الحريري يرى أن منصور ينفذ "التكليف الأسود" من النظام السوري وجعجع: كلامه لا يشرفنا وإهانة للبنان وشعبه
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس الحكومة سعد الحريري أنّ " النظام السوري وجد من ينطق باسمه على منبر الجامعة العربية، ووزير خارجية لبنان (عدنان منصور) ، تولى تنفيذ هذا التكليف الاسود ، الذي يتنافى مع ابسط قواعد التضامن العربي ويطيح كل الادعاءات المتعلقة بسياسة الناي بالنفس".
وأشار الحريري الأربعاء في بيان، الى أن "دعوة وزير الخارجية الى فك تجميد عضوية النظام السوري في الجامعة العربية ، هي الخلاصة الحقيقية للدور القبيح الذي تقارب من خلاله الحكومة اللبنانية الاحداث الدموية في سوريا ".
وكان منصور، قد وجّه دعوة لوزراء الخارجية العرب بـ"فك تجميد عضوية سوريا في الجامعة العربية"، وذلك خلال اجتماع للوزراء في القاهرة حول الازمة السورية، الاربعاء.
وأضاف الحريري أن النظام السوري قد وجد من ينطق باسمه على منبر الجامعة العربية، ووزير خارجية لبنان ، تولى تنفيذ هذا التكليف الاسود ، الذي يتنافى مع ابسط قواعد التضامن العربي ويطيح كل الادعاءات المتعلقة بسياسة الناي بالنفس".
وتساءل الحريري في السياق نفسه "اين هي حكومة لبنان من الخطاب الذي القاه باسمها وزير الخارجية في اجتماع الجامعة العربية ؟ هل نحن امام وزير يتحدث فعلا باسم الجمهورية اللبنانية ورئيسها ، باسم الحكومة ورئيسها ، ام نحن امام وزير خارجية ايران ، او في احسن تقدير امام وزير ينفذ اوامر جهة سياسية ، تمسك بزمام الامر الحكومي وتفرض على لبنان ، الدولة والمؤسسات والشعب ، مواقف لا وظيفة لها سوى الإساءة لعلاقات لبنان وتعريض المصلحة الوطنية لمخاطر جسيمة".
كذلك، دعا الحريري في بيانه "القوى السياسية المؤتمنة على سلامة لبنان وعلاقاته العربية الى إشهار الرفض الكامل لسياسات الحكومة العشوائية"، مردفاً أن "هذه الحكومة تطلب من كل اللبنانيين المشاركة في تغطية جرائم (الرئيس السوري) بشار الاسد واللبنانيون ليسوا اجراء عند بشار الاسد او عند ايران ووكيله السياسي والعسكري في لبنان".
ولفت الى أن "اللبنانيين يطلبون من هذه الحكومة ان تكشف عن وجهها الحقيقي لتقول للعرب ولكل العالم انها حكومة نظام بشار الاسد وحزب الله في لبنان".
من جهته قال رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع في بيان وزعه مكتبه الإعلامي بعد ظهر الأربعاء "لا يشرّفنا ابداً كلام الوزير عدنان منصور في لقاء وزارء الخارجية العرب، وقد كان الاجدر به ان يأخذ بعين الاعتبار مشاعر الاكثرية الكبرى من اللبنانيين قبل ان يتخذ موقفاً من الثورة السورية".
وتمنى جعجع أن يحصل منصور "على موافقة حكومته قبل ان يطرح اعادة العمل بعضوية النظام السوري في الجامعة العربية في محاولة لاعادة تعويمه وتقديمه على الساحة العربية بعد كل ما حدث في سوريا".
وسأل جعجع "هل يعلم الوزير منصور انه يعرّض لبنان واللبنانيين الى مخاطر جمّة في امنهم وارزاقهم، يمكن ان تجرّ لبنان الى عزلة عربية خانقة وعزلة دولية قاتلة؟".
أضاف سائلا "اين هو الالتزام بسياسة النأي بالنفس التي اقرّتها وكرّرتها هذه الحكومة القاشلة والفاسدة، والتي يشارك فريق منها عبر مجموعاته المسلّحة في الحرب الى جانب النظام السوري، ويسمح وزير خارجيتها لنفسه ان يهين لبنان ويستهين بشعبه، ويتحوّل ناطقاً رسمياً لـ(الرئيس السوري) بشّار الاسد في المحافل العربية والدولية".
كما توجه رئيس حزب "القوات" إلى رئيسي الجمهورية ميشال سليمان والحكومة نجيب ميقاتي مستفسرا "عن وصمة العار التي وصمها هذا الوزير على جبين كل لبناني حرّ".
وإذ جدد دعوة الحكومة إلى الإستقالة رئيس أبرز الأحزاب المسيحية المناهضة للنظام السوري "الم يحن وقت الاستقالة بعد من هذه الحكومة التي فشلت وفسُدت الى حدود التهديد بإفساد سمعة لبنان في العالم عبر نأيها الكامل بنفسها عن كل واجباتها وحقوق اللبنانيين، باسثناء تغطية ارهاب النظام السوري المتمادي؟!".
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones ... It is Hariri that is up to his neck in complicity with Saudi Arabia in transporting and arming jihadis in Syria ...
Every time Hariri opens his mouth he just reminds people how duplicitous he really is. Just when he has an opportunity to be quiet he breaks the silence with obvious bombast.
Another loser decides to look ridiculous:
"LF leader Samir Geagea: FM Mansour's remarks are a mark of shame on the foreheads of every free Lebanese citizen."
Really !!! ... "a mark of shame on the foreheads of every free Lebanese citizen."
Both Geagea and Hariri need to be spanked and sent to bed without supper.
I am assuming that Hariri is managing the whole operation from France! I wonder how you come to conclusion that "Every time Hariri opens his mouth he just reminds people how duplicitous he really is"? Or bombast is your specialty.
Does the name Oqab Saqr wring a bell? He does work for Hariri you know. Remember the percussion blankets and the 50 caliber milk?
Saad, your father, and yourself have a colorful history of Syrian boot-licking. Anything you say about this subject will only make you look worse (if that's even possible).
how about you support your claims with evidence instead of just throwing trash? every time you and those like you open your mouths your remind us all of your hatred towards true patriots and towards Lebanon. If you like Syria and Iran why don't you go live there?
what has happened is not trivial and this cabinet cannot look the other way on this matter anymore: this sinister of Syrian foreign affairs should be hung. he has no right whatsoever to make such a declaration at a summit contrary to instructions given to him by his government: this amounts to treason. but then again you do not know what treason is: yu live it daily.
You're one of the few that can get under flames hitter and his multiple aliases. Keep doing it (; you too BigSam.
Oil was discovered by this government? It was discovered by private firms. Taking credit for things you have not is a clear sign of failure. Electricity? Bassil took the route most profitable for him and the worst possible route for the country. I will challenge anytime on the finances of those ships and will bet my right arm on what I am stating. Epic failure!
God bless Saad Hariri for his comment. No,we don't want him as PM but as MP that will still do his job in unveiling the truth about the ongoing thefts and corruption.
Mr saadeldin
while you were prime minister how long did you stay in lebanon and out of lebanon and where ?
As a politician, Hariri is as significant as the number of votes he garner. You are probably one of the few people in lebanon that thinks that m8 is doing a good job in government or that the economy is better now than it was two years ago.
Ashraf elnass:
they are all a bunch of killers, thieves, drug traffickers, money launderers, kidnappers,....
in short the scum of the earth, and they dare call themselves: ashraf elnass. :)
this sinister of Syrian foreign affairs should be hung as a traitor.
I am fed up by shia extremist stating wrong statistics:
according to the previous elections:
- Christians were at 37%, which leaves 63% to muslims.
- 63% are divided between: sunnis, shia, druze and alawaites.
- furthermore, the numbers of the sunnis were 50 to 60K abve those of shia.
these numbers can be checked easily, so go play in iran, as you do not represent more than 30% at best, if ever.
you are the ones who should leave us alone.
bad attempt at PR control flamer. Please do enlighten us on how M8 focuses on the serious stuff and what have they accomplished? worst government in the history of all governments.
Sidestepping the question and reverting to insults. Someday you will outgrow that but in the meantime do you want to take a shot at elaborating on how M8 focuses on the important things? And how is a rogue foreign minister making foolish statements and letting the world know that he is traitor shamelessly NOT an important matter? Shows how informed you are at world policy!
BTW- there is nothing disgruntled about me or any M14 for that matter. We all knew M8 would hang themselves if given enough rope. That, my friend, was the only thing M8 didn't disappoint at. Their job performance however was by far an epic failure.
Oil was discovered by this government? It was discovered by private firms. Taking credit for things you have notdone is a clear sign of failure. Electricity? Bassil took the route most profitable for him and the worst possible route for the country. I will challenge you anytime on the finances of those ships and will bet my right arm on what I am stating. Epic failure!
Do you think Bassil hired her personally?
Do you think it is trivial than an fm decides by himself of the official policy of the Lebanese government regardless wether the president and the pm afresa or not?
http://www.vagueblanchepourlasyrie.org (French)
http://www.shaam.org/ (Arabic)
just discovered these by watching France 24. Thought some of you would enjoy reading something new.
Nice Benzona. Don't expect the few illiterate HA worshiping sheep here to understand. They are too busy looking for the next group gathering promoting violence, anger and hatred against everyone who does not obey Iran's commands!
after micho's hurried half apology to bahrain on tuesday following his supporters working in the gulf's complaints, hassin el jardoon was ordered by the iranian "consultants" and mr moukhabarat man ali abdel karim ali abdel karim ali abdel karim ali abdel karim ali.. is there an echo in here?.. to dangle mr adnan mansewer the syrian under secretary of foreign affairs and part time lebanese cabinet minister with a riveting al manure tv exhibition reading from the sana and al watan song book.
Mansour definitely listens to such losers whose followers don't even want to listen to their stupidities anymore, but continue to get excited! Go figure where they are now and what great things they are doing! Successes, as always!!!
Aan jad akbar satleih this lilfaglee....almost every post is useless childish garbage. Then again....what else can you expect from fagblower's alias Nabatieh’s village idiot!
Why is anyone surprised....these are the trademarks of tyrant terrorists also seen out of HA and IRAN on a ongoing basis.
Dear Saad
may be your right but anyone can be prime minister if all is fine
leaders and statesmen are for difficult times
but as you said i was not informed that about was was about to happen arround and in lebanon only knew the ones who were preparing things
Saad Hariri not long ago went boot licking in Syria, and his father did the same befor him intiated the licking. He is a crookwho stole the money from Lebaon through SOLIDERE and his father before him initiated the looting. Is it not time the Sunni find a Honest Prime minister to replace these Billionaires (Hariri's x2 + Mikati)who do not pay any tax to the state while the poor are followed every day. And we want to beleive they act in the interest of us all and of Lebanon ? Poor Lebanon
mansour is just a syrian servant at the orders of assad and M8ers are proud of that...
they praise this regime that harmed lebanon more than israel ever did and still support and defend its crimes whatever they do... and they are more syrian than the syrians themselves! lol
It is pretty obvious there are very few countries that have even a tiny bit of respect for this guy. My question is whether they laugh at him behind his back or in front of him.
He is a national disgrace
Mustaqbal movement rather has supported the policy "milk for Syrian babt not weapon' as your respective flag and the tradition. by seeing the situation of serious spilll over of FSA, rebels clashes in your country as well as anbushed battle at the border area, on which your country's opinions are devided into how handle these problem. As the Arab league of about 22 countries members need to come up with the heartful and meaning ful recommendation is very important, honestly, to seek the path for the peace plan in Syria to face an amazing number of refugees. Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour's request seems shaking because how help the situation or because of the relentless of the incumbent Regime to the opposition. But unless the opposition find a better and substantial or realistic leader for them to govern their country, the country will fall on hand of mix up with al-Queda and US-led Defectors. Will they lead the country really to reconstruction of their country ?
Gonna have to agree with the March 14 overlords this time. Mansour really needs to shut up. I support freedom of speech but he shouldn't be saying things like this given the position that he's in. All Lebanese, from 14 to 8 to everyone, need to abide by the disassociation policy.