family behind too? as a leader of morons and semi-retards like him , he colaborated with the highest bidder in this case Iran by-proxy "Party of God" the killing and kidnapping machine in the name of the all-mighty- without their blind directed votes where would he be? - history will judge him as the failed General first and foremost - and a " leader" for the highest bidder.

Missing mayya 20:52 ,2011 حزيران 19

i am so disappointed by you who follow a sick man!stop ignoring and living in denial ,unfortunately lebanese have a short memory & specially follower of aoun !i guess all of u who speak here were not even born in 1982 !!u forgot who helped lebanon rise up after the israeli invasion ,solidere or no solidere what rafic hariri did for lebanon and lebanese no one will ever do nor aoun nor nasralah nor any of the puppets of syria .if we exist on the international scene as lebanon its because RBH had a vision ,which none of yr hating politicians have and will ever be .stop talking about the debts because u forgot that half the debt went to syrian pockets ,truth will prevail ...stop yr hatred and start building and being proactive ...how can u say u r lebanese ????

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 21:15 ,2011 حزيران 19

Maya, it is worthless to argue with FPM followers, are they are most extremists than Hezbollah followers, they only watch Manar now, not even OTV, they preach Syrians while they were killing their women , childrens, brothers, uncles, in the Liberation War.

- I am a christian, and i thank god i do not owe any parties any money , but what Rafik Hariri the father did to Lebanon was exactly as you said, what no one would have ever done. He built the airport anew again, and doesnt envy any airport in the world, he built us the downtown again , which is beautiful. He brought qualified people , like Daoud el Sayegh, Riad Salameh ( Central bank governor ), Safadi ( Finance minister ), He gave equal rights to christians and you can see that Future TV anchors are mostly christians, The debt we had was half swallowed by syrian puppets here : Berri, Qanso, Jumblat etc.. One of SOLIDERE's biggest shareholders is a christian affiliated to the FPM , and they still argue... it is a fact .

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 21:23 ,2011 حزيران 19

What has his allies brought us ? now that is the true question FPM has to ask himself, instead of falsifying the truth as usual :

- Hezbollah : Israeli zionist tool , warmongers for the Israeli schemes, they protect their borders indirectly by allowing not palestinians to throw rockets from there.
- Many spies for Israel , mostly shiites, and high ranked officials, were found among them and have been there since the birth of it.
- Nobody ever wondered what happened in 2006? Hezbollah kidnapped 2 DRUZE soldiers, it was a trap ! they fell unconsciously ( or maybe consciously ) in it , gave Israel the excuse to bombard us during supposedly the beginning of a new Lebanon in the aftermath of 2005.
- Illegal buildings every where on illegal properties, who gave them the permission?
- Electricity and water flourishing there, while they pay nothing and the rest of Lebanon has to pay for them.
- No Sunni, christian in their militia, or even on their TV station Al Manar.
- praising 24/24 Iran

Default-user-icon ado_down undo (ضيف) 21:23 ,2011 حزيران 19

anonym I always say learn from the best , look at them aren't they cute http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/5796/aounisreali.jpg

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 21:31 ,2011 حزيران 19

And finally the war which cost us more than 6 billion $ destruction in a month, put it in parallel with 45 billion in reconstruction, Syrian stealing, renovation of downtown, airport, Lebanese politicians stealing ( Lahoud , Berri, Qanso, Jumblat ), now tell me , both debts caused harm to Lebanon, but see the logic, 6 billion in a month and 45 billion in 15 years, now if i calculate eternal war that hezbollah wants, that would cost us 72 billion per year, times 15, you do the math and see who harmed , harms and will harm more Lebanon in the near future .

- General Aoun, please do also give back the 15 million you took to Paris, also explain to me the hundreds of bodyguards in Rabieh if you just have a salary of an MP and retreated General, which should not exceed 130000 a year, if you have more than 30 bodyguards, each one is payed just a 500 $ per month, it exceeds your annual benefits, and also please explain 50 million for OTV that Bachar gave you to be his friend

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 21:37 ,2011 حزيران 19

And Last but not Least, to Le Phénicien, i will not insult you like the rest does on this site , even though i dont share your opinion on most topics, i still respect everybody i talk to, and i would like to ask you, as i saw , read, and understood, you are a Bachir Gemayel fan, and of the Old Lebanese forces, just as my self and many, can you explain me, how come you accept Hezbollah weapons? by accepting them Aoun is leaving the palestinians with weapons too and remember how much harm those weapons brought to Lebanon and christians during the civil war...

- Did you forget how the Syrians bombed ruthlessly Ashrafieh, Zahlé, Ain el Rummaneh, Saifi ?

- Did you forget the General Aoun was helping Bachir under code name RAAD, during the Lebanese civil war , and that when Hezbollah denied our brave resistance, and our leader's cause and martyrdom, Aoun did not even blink or respond? They only think they are the only resistance Lebanon has ever had, didnt GMA resist too in Liberation war?

Default-user-icon Majnoun (ضيف) 21:38 ,2011 حزيران 19

We need more Mayas' on this site!!!!!

Default-user-icon e (ضيف) 22:05 ,2011 حزيران 19

TO the person who call themselves "Neutral" you're not very "neutral" are you.
If you want to open the files of Aoun and co, then please be my guest :) or do you still want to stick to the same old rhetoric as Aoun does: "they put us in debt, they took miliions from the national treasury.." blabla... please give me a break!

Missing mayya 22:27 ,2011 حزيران 19

oh and i forgot to ask MA who was behind his coming back home???wasnt it RBH ????
also forgot to ask MA followers where were they wen he destroyed half of beirut and fled to france because he wanted to declare war to SYRIA!!!i tell u people; lebanese have short memory .

Default-user-icon Majnoun (ضيف) 22:56 ,2011 حزيران 19

Aoun is mad and pissed cause they didn't share the money stolen. So he wants to audit the books from 1990 and up. everything before 1990 is in the past so it doesn't count! or maybe he knows how much he took with him to paris and doesn't need to be reminded.

Missing urotherside 22:58 ,2011 حزيران 19

Aoun sucks for saying what he said about the one-way ticket thing. Not nice, no respect for freedom or democracy, no respect for fellow Lebanese, etc. But this Saniora guy he himslef sucks too. So there goes the problem in Lebanon: all politicians suck. They need to leave the Lebanese people alone. Real Lebanese do not want Iran, nor saudi to rule them; And especially they do not want israel the evil one either.

Default-user-icon Dobrenin (ضيف) 23:18 ,2011 حزيران 19

Pathetically boring, superficial, out of context and insignificant. Lebanon's "mustakbal" can now flourish. The party and the Party are both over, losers.

Default-user-icon Someone (ضيف) 01:16 ,2011 حزيران 20

Rafic Hariri was a corrupt Saudi Arabian who got what was coming for him! March 14 losers are finally out of power and it is now the time to get this country back on track!

Missing bigdigg 07:05 ,2011 حزيران 20

The bottom line is: If Sheikh Saad indeed has a two-way ticket, why doesn't he use the return half and come back?

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 16:49 ,2011 حزيران 20

Mowaten, what can i say to you exept you do not see reality in front , The enormous debt of 45 billion was shared not only by filhy lebanese politicians that you follow, but the syrian took their part two which was more than half of it, Rafik Hariri reconstructed Beirut, the Airport, hospitals, and schools. Do you know how much student christians and muslims have been tought at those schools? and all of this is from his pocket. so are hospitals that are funded by his organisation. You keep on spitting hate to the guy when you have to see what the people you follow did to Lebanon :

- Emile Lahoud, Berri, Jumblat, Qanso, Wahhab, all of those stole so much money too, specially Isteez from the energy ministry.

- HEZBOLLAH the evil zionist tool , filled with mossad agents, waged a destructive war after falling in Israeli trap, caused the destruction of all infrastructure, more than 6 billion $ in one month of debts. May god damn you and damn Hezbollah for ever, worthless disgusting worms

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 17:00 ,2011 حزيران 20

Tell me mowaten , what did you resist in 2006? more than 2000 civilians dead, from our side of course, millions of cluster bombs in the south now, more than 300 Hezbollah soldiers dead, and only 220 israeli soldiers dead and from your 5000 rockets, you manage to damage 3 rooftops in tel aviv and kill 10 civilians and 2 dogs, wow , what an achievement. this is a '' DIVINE VICTORY '' , and ontop of that they screwed Hezbollah now by putting UN Soldiers on the borders, meaning Hezbollah is done as a resistance and the Zionist planned it so he becomes only a militia in Lebanon, and indeed, may 7th, and recent threats proved they are notthing but thugs and murderers, HEZBOLLAH and your pathetic GENERAL AOUN are nothing, do you think Nasrallah forgot that? but let me tell you one thing,you can try to come to christian areas, we are ready for you and your overrated militia, we will show you how we resisted palestinians and syrians alone for 15 years,while you couldnt resist for a month,losers