قطع طرق في طرابلس بعد إشكال بين الجيش ومرافقي الشهال في مجدل عنجر

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قُطِعت طرق في طرابلس عصر الجمعة احتجاجا على إشكال بين مرافقي داعي الإسلام الشهال والجيش في مجدل عنجر.

وفي التفاصيل أفادت قناة الـ"LBCI" أنه "قطعت طريق ساحة النور في طرابلس احتجاجا على اشكال بين مرافقي داعي الاسلام الشهال والجيش في مجدل عنجر".

من جهتها نقلت قناة الـ"OTV" عن مصدر عسكري أن "دورية للجيش أوقفت أحد مرافقي الشهال بسبب ظهوره المسلح" في البلدة المذكورة.

ونقلت إذاعة "صوت لبنان 93.3" معلومات مفادها أن "الجيش صادر بندقية أحد مرافقي الداعية الشهال الذي كان ينوي قطع طريق مجدل عنجر ما أدى الى تلاسن بين الطرفين إلا أنهم أعادوا له البندقية".

أما قناة الـ"MTV" فأشارت إلى "تعرض داعي الاسلام الشهال للاهانة من قبل احدى الحواجز الامنية".

في ما بعد قالت الـ"LBCI" أنه تم "قطع طريقي عزمي ومجدليا احتجاجا" على الإشكال عينه.

وأطلق مقفلو الطرق "الهتافات المنددة بالتعرض للمشايخ، وملوحين بمزيد من التصعيد في حال استمرار هذه المعاملة مع المشايخ" بحسب الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام".

وتأتي هذه التحركات في ظل طوق أمني فرضه الجيش والقوى الأمنية في عبرا تطويقا لاعتصام نفذه إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح في صيدا الشيخ أحمد الأسير.

وكان قد صرح الشهال صباح الجمعة أن مؤسسة الجيش "مخترقة بشكل كبير".

يذكر أن قائد الدرك العميد جوزيف الدويهي لاحظ أن "هناك من نسّق ووحد تحرك الاسلاميين في مختلف المناطق ظهرا".

التعليقات 10
Missing peace 18:11 ,2013 آذار 01

stupid religions and its followers... seems in lebanon they are so addicted that they take religions through intraveinous shots...

Thumb geha 18:15 ,2013 آذار 01

at least they did not shoot the cleric for once! but why did they return the weapons?
why do such people enjoy the freedom of carrying weapons? is it because they are financed by mikati and safadi?

Default-user-icon Ziedan el hashimi (ضيف) 18:20 ,2013 آذار 01

Why are ALL the islamic leaders "Shiekhs" and the issues are political?? The government is fighting these Shiekhs and not anybody else.. by the way do u know that by law the government pays most of these Shiekhs salaries!!! walla shee bikaffer..

Thumb geha 18:44 ,2013 آذار 01

enlighten us why you decided this comment is stupid?
it is a fact these guys are financed by mikati and safadi and armed by hizbushaitan.
stating the obvious offends you?

Thumb phoenician 19:53 ,2013 آذار 01

" they later returned the machine gun" .............spineless.

Missing abraham 21:57 ,2013 آذار 01

Geha my friend
Why would anyone accuse someone of something if you don't have a proof
but making an accusation without a foundation and facts are a norm with you and brainiacs like you.
That's why the politicians in Lebanon get away with murder, they thrive by followers like you.
Wake up people

Default-user-icon Ramez (ضيف) 22:55 ,2013 آذار 01

Why was the weapon returned to the bodyguard? Is it a registered, legitimate weapon? What right to private bodyguards have to block a public road? I say the army should send two or three units, or even an entire battalion, to arrest all of those involved in these incidents and those associated with anyone involved, including the cleric himself, search all of their homes and places of work, PERMANENTLY confiscate all of their weapons, and refer them all to the military tribunal.

Default-user-icon Ramez (ضيف) 22:58 ,2013 آذار 01

Why was the weapon returned to the bodyguard? Is it a registered, legitimate weapon? What right to private bodyguards have to block a public road? I say the army should send two or three units, or even an entire battalion, to arrest all of those involved in these incidents and those associated with anyone involved, including the cleric himself, search all of their homes and places of work, PERMANENTLY confiscate all of their weapons, and refer them all to the military tribunal.

Thumb rover98 02:27 ,2013 آذار 02

Those that hold the Lebanese army as infallible and beyond criticism should be worried about how some of its members are now acting on behalf of a foreign powers.

Default-user-icon basba2a (ضيف) 04:07 ,2013 آذار 02

The army never does a reaction if there hadn't been an action. Nuff said