السيد بحث مع الاسد الاوضاع العامة لمدة ساعتين
Read this story in Englishقام المدير العام للأمن العام السابق اللواء جميل السيد بزيارة الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد، قبل ظهر الثلاثاء.
وافادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" ان اللقاء استمر ساعتين حيث تم البحث في الاوضاع العامة.
يُذكر ان آخر لقاء للسيد بالاسد كان في قصر الشعب في دمشق في ايلول 2010.
Jamil: Bashar you are in some serious doodoo.
Bashar: yeah i know.. but you like how i went out for a speech a few days ago like a BOSS!!!
Jamil: yeah Boss..you look good doing what you do..all those dead corpses on the streets really bring out your ears..
Bashar: My Ears?
Jamil: did i say ears i meant eyes :D
Bashar: get your nose outta my A__ and lets get down to the nitty gritty...before i am killed i want to see THESE Lebanese die...call my man Smaha.. he can hook you up with the goods.
Jamil: but sir, Smaha got caught.. and we are running out of "al-qaida" operatives in Lebanon.
Bashar: oh yeah... get Franjieh to do it.. he's got my ears... he could hide a scud in there and they would never think of looking..
Jamil: BRILLIANT!!!!
the filthy zionist scum trash and filth wants to know what syrian president and patriotic lebanese talk to each other.
mind your own problems. your genocidal militia can't even crush gaza now, why would you care about lebanon
the filthy zionist canadian scum wants to talk to me, not knowing that i don't speak to zionist scum
You!!! are the Zionist Traitors your leaders pretend to hate the Zionist when in fact they are the Zionist partners in crime... and at the same time your Nassri boss fools you all to think that he is anti Zionist When in fact he is one...
Don't mind jabalamel, he just came back from killing innocent people in Syria. He is suffering of PTSD...
We dont want to know jabal, we have enough imagination for this, unlike you... Using a basic vocabulary. A shame for the Shia community you pretend to incarnate.