"حزب الله": الإنتخابات لن تؤثر على معادلة المقاومة والجيش والشعب أيا تكن النتائج

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أكد حزب الله أن الإنتخابات النيابية المقبلة لن تؤثر على معادلة "المقاومة والجيش والشعب" أيا تكن النتائج جازما أن المقاومة راسخة.

وقال نائب رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في "حزب الله" الشيخ نبيل قاووق خلال رعايته إفتتاح مسرحية " آية الأحزان " في بلدة الغازية الأحد "الإستحقاق الإنتخابي فرصة للتراضي والتوافق على قانون إنتخابي جديد، بعدما أصبح قانون ال60 من الماضي".

وأشار إلى أن جميع الأطراف أصبحوا "يناقشون القانون الإنتخابي الجديد الذي يضمن المناصفة الحقيقية والشراكة الفعلية".

وتناقش اللجنة الفرعية في البرلمان مشاريع القوانيين المطروحة للإنتخابات ويلقى مشروع "اللقاء الأورثذكسي" موافقة - أقله إعلاميا - من قبل ست كتل كبرى منها حزب الله.

إلا أن قاووق أضاف "لكن أيا يكن القانون الإنتخابي الجديد، وأيا تكن نتائج الإنتخابات الجديدة، فهذا لن يؤثر على معادلة المقاومة والجيش والشعب".

وختم المسؤول في حزب الله قائلا "إذا راهن الأعداء على قانون إنتخابي لإضعاف المقاومة هم واهمون لأن معادلة المقاومة أكثر رسوخا من الجبال" .

يشار إلى أن معادلة "الجيش والشعب والمقاومة" موضوعة في البيان الوزاري للحكومة الحالية برئاسة نجيب ميقاتي والتي سبقتها برئاسة سعد الحريري، ولا تدخل ضمن الدستور.

التعليقات 22
Missing thatisit 16:14 ,2013 كانون الثاني 13

equations and formulas and whatever.. don't these people get tried of regurgitating the same crab over and over...when will they will ever know that 75% of the lebanese want to live under the rule of law and move on with their lives..

Thumb jabalamel 10:51 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

the filthy zionist scum never "gets tired of regurgitating the same crap over and over", and than he accuses others of doing so!!!

Thumb jabalamel 11:05 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

the filthy zionist scumm is very bad in math.

i guess to keep distorted mind you have to distort a lot of facts before.

Missing peace 16:33 ,2013 كانون الثاني 13

of course it won t affect them... don t they say that they don t care about election results! lol!

Thumb jabalamel 10:49 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

the filthy zionist scum is not happy because our glorious resistance will continue it's vital role for lebanon

Missing Cyanide 16:44 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

hey man.. did they teach you at school that no one is supposed to disagree with you. and if that did they are betraying you right.. man im lucky i never went to your school..

Missing helicopter 17:45 ,2013 كانون الثاني 13

Hizbullah on Sunday stressed that the upcoming parliamentary elections will not affect the so-called "resistance-army-people equation" regardless of who wins the vote............
Yes Hezbullah we know that, you have consistently demonstrated that since 2005. This is why Harriri was liquidated and subsequently every leader that showed promise for a better Lebanon (Gibran, Pierre, ... and dozen others). Once upon a time we used to think it is all about Israel but now it is clear as daylight that it is all about YOU. How else can you be in control of the Government when you were not the majority in the previous elections. Save your breath, your actions throughout the years support you statements (at least you are consistent on both). But the wheels will turn and one day you will find yourself needing the mercy of others for God is Great.

Thumb jabalamel 10:46 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

the filthy zionist scum trash and filth has written a long text full of retarded claims that i didn't even read

how do i know that text if full of retarded claims?

it always is

Missing Cyanide 16:48 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

bro isreal killed all those to make us fight!!! they are putting bets on us man..

Missing samiam 19:06 ,2013 كانون الثاني 13

Hizbullah: Elections Won't Affect Resistance-Army-People Equation

--yes it will, otherwise you wouldn't have brought it up. and when the murderous regimes of Syria and Iran fall, you will be looking around and wondering why everyone didn't rally around you. And for the record, over 200 nations in the UN, and only TWO don't believe in the STL--Syria and Iran. It is not a conspiracy---it is a trial based on evidence, not insistence.

Thumb jabalamel 10:45 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

the filthy zionist scum hallucinate that election will affect our glorious resistance.

you had a chance when your friend siniora tried to do something and you failed miserably.

only fools don't get lessons from history

Thumb lebanon_first 19:40 ,2013 كانون الثاني 13

Your "equation" is an artificially created justification that you invented to justify your existence which is like an abnormal growth in the body of Lebanon.
Drop your weapons. Drop your pretentions to be more important than the rest of lebanese parties and join the lebanese mosaic as an equal member.

Thumb jabalamel 10:44 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

the filthy zionist scum trash worm is doing bad in mathematics so he spits on equation he does't understand

Thumb jabalamel 10:41 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

look how much effort the zionist cum invested in spitting on our glorious nicknames. changing nicknames over and over again, repeating himself over and over again. i guess your bosses are happy with you?

Thumb jabalamel 10:43 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

and he's right as always.
like you are wrong as always.

Thumb jabalamel 10:43 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

the filthy zionist scum mentioned iran again

Thumb jabalamel 10:46 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

the filthy zionist scum calls most of lebanese as a "horde of blind believers"
in that case, why don't you do something about it.

send your genocidal militia to see how big is the "horde".

Thumb jabalamel 10:48 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

the filthy zionist scum is not happy because patriotic lebanese party won't promise to lebanese the surrender to zionists

Thumb jabalamel 10:49 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

the filthy zionist scum talks about democracy hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhah

Thumb jabalamel 11:51 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

the filthy zionist scum still insist on iran iran iran iran iran....

Missing Cyanide 16:47 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

were they iranian tools when they were fighting your and my enemy?????
when their kids and fathers died protecting your border?????

Thumb shab 18:42 ,2013 كانون الثاني 14

pure filth