جنبلاط يحذّر من ان عدم التوافق على قانون انتخاب سـ"يدمّر البلاد"
Read this story in Englishحذّر رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" وليد جنبلاط من "تدمير البلاد" في ظل عدم توافق الافرقاء السياسيين على مشروع قانون انتخاب.
وفي حديث الى صحيفة "السفير"، الاثنين، شدد جنبلاط على ان التوافق لا يزال وارداً وضرورياً أكثر من أي وقت مضى، والوقت لم ينفد بعد.
كما اعتبر ان "أفضل مخرج" يمكن اعتماده هو مشروع رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، أي المشروع الذي قدمته الحكومة، مع بعض التعديلات عليه.
وكانت الحكومة قد اقرت في ايلول الماضي اقتراح قانون انتخاب مبني على النسبية وفق 13 دائرة انتخابية.
الى ذلك، نبّه جنبلاط عبر "السفير"، الى ان "التسليم باستحالة التوافق، يعني أننا نسلم بتدمير البلد"، مشدداً على وجوب إجراء الانتخابات النيابية في موعدها.
ودعا "العقلاء الى أن يسعـوا جادين في اتجاه الخروج من المأزق وبلورة المخرج المطلوب".
واقرت اللجان النيابية المشتركة مشروع "اللقاء الاورثوذكسي" (حيث كل طائفة تنتخب ممثليها) وسط اعتراض نواب كتلتي "المستقبل" و"جبهة النضال الوطني"، والنواب المسيحيون المستقلون في 14 آذار.
كما يُشار الى ان عدم اتفاق الافرقاء على قانون انتخاب، يهدد امكانية اجراء الانتخابات النيابية في موعدها في التاسع من حزيران.
It is very obvious that the orthodox law returns the power to the Christians in their areas, I am for preventing the votes of the 3000+ Sunnis in koura from tipping the balance of power in the favor of the qouwat and kataeb, and I am for preventing the votes of the 5000+ Shiaa' in Baabda and Maten from tipping the balance of power in the favor of Aoun's party
But the Orthodox law has extreme side effects, especially on the individual level, to vote is to have a say in your country's decisions but under the orthodox law you have to be registered under a sect that has been acknowledged by your government, so if you believe that your religion is between you and God and you don't want your beliefs to be public knowledge, by not registering under a certain sect, then you have to give up on your right to vote???
Tell what is this logic that the Sunnis or the Shias are not allowed to tip off the balance in favor of the fl, kataeb or Aoun. They are Lebanese and are also allowed to vote for the mp's in their region. What is this logic that a Christian mp should be only voted by a Christian. This logic takes as to partitioning the country on religious basis when we should do the reverse.
I agree with you that in a perfect world religion would not interfere in such subjects, unfortunately right now for Lebanon to survive we need all the sects to have their proper political power and right now the Maronites are under the mercy of the Muslims, politically speaking, this is not acceptable and this is why the LF and kataeb agreed to the Orthodox law.
To be clear, I am against the orthodox law it is a law with too much "ba3es" but what I am saying is that I understand why the Christian political parties are for it
and the example about individual liberties is just one of them that many people can relate too
Dear FT
Though I find myself agreeing with many of your arguments and that it looks like you have good grammar and plenty of wisdom, I sometimes find it hard to take your comments seriously when I see vulgar vocabulary like "mustahbal", "Minions" and "Idiocy"... I am sorry about being blunt about this, I hate all the politicians and their parties just as much as the other guy, but showing some respect serves your argument much better than including such words, no matter how satisfactory it is to degrade those you hate.
Please let us be civilized to benefit each other!!!
No. The presence of bung holes like Jumblat and Mafia Hariri, both collaborators with every enemy of Lebanon, is what is contributing to the destruction of Lebanon. The sooner they get flushed down the sewers the better. In the meantime, they are better off shutting up and getting off our backs with their ridiculous illogical and filthy blabber that no longer fool many.
Jumblat also rejected the 13 district proposal as well when it was first introduced ... Has he changed his tune?
Jumblat has been outplayed by Aoun. Jumblat has totally misread the public and now he grasps for straws.
lebanese have a strange notion of democracy... what if a christian is elected by a shia or a sunni? LOL it is just an MP elected by a citizen whatever his religion...
denying a citizen the right to vote for an MP in his region is just denying him his rights!!
but those sectarian minded people all claim to want secularism but a the very first occasion jump on sectarian laws...whatever they say to tell the contrary their acts shows how sectarian and hypocrit they are...
this country is paranoid and schizophrene....
No Joumblatt, it will destroy your parliamentary block. That's it. Not the country.
Everyone should know that whatever is bad for Joumblatt is good for Christians, and vice versa.
That tells you some people cannot cope with freedom. I totally agree with you. Lebanon had been nothing but chaotic since day 1.