أصدقاء سوريا: لن يكون بامكان الاسد لعب اي دور في مستقبل البلاد

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اعلن المشاركون في مؤتمر عمان ان الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد لن يكون له اي دور مستقبلا في سوريا واعدين بتكثيف دعمهم للمعارضة السورية حتى تشكيل حكومة انتقالية.

وجاء في بيان بعد خمس ساعات من المناقشات، ان الدول ال11 المشاركة في المؤتمر اتفقوا على انه "لا يمكن ان يكون لبشار الاسد ونظامه والمقربين منه الملوثة ايديهم بالدم اي دور في المستقبل بسوريا".

واضاف البيان ان "الوزراء اشاروا ايضا انه بانتظار ان يسفر مؤتمر جنيف (مقرر في حزيران) عن تشكيل حكومة انتقالية، سوف يكثفون دعمهم للمعارضة وسيتخذون كل اجراء اخر ضروري".

وقبل بدء الاجتماع الذي شارك فيه ممثلون للمعارضة السورية، دعا وزير الخارجية الاميركي جون كيري الاسد الى "أظهار الالتزام من اجل احلال السلام في بلاده".

واضاف "هناك حاجة ملحة لوقف سفك الدماء الذي اودى بحياة عشرات الالاف، وهذا سبب اجتماعنا اليوم".

ومن ناحيته، قال وزير الخارجية القطري حمد بن جاسم في افتتاح الاجتماع ان "الاسد يواصل قتل شعبه بمساعدة خارجية واستعمل اسلحة محرمة".

واضاف "لقد دمرت سوريا كليا وكل هذا كي يبقى النظام قائما".

واكد للمعارضة السورية التي تمثلت برئيسها بالوكالة جورج صبرة "نحن معكم وسوف نبقى معكم".

وشارك في اجتماع عمان بالاضافة الى المعارضة السورية، وزراء خارجية الاردن والسعودية والامارات العربية المتحدة ومصر وقطر والولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا وفرنسا وتركيا والمانيا وايطاليا.

التعليقات 18
Thumb geha 07:35 ,2013 أيار 23

this how you keep the status quo:
- each time one side gets the upper hand, you give the other side more weapons and resources.
all the west wants is to have all extremists kill each other in Syria and keep them busy doing that, so they relieve themselves from terrorist attacks on their soil.
this war will drag even more....

Thumb mckinl 11:10 ,2013 أيار 23

Don't forget those who are paying most of the bill ...

It is the KSA and Qatar that are funding the vast majority of this carnage.

Thumb geha 17:04 ,2013 أيار 23

Actually the one paying the most is iran and this war is depleting their reserves to a point they are close to implode.
this is a war by proxy between sunnis and shia, farsi and arabs. instead of having it happening on their territories, it is happening on Syrian soil.
anyway, the end result is the destruction of Syria and the fall of iran.

Thumb geha 18:02 ,2013 أيار 23

keep dreaming of shia grandor :)
there is no way iran will remain as is.

Missing mfawaz 07:36 ,2013 أيار 23

HA HA HA: NOW THEY WILL PAY 75000 per terrorirts. Go play with your other toys...Bashar is staying. And I love all the Hezballah led or Hezballah supported syrian army. keep making proud of powerfull our glorious resistance is, that they can be back up or a 500 thousand man army. Remember, that civilion equation Bashar initiated 6 months ago. Tranining a civilian force to fight along the troops side. HMMM ...and if FSA LOST Qusair and only lost a 100 men...then well you dumb...the city is important. you knew the attack was coming...and there is 100k terroris..in syria...surely it would be defend by 5k...to truely defend and loose....gotto be at least 60% loss doesnt it!

Missing siyeseh 20:12 ,2013 أيار 23


Default-user-icon Khashtakov Zublaidin (ضيف) 07:57 ,2013 أيار 23

Is Assad still there? How come? Dr. Arreet 7akeh said he would be gone in 2011 and then in 2012! We all know that the doc is a man of his word unlike all the other Le Michels. Now the doc may have made the same mistake TWICE already, but he seems to have corrected them by telling the hopeless hopefuls that Assad MIGHT fall again in 2013. However, according to NostraGabbyMarch14 and the other Nostras of March 14 and Lebanon First Some Twenty-Two Damn Years Late and Still, Assad will fall every Wednesday in 2013. Otherwise, he will fall every Saturday in 2014. As to subsequent years, the specific day of the week has been kept hush hush! You go, Nostras. With a leader such as Dr. Arreet 7akeh, how could you go wrong? The future is rosier than ever. Keep up the good work, late-blooming warriors.

Missing primate 08:48 ,2013 أيار 23

Language of War!!!! We don't eat human hearts or hack an innocent human being in middle of a London street ! You Sunnis are cannibals as far as we are concerned , khay mahla Jews !! Compared to you Sunnis !!!!

Missing siyeseh 20:16 ,2013 أيار 23

You chainsawed people in iraq just to give you an example. Check out the crimes of the badr militia moron. Hacking innocent human beings has been done by shiites in many places around the middle east.

Missing primate 09:02 ,2013 أيار 23

Shame , shame , on you mainstream Moslems for staying silent !!!! Let us hear your voice ! For once you are against such inhuman acts !!!!!

Missing siyeseh 20:18 ,2013 أيار 23

Shame shame shame on you hypocrites. We are not responsible for what every single muslim does anymore than you are responsible for what every coreligionist of yours does, unless you agree with it which i suspect you do.

Missing -karim_m1 11:54 ,2013 أيار 23

LOL, the backers of Al Qaeda are panicking that their terrorist soldiers are getting slaughtered.

Missing maroun 12:07 ,2013 أيار 23

when the rebels finish with bashar they are coming after idiots like you Karim..

Missing maroun 12:06 ,2013 أيار 23

about time they arm the rebel proper..the butcher needs to go along with his supporters.

Missing ihatepersia 13:35 ,2013 أيار 23

no one is sending money to the syrian freedom fighters.
all are backing assad secretly or in the open.

Thumb beiruti 16:22 ,2013 أيار 23

These guys are dreaming if they think there is some formula whereby the guys who cut open bodies of soldiers so as to eat their body organs will be able to govern with the families of the persons whom they have eaten.
The situation in Syria has devolved to canibalism, quite literally. So now there is going to be a peace conference somewhere and they will all agree to just get along??? Don't bet on it.
This is a fight to the death of one side or the other. Either the Alawi will subdue the Sunni or the Sunni will return the Alawi to where they were before the French Occupation. The only middle ground is partition between Kurds in the North east, Alawi to the west and Sunni in the middle. Lebanon in the 80's on steroids.

Missing siyeseh 20:19 ,2013 أيار 23

Agreed, these leaders are definitly not friends of syria.

Missing peace 20:52 ,2013 أيار 23

syria has been israels best friend for decades... forgot that? never shooting a bullet to free the golan ... the best protector of israel s peace...