سليمان يدعو النواب الى الابتعاد عن كل المشاريع التي تعزز الاصطفافات الطائفية
Read this story in Englishاعرب رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان عن امله في ان تضع اللجان النيابية المشتركة نصب اعينها حتمية اجراء الانتخابات في موعدها، مجدداً الدعوة الى درس قانون عصري للإنتخاب يأخذ صحة التمثيل وعدالته في الاعتبار.
وفي تصريح لسليمان، ظهر الاثنين، امل ان تأخذ اللجان المشتركة المصلحة الوطنية في الاعتبار، وتضع نصب اعينها حتمية اجراء الانتخابات في موعدها احتراماً للمبدأ الاساسي الذي هو تداول السلطة.
لافتاً الى ضرورة "التبصّر في كل ما من شأنه الحفاظ على الوحدة الوطنية وصون العيش المشترك والابتعاد عن كل المشاريع التي تعزز الاصطفافات الطائفية والمذهبية (في اشارة الى الاورثوذكسي) لأنها مخالفة للدستور وتعرّض السلم الاهلي للإهتزاز".
كما اشار سليمان الى ان "الغالبية الساحقة" من اللبنانيين ينشدون العدالة والحرية والمساواة ويتمسكون بالديموقراطية التي يشكل الانتخاب الحجر الاساس في مدماكها.ط
الى ذلك، كرر سليمان دعوته الى درس "قانون عصري للإنتخاب يأخذ صحة التمثيل وعدالته في الاعتبار ولا يخضع للحسابات الانتخابية الضيقة التي تصب في مصلحة المكاسب الشخصية على حساب المصلحة الوطنية".
يُذكر ان الجلسات النيابية المشتركة التأمت صباح الاثنين، حيث مشروع "اللقاء الاورثوذكسي" (حيث كل طائفة تنتخب ممثليها) على طاولة البحث.
يُشار الى ان اللجان النيابية الفرعية فشلت في التوصل الى صيغة مختلطة حول المشروع المختلط (بين الاكثري والنسبي) في ما خص قانون الانتخاب. وصباح الاثنين، استهلت اللجان النيابية المشتركة اجتماعاتها، لبحث مشاريع قوانين الانتخابات، والتي ستستمر حتى يوم الخميس.
there is no elections in 9 june...with the continuous weakening of saado and al mustakbal,who will fill the void?ask walid beik in saudi arabia.el shater yifham.
Al mustaqbal should develop balls and go on the attack. They are subject to feroucious attacks by Aoun, al Hizb, et.al. The main problem in Al mustaqbal is structural. There is a leadership vacuum, very weak communications with its supporters and for a party purporting to be a "future"-oriented party, it lacks much of the rules and structures of a modern party.
el shater yifham. Sleiman is a tool in the hands of his masters. He does nothing for granting the equal rights for all Lebanese. He should resign immediately because he has gone against the wishes of the majority in Parliament and more particularly those of the Major Christian Blocs in Parliament. The only bloc to reject the Orthodox Proposal is the Mustaqbal bloc who will go to war rather than lose the power granted to them via the Taef and the Saudi MF's. Long Live the Shiites of Lebanon, the nNited Christian Blocs and may God have mercy over the Mustahabal.
Christiane - who are sleiman masters? Are you accusing him of treason? Tell me a modern democracy that have the same system as the one you are supporting? Why do you think al taef grant al mustaqbal these super powers? Did these supposed powers protect them in 2007 from their areas being stormed in beirut or from the coup in 2008? Is the mustaqbal the one driving lebanese economy to hell - now with the debt as percentage of GDP increasing rapidely for first time in many years? Do you really think the "shia" are with this proposed law? Why do you say that al mustaqbal will go to war? They are not the one threatening to do so? They said no to this law but if adopted will run in election despite being an illegal one.
FM was not involved and called for the law to go after those involved. Also the FM does not have a militia - contrary to the ssnp which has a well trained and armed one. Of course, the ssnp was not unarmed in Halba and there was a firefight between ssnp and some of the residents of Halba. There are some evidences of crimes against ssnp members. What bigjohn forget to tell us is that the ssnp participated in the storming of beirut by the HA et al just before the fighting in Halba. That is nothing to say about the many war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by ssnp during the civil war.
I am amazed at those sectarian m8 comments who say one thing and push for the other.
actually mustaqbal is the only remaining non sectarian party in Lebanon for having a wide range of confessions in its ranks.
like Israel, hizbushaitan wants to increase the sectarian divide to justify its sectarian presence. aoun , its puppet, is doing the same for the Christians.
I am amazed at those sectarian m8 comments who say one thing and push for the other.
actually mustaqbal is the only remaining non sectarian party in Lebanon for having a wide range of confessions in its ranks.
I am amazed at those sectarian m8 comments who say one thing and push for the other.
actually mustaqbal is the only remaining non sectarian party in Lebanon for having a wide range of confessions in its ranks.
like Israel, hizbushaitan wants to increase the sectarian divide to justify its sectarian presence. aoun , its puppet, is doing the same for the Christians.
Wise words from Suleiman, if only the rest of the idiot government and opposition blocs were as decent as him.
The bag of green shall arrive soon to this lucky SOB waste. Lebanon is definitely cursed into having nothing but unqualified punks at its head. My left foot is more capable than these.