جعجع يطالب بسحب موضوع ريفي من التداول: ثورة الارز أعادت بري وحلفاءه 60 سنة الى الوراء

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اكّد رئيس الهيئة التنفيذية في "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع ان "الحكومة الحالية هي حكومة تصريف اعمال ويبدو ان كثيرين نسوا ذلك واصبح البعض يريد ان يقوم باعمال لم يقوموا بها قبل استقالة الحكومة".

واشار جعجع خلال مؤتمر صحفي من معراب تناول فيه آخر التطورات في البلد، الى انه "كان من الممكن فهم هذا الحراك للوزراء في ظل وضع استثنائي كالذي حصل يوم مسيرات النكبة او لمساعدات النازحين السوريين او خلال كارثة طبيعية او ان يكون هناك حراك وزاري لتجنب ما قد يحصل في 5 حزيران ولكن لا يمكن ان نفهم الاستنفار الوزاري او الرئاسي الذي حصل في الاسبوع المقبل وما سبب هذه الضجة".

ورأى جعجع ان "كل الذي يحصل في الجمهورية اللبنانية من المبنى الغير شرعي الى الاشتباكات التي حصلت في الشراونة الى الاستونيين "ما طلع" مع المسؤولين في الدولة ال انه يجب تحويل اللواء اشرف ريفي الى المحاكمة".

وذكر انه خلال فترة تسلّم ريفي الادارة العامة لقوى الامن الداخلي "مرّت هذه المؤسسة بأفضل المراحل وساهمت في التحقيقات الدولية وألقت القبض على عشرات شبكات التجسس في لبنان، وقبل استلام ريفي كانت نسبة المسيحيين في قوى الامن الداخلي 30% اما اليوم فهي بالحد الادنى 40%".

واضاف جعجع بأنهم يريدون "محاكمة اشرف ريفي لان قوى الامن الداخلي هي المؤسسة الوحيدة الغير خاضعة لـ"حزب الله" وللشقيقة سوريا، وبيت القصيد انهم لم يجدو الا انظف شخص في العالم ليحولوه الى التحقيق".

وذكر انه "قبل فترة تمّ اعادة 4 عسكريين سوريين الى سوريا، ألمّ يخالف الضابط كل صلاحياته وهو تخطى السلطة القضائية كما ان رئيس جهاز امن السفارات نفذ مهمة من دون معرفة رئيسه اللواء ريفي؟"

وشدّد جعجع على ان "قوى الامن الداخلي هي اخر قلعة في الدولة اللبنانية وهي لا تتأثر بالخارج ولا بالداخل ومن غير المقبول ما يحصل"، مشيراً الى ان "كل موضوع اشرف ريفي يجب ان يسحب بسرعة من التداول لانه لا حق ولا حقيقة".

وردّ على كلام رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري امس، بأن "ثورة الارز اعادت برّي وحلفائه 60 سنة الى الوراء ولكنها قدّمت اللبنانيين 60 سنة الى الامام على مستوى الحريات والديمقراطية".

وعن كلام البطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي عن ان اتفاق الطائف ليس مقدساً، قال بأن "هذا الوقت ليس هو المناسب للبحث في اتفاق الطائف وليشكّلوا حكومة الان وفيما بعد يمكن بحث هذا الموضوع".

التعليقات 26
Default-user-icon Danny (ضيف) 14:18 ,2011 أيار 31

What do you expect a captain in Mafia Hariri Company, SARL to say? These are the guys who have been bombarding us day and night about the state and its institutions. The whole country knows how serious Rifi's rebellion is, but not this dumbo! dawleh

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 14:20 ,2011 أيار 31

Wakaha, this man is a jailbird.. he was released by presidential pardon, not because he served his time, or proven innocent, he should remain quiet. he has no right to talk.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 14:26 ,2011 أيار 31


Default-user-icon Free thinker (ضيف) 15:13 ,2011 أيار 31

Very well said Doctor!

Thumb tabasco 15:34 ,2011 أيار 31

straightforward and precise !!

Default-user-icon dakdm (ضيف) 15:45 ,2011 أيار 31

you know what? lets move rifi AND geagea to judicial investigation, biynesbo ba3ed kteer! what a looser!

Default-user-icon Always Ouwet (ضيف) 16:51 ,2011 أيار 31

danny and mazen, you two are the idiots. Go live in syria you two dumbbells.

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 16:57 ,2011 أيار 31

To danny and mazen, i just want to clear up some points with you :

- Danny, hariri mafia that you are talking about day by day with your crazy general doesnt exist, the only mafia that exists is the one your general's friends have, like Amal and Hezbollah.

- Thanks to Hariri we have had a new airport after the civil war, a new downtown where you and your dumb friends are able to go drink , sing and do your shits every weekends at Gemayze or Monot, and you still arent grateful, who would have reconstructed everything? Elias Hraoui? Emile Lahoud? Berri? it was proven they were even more crooks than Hariri, and did you forget about sisterly syria now?how much we endured for 30 years, of rape, wars, assassination, terrorists, GDP swallowen by the syrians, do you really think only Hariri, berri lahoud, Hraou and all else from then were the only ones to get the money? half of it at least went to the syrians, and on top of that, stop spreading stupidities, you know how much the downtown has

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 17:04 ,2011 أيار 31

has cost? or the airport? or the numerous hospitals of the '' Hariri Mafia '' which you so call? more than billions, here in canada, just a small portion of a highway costs more than tens of millions, and BY THE WAY, maybe you ought to ask your general, captain deserter, about who is the second biggest shareholder in Solidere, and it is a christian which is an FPM member, you can go check this out, instead of believing all the lies your master says, as for what happened at telecommunication ministry, ogero's president was given the right to leave by Nahhas, ON PURPOSE so he can do his filthy removal of networks when the president's not here and hand it over to your allies in Hezbollah, because this network was operated privately to get a grab of terrorists, and other security breaches in the country, but of course , those who dont want that asked for its removal, and guess who it is? wake up and stop dreaming with your general he has burned the country he insults presidents, pm's

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 17:12 ,2011 أيار 31

insulting presidents and pm's, as well as a part of the lebanese population like the sunnis? your general is not mentally ill, he is so arrogant and wants to get to the presidency whatever happens in the country, i just want you to answer me, if Hariri is a mafia, what is Hezbollah? a resistance? sets up illegal communication networks in the country, and by surprise we have more than 7 politicians and military personnel against Hezbollah that are killed during the past 5 years, cant you see? behind those angel statements of unity behind the resistance is a great devil, not the chiites but Hezbollah, what do you call blowing up Samer hanna in the south? the provoqued july war that costed billions in one month ( now thats A BIG QUICK DEBT not 40 billion in reconstructions and half for the syrians in 15 years of Hariri era ), the May7th events in Beirut and Chouf, the toppling of the governement, although M8 had the best ministeries, what do you call that?

Default-user-icon Nabil (ضيف) 17:14 ,2011 أيار 31

Cedar Revolution is still popular in Israel & US Congress where it was created.

Default-user-icon Ramy (ضيف) 17:19 ,2011 أيار 31

The super fortune-teller Dr. Criminal had said that we will miss the days of Patriarch Sfeir as Patriarch Al-Rahi will be even stricter than Sfeir in matters that pertain to Hariri's plots against Christians' rights that are forwarded by none other than Hariri's Christians! Well, it seems Dr. Criminal was high on his own drugs when he came out with that most ridiculous ever forecast of his. min addak ya 7akim?

Default-user-icon Nabil (ضيف) 17:21 ,2011 أيار 31

Danny and Mazen, and I are the majority. If you do not like it. You go live in Israel or KSA.

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 17:28 ,2011 أيار 31

And last but not least, the changing opinions of General, he insults the president and PM mikati, and say they have no authority,and that he wont give them any shares, and when the problem with Rifi happened, he started calling for the president to do something about it, showing you perfect bipolar behaviour, such as how much he said Baroun was inefficient in his post, and right now i read that he said to baroud he should have kept his post and removed Rifi's, your leader doesnt know who to blame or who to beg to save himself and nahhas.

- To Mazen now,

At least Geagea spent 11 years in prison, for most of things he didnt do, maybe kill karameh, but to hell with him he divided the army, he deserved it, what does nasrallah do exept hiding ?
Mazen you should maybe consider retiring in some place near those new parking lots in dahieh, you know, the ones constructed during your '' divine victory '' in 2006 by Israel, put some oil and tan maybe you'll become a real iranian one day...

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 17:38 ,2011 أيار 31

You are funny Nabil, you make me laugh , dont you or somebody you already know work or live in KSA? you know what is Aounie's problem? ungratefulness,but soon you will understand when gulf countries will fire you all because of Hezbollah in what deep shit your general put you in, and we will see if your General, or Hassoun, or Ahmadinijadoun will send you cheques, and by the way, if the cedar revolution was created in Israel and the US congress, Hezbollah too , as it is as evil as the zionist Israel, double face, destruction is their only weapon, and non respect for human life.

Default-user-icon ado (ضيف) 18:10 ,2011 أيار 31

Actually Geagea sorry to burst your bubble but Berri, Ramy Danny, mazen and Nabil are all correct without the cedar revolution the Syrian president would still be appointing our presidents, PMs, ministers, MPs heads of security etc like he's supposed to..

Default-user-icon Sarita Gonzalez (ضيف) 18:43 ,2011 أيار 31

please spend time to check solutions to problems what requested INMEDIATE SOLUTION, like as cabinet formation, and stop of throwing words in the air, like cross fired, to turn people attention, PAST CAN NOT BE CHANGED, BUT PRESENT AND FUTURE YES, SO WORK FOR PRESENT AND FUTURE, THE PAST IS TALE, BAD OR GOD, BUT AT END, TALE, WE CAN NOT MOVE ONE LINE

Missing bigdigg 19:20 ,2011 أيار 31

If anyone thought Rifi was clean, they have now changed their mind: a testimonial by a person like Mr. Geagea in favor of Rifi is a guilty verdict for him.

Default-user-icon Daniel (ضيف) 21:27 ,2011 أيار 31

What this anti-Christian loser said in response to Patrirarch Al Rahi is an insult not only to Al Rahi but to all Christians of Lebanon. Therefore, the Maronite Patriarchate should immediately file a law suit against this loser whose slogan: amn al moujtama3 al 7ariri fawka koul e3tibar is proven time and again in his own words. No Christian can go lower than him.

Default-user-icon What he said (ضيف) 21:59 ,2011 أيار 31

Beshara al-Rahi slammed Free Patriotic Movement leader Gen. Michel Aoun and accused the Hizbullah-led opposition of exploiting him to provoke an inter-Christian conflict..

Default-user-icon The Maxx (ضيف) 22:02 ,2011 أيار 31

Pretty much most of what I'd wanted to respond to mazen and Daniel/Danny has already been covered nicely by Pacifier, but I'll just fill in one omission: You kids whine that Geagea (who is not, by a far shot, very dear to me) is a jailbird. Well, what do you think about Aoun then? When the Civil War was seemingly cooling off to an end in '86, he plunged us right back into the worst five years of the killing, when nobody was even fighting for their beliefs but just out of exhaustion and frustration, during his "War of Liberation" from Syria. He was exiled to Paris, and was only allowed return to Lebanon because he claimed to be anti-Syrian. So what do you think of Aoun? The paragon of nobility? The quintessence of trust?

Default-user-icon Always Ouwet (ضيف) 22:53 ,2011 أيار 31

Those who are against us (Ouwet) should be happy that we are a fun-loving political party now. To all those aholes out there just remember one thing, you can put an innocent man in jail but you can't imprison his thoughts and will. A quote from a very famous movie "I'm brining THUNDER down and hell is coming with me"...

Default-user-icon Simon Hokayem (ضيف) 00:06 ,2011 حزيران 01

He is right.

Default-user-icon AnonymousLb (ضيف) 02:00 ,2011 حزيران 01

The sad/funny thing is both of them are right.
Geagea and Berry incarnate Lebanese politics at its worst.
The sooner these 2 stooges and their March 8&14 friends are out, the sooner our youth can start rebuilding our beautiful nation.

Default-user-icon Terry (ضيف) 05:45 ,2011 حزيران 01

Call Geagea/Rifi/Hariri the coalition of the outlaws: thieves, bandits and criminals.

Default-user-icon Adonis (ضيف) 11:12 ,2011 حزيران 01

well mr geagea our patriach is right and u should listen to him
increasing the christians in fsi 10 % does not stand in comparison to bring back authority to the christian presidency that taef accord took away