رصاص ابتهاج واحتفالات في مخيمي عين الحلوة ونهر البارد بتفجير تل ابيب
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اقدم فلسطينيون في مخيم نهر البارد للاجئين الاربعاء على اطلاق المفرقعات وتقديم الحلوى احتفاء بعملية التفجير في تل ابيب التي تسببت باصابة 17 شخصا بجروح، واطلق رصاص ابتهاج للغاية نفسها في مخيم آخر في الجنوب.
وذكرت مصادر فلسطينية لوكالة فرانس برس ان فلسطينيين "قاموا باطلاق المفرقعات، وتقديم الحلى في الطريق في مخيم نهر البارد احتفاء بانفجار تل ابيب".
واشارت المصادر الى ان المساجد بثت من مكبرات الصوت تكبيرات واناشيد دينية.
ونقلت "فرانس برس" عن مصادر فلسطينية في مخيم عين الحلوة في مدينة صيدا في الجنوب ان "فلسطينيين خرجوا في مسيرات عفوية الى طرق المخيم مطلقين هتافات مبتهجة بانفجار تل ابيب. كما اطلق مسلحون الرصاص في الهواء من اسلحة رشاشة، وسمعت اناشيد وطنية واسلامية تنطلق من مكبرات للصوت في المخيم".
وجرح سبعة عشر شخصا الاربعاء في انفجار استهدف حافلة في وسط تل ابيب، بحسب ما ذكرت خدمات الطوارىء في اسرائيل.

Who was the target boulmich? an M14 Political figure? smile, tomorrow will be worse.

Never fired a gun although I own an inherited 50 y.o rifle gun in the European country I live in. I'd like to try target shooting w/ a hand gun.
Who didn't steal candy? We all did when we were preteens.

Unfortunately, after a time guests become pests, and it is time that Lebanon crushed these pests.
By the way according to the strict understanding of the word "refugee" it is someone who has been displaced from wherever he was born, either internally in the country or out of it. So the refugees in Lebanon are all over 64 years old, all the other are just Lebanese-born Palestinians.

No phillipo, a refugee is also one who is descended from a refugee while he continues to have the refugee status. You are the pest who come to this site defending the terrorist israel. May God crush you just like you deserve. You are filth and will remain filth.

Nothing sick about celebrating that the enemy who has killed on a ration of 20-1 for over 60 years is harmed. That is only human to celebrate after the one who has terrorized you in hundreds of ways including stealing your land, your house, killing your children, parents, spouses, injuring hundreds of thousands, destroying schools, mosques, churches, historic buildings, uprooting trees, destroying fields, lying about you etc etc FINALLY gets a piece of their own medicine back. Whether its in lebanon, the US, Ecuador, Spain, Sweden or anywhere else, people celebrate when their opressor is harmed. Its called being human, its only natural.

Who are "we"? Because last time i checked, the army has been attacked by basicly every single lebanese faction (or supporters of that faction that is). So why is it that if a Palestinian fires at the army (which almost never happens, (fath el islem were not a palestinian group), all of a sudden you blame all, and say things such as we are at the end of our patience with them. Had you been smart then you should be at the end of your patience with criminals PERIOD, most criminals in lebanon are lebanese so stop being unjust. Australian racists say the same things about lebanese in their country.