رئيس مجلس الوزراء يحذّر من تأثير "الآراء الشخصية" على "صدقية الحكومة"
Read this story in Englishحذّر رئيس مجلس الوزراء نجيب ميقاتي من ان "المخاطر" المحدقة بلبنان، "لا تسمح لأي منا ان يبدي رأياً شخصياً من شأنه السماح بالتشكيك بصدقية الحكومة".
وفي كلمة له في مستهل جلسة الحكومة، التي انعقدت صباح الثلاثاء في السراي، لفت ميقاتي الى ان "المرحلة الدقيقة في المنطقة تتوجب علينا تحييد لبنان عن سياسة المحاور والتزام سياسة النأي بالنفس واعلان بعبدا".
كما شدد على ان المخاطر المحدقة لا تسمح "لأي منا ان يبدي رأياً شخصياً من شأنه ان يشكل ثغرة ملتبسة تسمح للبعض بالتشكيك بصدقية الحكومة" التي تلتزم تحييد نفسها عن "سياسة المحاور التي تعصف في المنطقة".
الى ذلك، اكد ميقاتي ان "أي رأي شخصي يبديه صاحبه لا يلزم الحكومة التي لا تلتزم سوى سياستها المعلنة".
كلام ميقاتي جاء بعد "البلبلة" التي سيطرت على لبنان اثر دعوة وزير الخارجية عدنان منصور، الدول العربية، خلال اجتماع وزراء الخارجية العرب، في القاهرة الاربعاء الفائت، الى "فك تجميد عضوية سوريا في الجامعة العربية". الامر الذي استدعى مواقف مستنكرة من قوى 14 آذار خصوصاً، الا انه لاقى ترحبياً من فريق الثامن من آذار.
كما يُشار ان رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، استقبل السبت منصور، مؤكداً على ان "اي موقف او اقتراح من قبل المسؤولين والوزراء يجب ان يعكس سياسة النأي بالنفس" التي تتبعها الحكومة منذ بدء الازمة السورية في آذار 2011.
“The dangers surrounding us should prevent us from expressing personal viewpoints … that would allow some parties to have doubts in the government's credibility,” Miqati
Pure censorship ... If Miqati wants more credibility he should warn Geagea and Hariri and their parties to stop the lies and hate mongering that emanate from the LF and Future camps.
The fact is is that Members of the GCC by far, send the most jihadists and weapons into Syria which in turn destabilizes Lebanon. These members also use northern Lebanon for logistics and transport of weapons.
So now they have the nerve to critisize Lebanon over its' Baabda decision implementation which they, the GCC, undermine daily!!! Miqati needs to address from where Lebanon's real trouble begins ...
It is the innuendo, slurs and outright lies coming from the LF and Future that are causing much of the turmoil of government.
Geagea and Hariri and their parties are to blame for almost all of vitriol that divides Lebanon today.
That is why I called on Miqati to call out Geagea and Hariri and their parties for their irresponsible behavior.
Woof woof McKinley. You're frustrated because Dubai didnt offer you a decent job? Cut your lame bullsh*t and stop accusing other for your own failures. Be a man you and your current employer.
But both the LF and Future parties have members that belong to Parliament ... Except that they have boycotted for months now.
Miqati needs to take the LF and Future to task for their divisive rhetoric and behavior.
Instead Miqati lets Geagea and Hariri off the hook while chiding his own government ...
Miqati needs to start leading instead of refereeing. Lebanon needs direction not a PM that nags his own government ...
Mr Rostom Ghazale buddy fancy seeming here. I guess the Assad regime is winning with tiger blood (Assad, tiger blood, I don't care who you are that's funny right there) and that's why you can take time off your busy scheduled murdering, raping and pillaging to post the stuff of legend we true Lebanese had grown accustomed to in days of yore. Now please can you get me out of jail?
Your humble loyal servant forever
have you ever worked for a company in your life? In almost all cases, personal views are viewed differently than those at official functions, there is a phrase called "tow the company line". If the faux minister wants to give an interview to Al Manar or NBN, he can express his PERSONAL opinion there, however officially, he has to do what the PM and president tell him to do.
Honestly, I would have fired that guy for insubordination.
Nice one, obviously it's always someone else's fault. Reminds me of a couple of cute "heroic" characters who've made it a habit of starting wars causing death and destruction then hiding and running away while blaming others for the calamities. Yes, you could say this can describe Geagea and Hariri except for the "starting wars causing death and destruction" parts so obviously it's not them. But who can this cute couple be, hein?
Oh and another thing the "heroic" couple is also fond of comic sheeple like mckinl brainwashing billboards, have you figured out who they are? They now should be easing to find than Waldo standing alone in the middle of an empty room.
WOW,our PM keeps beating around the bush to no avail,He knows that Foreign Min mansour did what he was supposed to do and then MP Raad came and confirm that presenting himself as Lebanon bully and yet Miqati keeps tip toeing around the issues,is that the kind of leader we want? one who does not have two feet to stand on against the bullies of HA and their surrogate so called Xians like Gibran basil and his like.time to pack your bags MR Miqati,have some dignity
mckinl.. not sure why you say it is censorship. LF and FM are not in the government. and i believe Miqati is speaking directly about ministers who make up this government. I dont think Miqati ever told Aoun for example to abide by the governments policy of dissociation. but when a member of the government goes against the stated government policy that is wrong. lets admit that. when he is on official business, his official opinion is that of the government. you cant twist that.
I was talking about censorship against Miqati's own cabinet not the LF and Future ...
Miqati needs to take the LF and Future to task for their divisive rhetoric and behavior.
Instead Miqati lets Geagea and Hariri off the hook while chiding his own government ...
Miqati needs to start leading instead of refereeing. Lebanon needs direction not a PM that nags his own cabinet ...
Before taking GAegae and Harriri to task for divisive rhetoric, he should take HA and company for divisive practices that allowed them to hijack the state, the border, the ports, and the communication network.
The LF. FM. FPM. Amal. And everyone else is free to voice their opinion. For example. Mansour is a member of Amal. Amal is free to voice those opinions as a political party. A member of Amal who is a minister in the government is free to do the same when he gets on a tv show or interview. But when said minister is on OFFICIAL business as was mansour during the Foreign Ministers meeting he MUST follow the govt policy. He has NO opinion and is not entitled to one. What Mansour did was wrong because what he says reflects our govt policy. While in reality it was his, his party's, and his overlords policy.
credibility and this cabinet in the same sentence? we would have to change the meaning of the word credibility for that to make sense.