تقارير: علي مملوك سلّم حزب الله لائحة لاغتيال شخصيات سياسية وامنية في لبنان
Read this story in Englishكشفت مصادر دبلوماسية خليجية، الاحد، ان "حزب الله" تسلم من مكتب مدير الامن القومي في دمشق اللواء علي مملوك، لائحة لاغتيال 13 شخصية سياسية وامنية في لبنان، وفق ما افادت صحيفة "السياسية".
ونقلت "السياسية" الكويتية، الاحد، عن دبلوماسي خليجي في ابو ظبي، ان موقوفاً لبنانياً في الامارات اتفق مع السلطات الامنية لابو ظبي، قبل ايام، على تسليمها، "لائحة الاغتيال اللبنانية" مقابل اطلاق سراحه وابعاده الى البلد الذي يختاره.
ولفت الدبلوماسي، الى ان هذا الشخص موقوف لدى الامارات، منذ منتصف العام الماضي، الى جانب 50 آخرين بتهمة تهريب الاموال (مغسولة كانت ام لا) الى "حزب الله" في لبنان ولندن وباريس.
اما الاسماء الواردة على اللائحة، فهي، وفق ما نقلته "السياسة" عن الدبلوماسي، نواب من كتلة المستقبل وهم نهاد المشنوق، أحمد فتفت، خالد الضاهر، معين المرعبي. الى جانب عن النائب مروان حماده عن "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي"، وسامي الجميل عن "حزب الكتائب"، فضلاً عن نائب البترون، بطرس حرب.
وتابع ان رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع، ورئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري، موجودان ايضاً على اللائحة.
ومن الشخصيات الامنية، مدعي عام التمييز السابق القاضي سعيد ميرزا، والمدير العام لقوى الامن الداخلي اللواء اشرف ريفي. فضلاً عن جنرالين مرشحين لخلافة العماد جان قهوجي في قيادة الجيش، وفق ما افاده الدبلوماسي.
يُشار الى ان عدداً من الاسماء الموجودة على اللائحة، التي ذكرتها "السياسية"، اما تعرضت لمحاولة اغتيال واما تلقت تهديدات بالقتل.
ومن الجدير بالذكر ان القضاء اللبناني اصدر، الاثنين الفائت، مذكرة توقيف غيابية في حق كل من اللواء علي مملوك ومعاونه عدنان في قضية الوزير السابق ميشال سماحة بجرم نقل اسلحة من سوريا الى لبنان.
واعترف سماحة بالتخطيط لتفجيرات خلال إفطارات في شمال لبنان بطلب سوري، وذلك بعد توقيفه في التاسع من آب بمداهمة منزله في الخنشارة عبر قوة من شعبة المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي. واظهرت التحقيقات تورط كل من مملوك وعدنان ومستشارة الرئيس السوري بثينة شعبان.
There you have it, Syrian, Iranian and HA democratic solutions for dealing with those that disagree with them. Deja vu, so shameful. What would it take for those folks to see the light if ever they can.
One must wonder why Naharnet would repeat such reports. If there is anything Lebanon needs right now it is calm kool heads, not wild accusations.
Highly unlikely! May be this is an Israeli plot, or may be the British have a finger in it, or, better yet, may be it was a Tibetan monk who conjured up this story. Wake up and smell the coffee. I guess the most beneficial result for arming the HA has been the systematic assassinations of Lebanese politicians. Where is the fight against the enemy? Who is your enemy? Is HA waiting for Iran to develop a nuke?
and they say hizbushaitan is Lebanese!
its elements are Lebanese but since their orders come from the Syrian and Iranian regimes, then they are not Lebanese.
they are a militia of executors.
filthy traitors.
and you will have m8 guys discrediting the information because they just do not want to believe or they are full of hatred.
More "hearsay" reporting from the UAE and Naharnet. The GCC, the Zionists and M14 are pouring on the gossip prior to the elections.
It is clear that there is a full press effort to inundate Hezbollah with lies, innuendo and propaganda. Expect any kind of lie about Hezbollah now.
Maybe there is no proof. But then again it is a reality that m14 leaders are systematically targeted as well as opponents to hizbullah from the choice community.
yeah: al akhbar!
this bs newspaper set for promoting hizbushaitan and fpm propaganda.
they have been caught lying so many times that no one beives such trash anymore....
It's pretty obvious that there is going to be a tidal wave of disinformation, propaganda and lies disseminated by the Zionists and the GCC now ...
You are right. Those behind the extermination of M14 are Israelis. They want to strife a civil war by making people believe Hezbollah is killing. And when nobody will remain from M14 then the Zionists will be victorious. Time will come when you will know, whether you like it or not, that Hezbollah was executing all these killings and that all their suspects are effectively involved.
ok they definetly are bias...but which source do u guys trust anyway that isnt al manar or al dunya?
this information has just been confirmed from internal sources.
it seems it was known here since s few days and measures of protection have been increased.
yes this is a real threat.
The majority of people assasinated since the 70's all the way to wissam hassan all happen to be anti-syrian regime politicians/figures....yet you still have these lost souls in Lebanon that doubt the authenticity of such reports even though we have solid proof right in front of us! What's it going to take to convince those in lebanon that the Syrian regime is evil?
You said it Ouwette.
The person who tries to assassinate your "hakeem" has exactly that in mind: to create a civil war.
If you play into their games and start one, they will look at you (LF) and Hizballah fighting and laugh at both of you while you kill each other.
what is funny with karim is that he ignores how stupid he is!
no funnier people than those having the illusion of intelligence....
I am just interested in where did he want to go after giving them the list, to Disney World.
I need other sources but I'm inclined to believe that such practices are routine with Hizballa.
Very tough guys you are. Imagine you had the rockets HA has. You would shower all Lebanon with your love. IDIOT.
Ouwette my family has a strong history with sheik Bashir, hakeem and the whole LF. What would massacres against Shiites solve? Regardless of their affiliations they are still lebanese. It's the bastard Syrian regime that needs to be dealt with. Whether people want to believe it or not a large number of Shiites are anti Hezbollah. We don't need another civil war khaye!
I don't agree with what Ouwette said but you are an ignorant fool. What did Hezbollah do when they made fun of nasrallah on lbc? What would happen if nasrallah were killed?
its funny how all the dead MPs or supporters are from the 1 side???are they making those deaths up as well you idiots?All i can say to all you fools is:
Long Live The Syrian Civil War!
may there be many deaths and they reach 200,000 by the years end.
looks like your the only idiot that gave me 1 thumb down....
Long Live The Syrian Civil War! TAKBIR
This is exactly what hizbullah is waiting for civil war that will help him dominate and justify its weapons. It will be pain béni for Syria who needs a diversion.
You are wrong "peace" , Karim knows that his comments are stupid and accepts to be labelled as idiot to earn his wages from his idiot master orangina.