سليمان من غانا: اي رئيس لبناني لا يقبل ان تفرض عليه اي دولة رأيها في قانون الانتخاب

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شدد رئيس الجمهورية ميشال الجمهورية على ان "اي رئيس لبناني لا يقبل ان تفرض عليه اي دولة رأيها في قانون الانتخاب"، مؤكداً ان "الجيش اللبناني هو رمز وحدة الوطن".

كلام سليمان خلال لقائه ابناء الجالية اللبنانية في غانا، في اطار جولته الافريقية، مساء السبت، حيث جدد التأكيد على انه يجب "تعزيز الجيش اللبناني ووضع استراتيجية دفاعية يستفيد الجيش فيها من قدرات المقاومة".

كما اكد على ان المؤسسة العسكرية هي "رمز وحدة الوطن واستطاعت الحفاظ على وحدتها في اصعب الاوقات".

من جانب آخر، لفت سليمان الى "ان اي رئيس لبناني لا يقبل ان تفرض عليه اي دولة رأيها في قانون الانتخاب، وهذا واضح".

ودعا الى "ضرورة تحصين الطائف بقانون انتخاب حديث يعكس تمثيل الشرائح اللبنانية"، وقال: "أننا لن نرسل الى المغتربين صناديق ملونة بلون المذاهب".

يُشار الى ان نواب "التقدمي الاشتراكي"، رفضوا الى جانب النواب المسيحيين في 14 آذار، ونواب كتلة "المستقبل" مشروع اللقاء الاورثوذكسي الذي اقرّته "اللجان النيابية المشتركة".

كما انه من الجدير بالذكر، ان رئيسي الجمهورية ميشال سليمان والحكومة نجيب ميقاتي وقعا مرسوم دعوة الهيئات الناخبة للانتخابات في التاسع من حزيران المقبل، كما فُتح باب الترشح من 11 آذار حتى 11 نيسان، ما يعني اجراء الانتخابات وفق قانون الستين الذي يلاقي رفض معظم الافرقاء، الا ان هذه الاجراءات تأتي لتطبيق الدستور وخوفاً من عدم اجراء الانتخابات النيابية في موعدها.

التعليقات 6
Thumb mckinl 14:01 ,2013 آذار 17

Yes, we have heard this before ... So what is the plan going forward when M14 still boycotts Parliament after all these months?

To date the only plan that will pass is the Orthodox Gathering Plan. To pretend that there will be a plan that will reach consensus is nonsense.

Suleiman needs to put up or shut up and sign off on the gathering plan. His obstinacy in the face of the facts only gives comfort to the elements of discord.

By admitting that the gathering plan is supportable he will force those that cling to "dead initiatives" to put forth plans that are acceptable.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 14:10 ,2013 آذار 17

everybody is waiting for the dust to settle in syria to act accordingly

Thumb mckinl 15:50 ,2013 آذار 17

Suleiman is being pushed around because of his position on consensus. There will never be consensus ... never. The best that can happen is a "fair" majority law.

At this point the best option is the "gathering law" with important concessions to minority parties. Suleiman should allow consideration approval of the gathering law as a starting point for negotiations.

Even the M14 parties can not agree among themselves on an electoral law. How does this bode when all parties are considered? Suleiman needs to put aside his demands and yield to the facts on the ground ...

Missing greatpierro 17:47 ,2013 آذار 17

What is so good about the gathering law? It is a most dangerous law that will lead to partitioning Lebanon at worst and reduce the power of Christians by bringing their representation in parliament proportionally to their nr.

Thumb mckinl 18:03 ,2013 آذار 17

@ greatpierro

The gathering law is the only proposal that has majority support. The gathering law should be negotiated to be the basis for the coming elections.

As it stands it is no where near ready but through concessions can be modified to be fair to all parties. What we know is that all parties reject the '60 law ... or so they say.

The problem is somewhat sectarian but more so organizational. One district versus many districts. Many districts means corruption and under representation.

There should be a compromise between larger, say no more than 13 districts with 2 or 3 MPs each and a party ballot election. The point is one district as a starting point.

Somewhere in there is a majority electoral law ... Consensus is a fairy tale ... never happen ... no party is going to give away any advantages.

Thumb mckinl 17:20 ,2013 آذار 17

We shall see ... All the major parties have come against the '60 law. My guess is that secretly M14 is for the '60 because it is in such a shambles ...

Walid Jumblat is certainly hoping for the '60 law and will most probably stall M14 negotiations until the last possible minute but extract a deal that he knows will alienate M8.

What we know for sure is that everything is up for grabs and that M14 is seriously wounded as a party. Both Suleiman and Miqati will be fighting for their political lives should they implement the '60 law.