سليمان يدعو المجتمع الدولي للضغط على اسرائيل لوقف انتهاك السيادة اللبنانية
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان انه على المجتمع الدولي ومجلس الامن ممارسة الضغوط على اسرائيل للتوقف عن انتهاك السيادة اللبنانية، والقرار 1701.
وفي تصريح لسليمان الاحد، رأى ان "العدو الاسرائيلي لا يزال مستمرا بتهديداته ضد لبنان والتي تمثلت اليوم بخرق طيرانه الحربي الاجواء اللبنانية في انتهاك جديد وفاضح للقرار 1701".
كما اعتبر انه على المجتمع الدولي ومجلس الامن "الذي يبدي المسؤولون فيه حرصهم على الاستقرار في لبنان والمنطقة، ممارسة الضغط على اسرائيل للاقلاع عن مثل هذه الاساليب".
واشار الى ضرورة اقتناع اسرائيل ان "لا سلام ولا استقرار الا بانخراطها بمشروع السلام في المنطقة على اساس مرجعية مؤتمر مدريد والفرصة التي اتاحتها قمة بيروت العربية في العام 2002".
يُشار الى ان الطيران الحربي الاسرائيلي، وهكذا تحليق ليس الاول من نوعه، نفذ صباح الاحد غارات وهمية وبشكل مكثف، وعلى علو متوسط، في اجواء مناطق الخيام، مرجعيون، العرقوب، النبطية واقليم التفاح.
The President is talking to a deaf audience. We all realize that this deaf and blind audience has no respect and regard to the defunct Arabs. Lebanon ought to take a courageous step in making peace with his enemy
How about this blessed good-for-nothing president-by-parachute, may God extend his term and our days of glory with him forever, finding time to draw plans for a national defense strategy that will make him relax and focus on his other most important function of removing the zeer from the beer? Mind, you, time is not running out as God shall bless us and him by extending his term until the end of time.
I am with you but not 100%. Why is Israel still stealing Palestinian land in the West Bank (by doing so they are strengthening Hamas and weakening the PA)? There is no HA there nor Hamas. Somehow HA was the creation of Israel and so is its existence and strength and the weakness of the Lebanese army. Israeli policies are very convoluted and evil..... Israeli policies are meant to strengthen HA and weaken the Lebanese State (just like in Palestine).
The reason there is no peace is because the Jews killed Jesus Christ. Don't go blaiming Hezbollah for everything, they contribute to the problem but ultimately no one can have true peace with Israel.
still waiting on the president to call for international action regarding the continues attacks from syria on lebanese territories...
asaf you lying "israeli". Before there ever was any hezballah, hamas or anything like that, you insects were murdering lebanese and palestinians. Terrorism started with stern, irgun, haganah and other such zionist terrorist groups that later on became the "IDF". So take your propaganda and shove it.
Judea and samaria are not disputed land, they are part of Palestine as is the rest of so called israel. When was israel ever a sovereign state? 2000 years ago for a short time? If so then Palestine (philistine) was as well under the name philistine and canaan. So your logic makes no sence. The entire middle east and most part of this world have been part of EMPIRES until recent history. Sovereign ethnic states were rare in the past. People were governed by larger empires, that doesnt mean they dont deserve independence today. And you know this, your only repeating the same old filthy zionist propaganda. If you had managed to steal lebanon or some other country, you would be using the exact same propaganda. Enemies of god - You came by force and you will go home by force. Make no misstake about it.
that is the single most pathetic argument against Israel ever. Plus it's not even against Israel, it's against the Jews. and that's racist.
lol wasn't Christ a Jew? and did he not forgive them? "Forgive them, father, for they do not know!"
Or did you also forget the most important teaching?
The Zionist believe their land extends from the Nile to the Euphrates. Therefore they're entitled to the resources.
True they can only physically occupy Palestine, and maybe a buffer zone in Lebanon... But we cannot deny that without hizballah we wouldn't have rights to our water, let alone the new offshore gas fields!