رعد: ميقاتي نأى بنفسه عن "أعاصير قادمة" وأصاب فراغا سياسيا وأمنيا لكل البلد

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أعلن "حزب الله" أن استقالة رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي أصابت فرغا سياسيا وأمنيا لكل البلد قائلا أنه "نأى بنفسه" عن أعاصير قادمة ربما استشعرها.

وقال رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد خلال ذكرى مرور أسبوع حسن نمر شرتوني الذي قتل في سوريا، قال عن الإستقالة "لم تكن مفاجئة لأحد منا على الإطلاق، فنحن قد قلنا، ومنذ تشكلت، أنها تستمر حتى بداية عهد الإستحقاق الإنتخابي".

وأكد أن "المسألة ليست مسألة رفض للتمديد لموظف في مؤسسة، بل هي تكمن في أن رئيس الحكومة قد استنفذ ما لديه من أجل أن يقدمه لحفظ الإستقرار في لبنان، أو ربما استشعر وجود أعاصير قادمة، فأراد أن ينأى بنفسه عنها وهو صاحب نظرية النأي بالنفس".

واعتبر رعد أن رئيس الحكومة "الذي أراد أن لا يحدث فراغا في مؤسسة أمنية أصاب باستقالته فراغا سياسيا وأمنيا لكل البلد، في حين أننا نتصرف وفق ما يحفظ استقرارنا وثوابتنا وقناعاتنا التي لن يغير أي شيء فيها على الإطلاق".

وسأل "من أراد الحوار عن سبب تعطيله له ومن يمني النفس بالسلطة التي لا يحكمها اليوم أي طرف من الأطراف عن الحكم الذي يحتاجه الإستقرار اليوم".

وقال: "نريد أن يقتنع كل اللبنانيين بأنهم ليسوا قادرين على تجاوز ما يواجه المنطقة من اهتزازات إلا إذا اتفقوا على حد أدنى من الثوابت التي تحفظ وطنهم، والتي في طليعتها الحفاظ على معادلة الجيش والشعب والمقاومة".

وشرح رئيس كتلة حزب الله "ن كل من يخرج عن هذه المعادلة لا يخدم الاستقرار في لبنان ومشروع أبنائه بل مشروعا آخر يعرفه تماما، في الوقت الذي لا نريد فيه ان نتهم أحدا لأن الامور أصبحت واضحة وبات الناس مفروزين ومعروفين".

وختم رعد: "اننا منفتحون في هذا الوقت بالذات- وإن أردتم تشكيل حكومة- على حكومة توفر الاستقرار وفق الثوابت التي نتفق عليها والتي في طليعتها معادلة الجيش والشعب والمقاومة، ومن يشعر بأن لبنان تتهدده الاهتزازات في المنطقه لا يتخلى عن المقاومة او يدير ظهره لها، بل عليه واجب وطني يتجسد في مد يده لدعمها وحمايتها لأن من لا يفعل ذلك يوقع نفسه في الموقع المريب".

التعليقات 26
Missing mark 17:01 ,2013 آذار 24

No mr thug, we DO NOT ACCEPT your equation and we don't want it cause we don't trust your weapon anymore. The only equation that should work and will save Lebanon is "Lebanese Army" only. Hope Shia of Lebanon will wake up and support the Lebanese army only equation, cause we all know that the dream of dawlat al faqih will never happen. The west will keep supporting each side to not to lose , to keep the instability in the region. Lebanese Shia and others, please wake up and let's save Lebanon for one time in history.

Missing mohammad_ca 20:46 ,2013 آذار 24

agreed, and what the hell is a "one week commemoration" what are we going to have a one month, 2 month, 3 month etc.... commemoration for everyone that dies?

Thumb Kalzyturks 21:32 ,2013 آذار 24

here is your proof and hope Aoun supporters watch this video.

See What Nasrallah said about Iran ruling Lebanon.


Notice non of Flame Thrower and the others don't comment when there master or affiliates speak. They spread there hatred on other news articles.

Thumb shoo-yaba 05:15 ,2013 آذار 25

I wish that link to youtube video can be published on many sites,blogs,comments. Thank you for posting

Thumb geha 18:35 ,2013 آذار 24

raad is announcing the colors for the upcoming period as he see it: you accept to be dominated by hizbushaitan or else....
the outcome is civil war, and this time round, it will last for more than the previous one.
the first ones who will pay the price are those following the fpm as they will be haunted in their homes.
indeed dark periods to come..... thanks to hizbushaitan insistence on hegemony over Lebanon.

Missing peace 18:48 ,2013 آذار 24

bla bla bla... all this resignation stuff is made to cancel the elections in june and keep M8 in power...

Missing helicopter 19:38 ,2013 آذار 24

MP Mohammed Raad stated on Sunday that Prime Minister Najib Miqati's resignation has caused “a huge vacuum in the country”, remarking that the premier has “disassociated himself from anticipated political hurricanes.”........... not really, he just removed the sunni cover you had and that will make executing your plans more difficult. General Aoun is not that smart, so you will have his cover for a while longer.

Missing helicopter 19:42 ,2013 آذار 24

"Everyone who does not support this equation is not serving stability in Lebanon.”............ this is called blackmail and the hijacking of a nation and its people. What is not being said is : "we do not care about the nation and its people as our vision is much more grand than that, it is the creation of one big Islamic republic headed by the Khomeini". The end justifies the means to them.,

Missing helicopter 19:45 ,2013 آذار 24

It is the snuffing of Lebanon to serve the birth of the Islamic Republic headed by the Spiritual leader of Iran.

Thumb jabal10452 19:52 ,2013 آذار 24

"Resistance"-Army-People: NEVER!
One country
One constitution
One Army
One judiciary
One legislative body
No militias
That's it.

Thumb shoo-yaba 05:29 ,2013 آذار 25

Ya 3ayne 3alaek ya JABAL10452 - Yaret kil l3alam mitlak. thumbs up to you

Missing samiam 20:30 ,2013 آذار 24

"On top of these principles is the resistance-army-people equation,” he stressed.

Yeah--go preach to your own kind--that type of statement only appeals to your brainwashed/coerced yokels, and while you are doing that, show us example from your history books where a nation can be successful while having a foreign militia stronger than the state forces, and then try to convince everyone else.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 21:33 ,2013 آذار 24

Wow! I LOVE all these comments. Haven't seen this in a while. All the paid shills must have taken the day off today so all we are left are people who are patriotic and love their country telling these thugs to take their imposition and shove it. I love it. Keep it up my fellow Lebanese.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 23:24 ,2013 آذار 24

Sore l

Missing ReaLeb 00:05 ,2013 آذار 25

When you want to be, you can be pretty cute, FT.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 15:35 ,2013 آذار 25

If I couldn't hurt a fly then are you always commenting on my posts? go back and check. You reply with an insult to every one of my posts while I ignore the vast majority of yours. Tell the truth, your feelings are hurt and you are lashing back like a little kid

Thumb shab 22:35 ,2013 آذار 24

shove your equation

Missing peace 23:55 ,2013 آذار 24

yes poor FT that is impossible to rule as an islamiic state for HA...
but with the help of FPM they are doing it in a more subtle way: they are taking over the country and with the blackmailing of their weapons make the state do as they want and by placing their men at key positions... why are they against rifi? cause he is not at their ORDERS ...
but it won t last and your fall will be all the more hard and proportional to your arrogance and your complex of superiority...

Thumb lebnanfirst 00:19 ,2013 آذار 25

And if you really believe that crap I have choice property on the moon and will sell it to you at a great price. Unbelievably silly statement unbecoming someone with intelligence like you. We disagree on much but your previous insults to people who disagree with you aside, you never spouted something as silly as that before. You know better ya FlameThrower, I am sure you know much better than that.

Thumb music66 12:22 ,2013 آذار 25

lol choice Property on the Moon...

Missing helicopter 01:07 ,2013 آذار 25

F.T. .......... you are assuming HA loves Lebanon and are thinking like you. I am afraid it is not so and their agenda was and still is one Islamic Republic based in Iran. Everything they say or do is only maneuvers to that end. They support the Government only if it serves their purpose. They support the army if they can use it as a tool to that end ... and so on.

Missing people-power 02:23 ,2013 آذار 25

Good comments on this article today, makes me feel proud of the people of Lebanon. It's time to take the country back from Iran. Kicking out the Syrian troops was only the first step, more needs to be done to eliminate the cancer known as Hezbollah, whose allegiance is to a foreign country, not to Lebanon.

Thumb shoo-yaba 05:24 ,2013 آذار 25

You don't exepect the non Shiaa people to sit and watch until it happens, seriously? The HA is like cancer that is spreading slowly, no different from the Israel cancer on the Palestinians that HA bitch about. Israel takes land and lives when soneone doesn;t do what they want, and HA does the same , so what is different. I bet if Iran stops the funding, most of HA members will turn their backs on Nasrallah. The problem is that's the only way these members feed their families. There are no other jobs to make honest living. Iran is the head of the snake, it buys the lives of people and recruit children at the age of 14, which is worse than Israel.

Thumb jabal10452 11:56 ,2013 آذار 25

Ya FT why should we care about Israel's veto of the Lebanese Army? Here, right here in Lebanon we already have all the military muscle that we will ever need to give anybody second thoughts about invading our country. Where is this military muscle? Well it is Hezbollah military wing, of course! The sensible solution would be for Hezbollah to integrate its military wing in the Army and completely separate it from ANY interference from Hezbollah. Can you imagine the incredible boost that the Army would get? can you imagine the pride that it would bring to all Lebanese, especially the Shia?

Thumb jabal10452 11:56 ,2013 آذار 25


Please note that Hezbollah's arms (hardware) are not what's important. It is its entire military body that is the key to improving the defensive capabilities of the Lebanese State. Hezbollah is already a major political party with its own duly elected block in Parliament. It has political muscle derived from its electorate. It doesn't need weapons to advance its agenda. Its muscle is its electorate and the battlefield is Parliament. Now Hezbollah needs to take the bold step and become a key player in building a strong state.

Missing allouchi 14:37 ,2013 آذار 25

ft, I wish what you are saying is true but we all know it's not...Hizb will NEVER give up its weapons the will keep making excuses to keep them, Liberate the whole of Palestine, Al Andoulus in Spain, the moon from the US etc...they will always do what the mullah’s of Iran dictates to them...they are a cancer...