تجمع كبير في بيونغ يانغ احتفالا بالتجربة النووية الكورية الشمالية

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اعلنت وسائل الاعلام الكورية الشمالية الرسمية الجمعة ان اكثر من مئة الف جندي ومدني تجمعوا في بيونغ يانغ احتفالا بالتجربة النووية الكورية الشمالية التي حصلت خلال الاسبوع الجاري وللاشادة بالشجاعة "المنقطعة النظير" للزعيم كيم جونغ اون.

واوضحت وكالة الانباء الكورية الشمالية الرسمية ان مسؤولين رفيعي المستوى من الحزب والجيش اضافة الى عمال وطلاب شاركوا في هذا التجمع الذي حصل الخميس في باحة كيم ايل سونغ الكبيرة تيمنا باسم مؤسس كوريا الشمالية وجد الزعيم الحالي.

واشارت الوكالة الى ان الخطب وصفت التجربة النووية التي اجريت الثلاثاء بانها "الثمرة المميزة للقرار غير العادي والشجاعة المنقطعة النظير لعزيزنا و(قائدنا) المحترم كيم جونغ اون".

ولم يظهر كيم جونغ اون البالغ دون الثلاثين عاما والذي ترأس البلاد اثر وفاة والده في كانون الاول 2011، في هذا التجمع.

واضافت الوكالة "انه عرض قوة مدهش لقوة علمية وتكنولوجية وقوة عسكرية قادرة على الاعداد لاي ضربة".

ولاقت التجربة النووية التي اجرتها كوريا الشمالية، الثالثة بعد تجربتين في 2006 و2009، ادانة المجتمع الدولي ويتوقع ان تقود الى فرض عقوبات جديدة في الامم المتحدة على بيونغ يانغ.

التعليقات 7
Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 09:42 ,2013 شباط 15

I don’t want to be curl, but I could see many similarities between N. Korea and Iran. They both care about a program that is meaningless while their nations are starving. I am also unsure as to whether Israel minds Iran falling into these quick sands. They are intelligently exploiting this issue to drag the USA into its quick sand. They are also benefiting from fomenting the dire situation in Syria to create cracks into the unity of the Arabs and it’s winning to a large extent. What I still can’t fathom is the fact that although Iran and the Arab are both Muslims, why on earth should they fight each other instead of teaming to confront Israel? Our struggle with Israel would not prevail by arms but by unity and rationality which unfortunately is not the case.

Thumb lebneneh 11:51 ,2013 شباط 15

puppets...at least they are organised puppets. In Lebanon we also have puppets but they are chaotic puppets and they are under the illusion that each one of them is a semi-god.

Missing youssefhaddad 12:47 ,2013 شباط 15

A most horrible dictatorship turned North Korea into a large prison. People are herded to the streets on demand to approve whatever the government does.
The North Koreans are very poor and deprived from basic needs yet their government forces them to celebrate a Nuclear test!

Thumb mouallek 00:00 ,2013 شباط 16

Go and stay there bigjohn. North koreans are eating their childs they will appreciate a change.

Thumb mouallek 00:07 ,2013 شباط 16

Go and stay there bigjohn. North koreans are eating their children they will appreciate a change.

Default-user-icon omar el solh (ضيف) 19:40 ,2013 شباط 15

WHY IS IT MEANINGLESS?? why does America and Russia and Britain and China have the right to do such similar tests and the media does not even comment them? and they dont get any sanctions? why are they allowed to have hundreds of Nuclear Warheads and thousands of continental Nuclear Scuds and Iran and korea do not have the right? Do you believe that the Koreans will Attack anybody? if the media doesnt treat them like this and the world does not impose sanctions on them they would do these tests just to show that they are powerful but not to harm anybody! WHY IS IT ALWAYS FOR YOU THAT THERE IS SOMEONE CALLED AMERICA THAT IS ALWAYS RIGHT AND LOVELY AND THE REST of the 3rd world that is trying to upgrade itself are Evil? Hypocrits ! sheaps and satanic that is what you are !!!!

Thumb andre.jabbour 20:30 ,2013 شباط 15

I finaly know what Flamewaten looks like. He's wearing a red hat and is positioned in the back of the photo!